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Throw a type error if argument is not an instance of array.


Throw a type error if an element of the given array is not of type integer.


Should return an array and substitude any element with the word "lucky" if it is contains a 3.


Should return an array and substitude any element with the word "fizz" if it is a multiple of 3.


Should return an array and substitude any element with the word "buzz" if it is a multiple of 5.


Should return an array and substitude any element with the word "fizzbuzz" if it is a multiple of 15.


Should return an array and do not substitude any value if it is not a multiple of 3, 5 or 15.


Should return an array and substitude elements if they are a multiple of 3, 5 or 15.


Throw a type error if argument is not an instance of array.


Produces a report from the given


Throw a type error if argument is not an instance of array.


Write to standard output


Throw a type error if argument is not an instance of object.


Write report to standard output


Should return the current version
