Home Reference Source Test Repository


Description Identifier Count

can be created with no config


can be created with name


can be created with name config


can be created with version config


has immutable version


rejects unnamed commands


can add a command


gets the command


should fail if invoked without command


should fail if invoked without subcommand


should run if invoked with subcommand


sees arguments


passes args to subcommands


ignores undefined options


sees options


returns empty object for no options


returns default options


returns default and overriden options


calls the action without calling args


calls the action with null args


calls the action with empty args


calls the action with one argument


calls the action with one short option


calls the action with one long option


calls the action with many options


calls command action if no subcommand given


calls command action if unknown subcommand given


calls sub command action if subcommand given


Parses short options


Parses long options


Parses short and long options


Parses short optional arguments


Parses short required arguments


Parses long optional arguments


Parses long required arguments


Parses short and long with optional arguments


Parses short and long with required arguments


fails on duplicated values


creates short flags


creates long flags


creates options with optional values


creates options with required values


sees defaults


sees long flags


sees long args


sees defaults


sees short flags


sees short args


sees defaults


sees short flags


sees short args


validates required arguments


passes the root command to the root action


passes the sub command to the sub action
