Home Manual Reference Source Test Repository


Description Identifier Count

should return an empty string if the alias is not resolvable


should eventually throw an error if the alias is not resolvable


should return the path or URL of the specified alias


should return the specified value if it is not a path alias


should throw an error if the specified name is empty


should normalize the directory separator


should add the required @ character to the specified name


should remove an alias if the specified value is empty


should have an "any IPv4" address as the default address


should be the value of the underlying "address" setting


should be false in production environment


should be true in development environment


should be "development" if the NODE_ENV environment variable is not set


should equal the value of NODE_ENV environment variable when it is set


should return whether the application is listening


should be "My Application" by default


should be the value of the underlying "name" setting


should be 3000 by default


should be the value of the underlying "port" setting


should return a null reference by default


should return a singleton instance when the application is started


should throw an error if the type is not resolvable


should return instances of any class from NPM packages


should return instances of any class from local modules


should handle the constructor parameters


should handle the property initialization


should throw an error if the class alias is invalid


should return the constructor of any class from NPM packages


should return the constructor of any class from local modules
