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should return a Gulp.js task, that is a function


should return a Gulp.js task, that is a function


should set the language property


should set the region property


should return the specified value if it is an unknown locale


should return the specified value if it is already a specific locale


should return a specific locale if the specified value is a known neutral locale


should return a map with default values for a newly created instance


should return a non-empty map for an initialized instance


should return an empty string for a new instance


should return a format like "<language>" for neutral locales


should return a format like "<language>-<region>" for specific locales


should have default values for a newly created instance


should have custom values for an initialized instance


should return an emtpy string for an unknown file extension


should return the proper type for a known file extension


should have default values for a newly created instance


should have custom values for an initialized instance
