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Description Identifier Count

should throw


should not throw


should call UART#bind()


should wait until readiness


should continue


should trim a trailing [0xff, 0xff, 0xff] from the read buffer


should not throw


should throw


should parse three (3) UInt8 values


should return a result object containing number "pageId", number "buttonId" and boolean "releaseEvent"


should parse one (1) UInt8 values


should return a result object containing number "pageId"


should return a result object containing value of the string


should read an signed 16-bit integer


should interpret four coordinates and a touch event


should delegate to touchCoordinate


should not throw


should return a UART instance


should set default option "returnCommandResult: always"


should throw

unit/uart.spec.js -
unit/uart.spec.js -

should cause UART to emit "error"


should return a hexadecimal representation of a number


should pad the hexadecimal representation
