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import L from 'leaflet'
import c3 from 'c3'
import {getLanguageString, stringifyUnit, getReferenceObject} from 'covutils'

 * Displays a popup with an interactive plot showing the data
 * of the vertical profile coverage.
 * @example
 * layer.bindPopup(new C.VerticalProfilePlot(coverage))
export class VerticalProfilePlot extends L.Popup {
   * Creates a vertical profile plot popup.
   * @param {Coverage|Array<Coverage>} coverage The vertical profile coverage to visualize.
   *   If an array of vertical profile coverages is given, then the vertical reference systems
   *   are assumed to be identical.
   * @param {object} [options] Popup options. See also http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#popup-options.
   * @param {Array|Array<Array>} [options.parameters] The parameters to display.
   *   For a single coverage, an array of parameter keys, each parameter is accessible in a drop down.
   *   The default for a single coverage is to display all parameters.
   *   For multiple coverages, an array of parameter key groups, each group is accessible in a drop down.
   *   Each group array is ordered as the coverage array and determines which parameter of each coverage
   *   is displayed in a single plot. In each group, at least one item must be defined.
   *   The default for multiple coverages is to display all parameters and treat each one as a separate group.
   * @param {string} [options.language] A language tag, indicating the preferred language to use for labels.
   * @param {string} [options.precision=4] The number of significant digits to display.
  constructor (coverage, options = {}) {
    options.maxWidth = options.maxWidth || 350
    this._covs = Array.isArray(coverage) ? coverage : [coverage]
    this._language = options.language
    this._precision = options.precision || 4
    this._labels = options.labels ? options.labels : new Array(this._covs.length)
    if (options.parameters) {
      options.parameters = options.keys

    let keyGroups = []
    if (!options.keys) {
      // treat all parameters of all coverages as separate
      for (let i=0; i < this._covs.length; i++) {
        for (let key of this._covs[i].parameters.keys()) {
          let group = new Array(this._covs.length)
          group[i] = key
    } else if (!Array.isArray(options.keys[0])) {
      // short-cut for a single coverage, acts as parameter selector
      keyGroups = options.keys.map(key => [key])
    } else {
      // user defines which parameters to display and how to group them
      keyGroups = options.keys
    // filter out groups which only contain null/undefined keys
    keyGroups = keyGroups.filter(group => !group.every(key => !key))
    if (keyGroups.some(group => group.length !== this._covs.length)) {
      throw new Error('Length of each parameter group must match number of coverages')
    // 2D array of parameter key groups, where each inner array is ordered like the coverages array
    this._paramKeyGroups = keyGroups
    // Map from coverage to param keys
    this._paramKeys = new Map()
    for (let i=0; i < this._covs.length; i++) {
      let keys = this._paramKeyGroups.map(group => group[i]).filter(key => key)
      this._paramKeys.set(this._covs[i], keys)
   * @ignore
  onAdd (map) {
    let domainPromise = Promise.all(this._covs.map(cov => cov.loadDomain()))
    let rangePromise = Promise.all(this._covs.map(cov => cov.loadRanges(this._paramKeys.get(cov))))
    Promise.all([domainPromise, rangePromise]).then(([domains, ranges]) => {
      this._domains = domains
      this._ranges = ranges
    }).catch(e => {
      this.fire('error', e)      
  _addPlotToPopup () {    
    // display first parameter group
    let paramKeyGroup = this._paramKeyGroups[0]    
    let plot = this._getPlotElement(paramKeyGroup)
    let el = document.createElement('div')
    // display dropdown if multiple parameter groups
    if (this._paramKeyGroups.length > 1) {
      let select = document.createElement('select')
      for (let [paramKeyGroup,i] of this._paramKeyGroups.map((v,i) => [v,i])) {
        let refParam = this._getRefParam(paramKeyGroup)
        let option = document.createElement('option')
        option.value = i
        option.text = getLanguageString(refParam.observedProperty.label, this._language)
      select.addEventListener('change', () => {
        let group = this._paramKeyGroups[parseInt(select.value)]
        plot = this._getPlotElement(group)
  _getRefParam (paramKeyGroup) {
    // use first defined parameter as representative for the group
    let covsWithParamKey = zip(this._covs, paramKeyGroup)
    let [refCov, refParamKey] = covsWithParamKey.filter(([,key]) => key)[0]
    let refParam = refCov.parameters.get(refParamKey)
    return refParam
  _getPlotElement (paramKeyGroup) {    
    let refDomain = this._domains[0]
    let covsWithParamKey = zip(this._covs, paramKeyGroup)
    let refParam = this._getRefParam(paramKeyGroup)
    // axis labels
    let zName = 'Vertical'
    let zUnit = ''
    let vertRef = getReferenceObject(refDomain, 'z')
    if (vertRef && vertRef.coordinates.length === 1) {
      let vertSrs = vertRef.system
      if (vertSrs.cs && (vertSrs.cs.axes || vertSrs.cs.csAxes)) {
        let ax = vertSrs.cs.axes ? vertSrs.cs.axes[0] : vertSrs.cs.csAxes[0]
        zUnit = stringifyUnit(ax.unit, this._language)
        if (ax.name) {
          zName = getLanguageString(ax.name, this._language)
    let xLabel = zName
    if (zUnit) {
      xLabel += ' (' + zUnit + ')'
    let unit = stringifyUnit(refParam.unit, this._language)
    let obsPropLabel = getLanguageString(refParam.observedProperty.label, this._language)
    // http://c3js.org/samples/simple_xy_multiple.html
    // axis values
    let xs = {}
    let columns = []
    let names = {}
    for (let i=0; i < this._covs.length; i++) {
      let paramKey = covsWithParamKey[i][1]
      if (!paramKey) {
      let xname = 'x' + i
      let yname = refParam.key + i

      names[yname] = this._labels[i] ? this._labels[i] : obsPropLabel
      xs[yname] = xname
      let zVals = this._domains[i].axes.get('z').values
      let vals = this._ranges[i].get(paramKey)
      let x = [xname]
      let y = [yname]
      for (let j=0; j < zVals.length; j++) {
        let val = vals.get({z: j})
        if (val === null) {
        let z = zVals[j]
    let width = 350
    let height = 300
    let el = document.createElement('div')
    // work-around, otherwise popup is too small
    el.style.width = width + 'px'
    el.style.height = height + 'px'

      bindto: el,
      data: {
      axis: {
        rotated: true,
        x: {
          tick: {
            count: 10,
            format: x => x.toPrecision(this._precision)
          label: {
            text: xLabel,
            position: 'outer-center'
        y: {
          tick: {
            count: 7,
            format: x => x.toPrecision(this._precision)
          label: {
            text: obsPropLabel + (unit ? ' (' + unit + ')' : ''),
            position: 'outer-middle'
      grid: {
        x: {
            show: true
        y: {
            show: true
      legend: {
        show: this._covs.length > 1 ? true : false
      tooltip: {
        format: {
          title: d => zName + ': ' + d.toPrecision(this._precision) + ' ' + zUnit,
          value: (value, ratio, id) => value.toPrecision(this._precision) + ' ' + unit
      zoom: {
        enabled: true,
        rescale: true
      size: {
    return el

function zip (a, b) {
  return a.map((e, i) => [a[i], b[i]])