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import cache from '../util/cache';
import * as DataSync from '../util/DataSync';
import * as Log from '../util/Log';
import * as Events from '../../definitions/Events';

 * A published Stream
 * @public
export default class Remote {
	 * @access protected
	 * @param {object} values
	constructor(values) {
		Log.d('Remote~new', values);
		 * The uid of the room the stream is published in
		 * @type {string}
		this.roomId = values.roomId;
		 * The uid of this stream
		 * @type {string}
		this.uid = values.uid;
		 * The uid of the publisher of the stream
		 * @type {string}
		this.from = values.from;
		 * The type of the stream
		 * @type {string}
		this.type = values.type;
		 * @type {string}
		this.device = values.device;
		 * the user agent of the publisher of the stream
		 * @type {string}
		this.userAgent = values.userAgent;
		 * @type {string}
		this.height = values.height;
		 * @type {string}
		this.width = values.width;
		 * The local DOM container element where the {@link Local~media} is displayed
		 * @type {Element}
		this.container = cache.config.remoteStreamContainer;
		 * @type {{audio: boolean, video: boolean}}
		this.muted = Object.assign({audio: false, video: false}, values.muted);
		 * List of callbacks for mute status change
		 * @type {{MUTE: function[]}}
		 * @private
		this._callbacks = {};
		 * PeerConnections associated to this remote stream
		 * @type {PeerConnection}
		this.peerConnection = null;

	 * DOM element where the MediaStream is displayed
	 * @returns {Element}
	get node() {
		return this.peerConnection ? this.peerConnection.node : null;

	 * Subscribe to the stream
	 * @param {Element} [remoteStreamContainer] The element the stream is attached to. Can be null if already specified in ReachConfig.
	 * @returns {Promise}
	subscribe(remoteStreamContainer) {
		if(!cache.user) {
			return Promise.reject(new Error('Only an authenticated user can subscribe to a Room\'s stream.'));
		// TODO: Test if not already subscribed ?
		this.container = remoteStreamContainer || cache.config.remoteStreamContainer;
		Log.d('Remote~subscribe', this.container);
		return cache.peerConnections.answer(this, this.container)
			.then(pc => {this.peerConnection = pc;})
			.then(() => DataSync.update(`_/rooms/${this.roomId}/subscribers/${this.uid}/${cache.device}`, {
				to: cache.user.uid,
				_created: DataSync.ts()
			.then(() => {
				let subscribed = false;
				DataSync.on(`_/rooms/${this.roomId}/streams/${this.uid}`, 'value', snapData => {
					const values = snapData.val();
					Log.d('Remote~updated', values);
					if(values) {
						// Update type
						this.type = values.type;
						//update stream size
						const height = values.height;
						const width = values.width;
						if((height || width) && (height !== this.height || width !== this.height)) {
							this.height = values.height;
							this.width = values.width;
							(this._callbacks[Events.stream.SIZE] || []).forEach(cb => cb(this.height, this.width));
						// Update mute status
						const muted = values.muted;
						if(muted && (muted.audio !== this.muted.audio || muted.video !== this.muted.video)) {
							this.muted = muted;
							(this._callbacks[Events.stream.MUTE] || []).forEach(cb => cb(this.muted));
						subscribed = true;
					} else if(subscribed) {
						Log.i('Remote#removed', this);

	 * Unsubscribe from the stream
	 * @returns {Promise}
	unSubscribe() {
		return this._close(false);

	 * Close the remote Stream
	 * @param {boolean} remote Close is initiated by publisher
	 * @returns {*}
	 * @private
	_close(remote) {
		// Cancel onDisconnect
		// Stop listening to stream modifications
		DataSync.off(`_/rooms/${this.roomId}/streams/${this.uid}`, 'value');
		// Un-subscribe
		!remote && DataSync.remove(`_/rooms/${this.roomId}/subscribers/${this.uid}/${cache.device}`);
		// Close PeerConnection
		return Promise.resolve(cache.peerConnections.close(this.uid, this.device));

	 * Register a callback for a specific event
	 * @param {string} event The event name ({@link Events/Stream})
	 * @param {function} callback The callback for the event
	on(event, callback) {
		if(Events.stream.supports(event)) {
			if(!this._callbacks[event]) {
				this._callbacks[event] = [];

	 * Register a callback for a specific event
	 * @param {string} [event] The event name ({@link Events/Stream})
	 * @param {function} [callback] The callback for the event
	off(event, callback) {
		if(!event) {
			this._callbacks = {};
		} else if(Events.stream.supports(event)) {
			if(!callback) {
				this._callbacks[event] = [];
			} else {
				this._callbacks[event] = this._callbacks[event].filter(cb => cb !== callback);

	 * @access protected
	 * @param {object} values
	update(values) {
		Object.keys(values).forEach(key => {this[key] = values[key];});