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import * as DataSync from './util/DataSync';
import cache from './util/cache';
import Participant from './Participant';
import Message from './Message';
import Local from './stream/Local';
import Invite from './Invite';
import * as Events from '../definitions/Events';
import * as Log from './util/Log';
import {REJECTED, CANCELED} from './util/constants';

const _joinRoom = (room, role) => {
	if (room.status !== CLOSED) {
		const participant = {
			status: CONNECTED,
			userAgent: cache.userAgent,
			_joined: DataSync.ts()
		if(role) {
			participant.role = role;
		Log.w('Room#join', [participant, `_/rooms/${room.uid}/participants/${cache.user.uid}`]);
		return DataSync
			.update(`_/rooms/${room.uid}/participants/${cache.user.uid}`, participant)
			.then(() => {
				return room;
	return Promise.reject(new Error('can\'t join a close room'));

 * Room information
 * @access public
export default class Room {
	 * Create a room
	 * @param {Webcom/api.DataSnapshot|Object} snapData The data snapshot
	 * @access protected
	constructor(snapData) {
		let values = snapData;
		if(snapData && snapData.val && typeof snapData.val === 'function'){
			values = Object.assign({}, snapData.val(), {uid: snapData.name()});
		 * The room unique id
		 * @type {string}
		this.uid = values.uid;
		 * The room name
		 * @type {string}
		this.name = values.name;
		 * The local stream of the room
		 * @type {Local}
		this.localStream = {};
		 * The room owner uid
		 * @type {string}
		this.owner = values.owner;
		 * The room status:
		 * - OPENED
		 * - CLOSED
		 * @type {string}
		this.status = values.status;

		 * Indicates that the room is public so all users can join
		 * @type {boolean}
		this._public = !!values._public;

		 * Additional room informations
		 * @type {Object}
		this.extra = values.extra;

		 * List of declared callbacks
		 * @type {Object}
		this._callbacks = {};

	 * Get the list of participants.
	 * This will only work if the user is either a participant or the owner of the room.
	 * @returns {Promise<Participant[], Error>}
	participants() {
		return DataSync.list(`_/rooms/${this.uid}/participants`, Participant, this.uid);

	 * Get the list of messages.
	 * This will only work if the user is either a participant or the owner of the room.
	 * @return {Promise<Message[], Error>}
	messages() {
		return DataSync.list(`_/rooms/${this.uid}/messages`, Message, this.uid);

	 * Get the list of streams
	 * @returns {Promise}
	 * @access private
	_streams(localStreams) {
		if(!cache.user) {
			return Promise.reject(new Error('Only an authenticated user can list a Room\'s streams.'));
		return DataSync.get(`_/rooms/${this.uid}/streams`)
			.then(snapData => {
				const values = snapData.val();
				Log.d('Rooms~_streams', values);
				if(values) {
					return Object.keys(values).map(key => Object.assign({uid: key, roomId: this.uid}, values[key]));
				return [];
			.then(streams => streams.filter(stream => {
				console.log(('on passe par ici et ça marche'));
				return localStreams === (stream.device === cache.device && stream.from === cache.user.uid);
			.then(streams => streams.map(cache.streams[`get${localStreams ? 'Shared' : 'Remote'}`].bind(cache.streams)))
			.then(streams => streams.filter(stream => stream !== null));

	 * Get the list of locally published streams. The streams published with another device won't be visible here
	 * This will only work if the user is either a participant or the owner of the room.
	 * @return {Promise<Local[], Error>}
	localStreams() {
		return this._streams(true)

	 * Get the list of remotely published streams.
	 * This will only work if the user is either a participant or the owner of the room.
	 * @return {Promise<Remote[], Error>}
	remoteStreams() {
		console.log('on veut récupérer les remotes');
		return this._streams(false)

	 * Invite users to the room. this will only work if the current User is the owner or a moderator of this Room.
	 * This will create the invitation and add the user to the participants list.
	 * @param {User[]} users the users to invite
	 * @param {string} [role='NONE'] the role of the invitee
	 * @param {string} [message] a message to add to the invite
	 * @return {Promise<{room: Room, invites: Invite[]}, Error>}
	invite(users, role = NONE, message) {
			_path = user => `_/rooms/${this.uid}/participants/${user.uid}`,
			_data = {
				status: NOT_CONNECTED,
				role: role || NONE
		// Add users as participant so they can join the room
		return Promise.all(users.map(user => DataSync.set(_path(user), _data)))
			// Send invites
			.then(() => Promise.all(users.map(user => Invite.send(user, this, message))))
			.then(invites => {
				const removeParticipant = invite => DataSync.remove(`_/rooms/${invite.room}/participants/${invite.to}`);
				invites.forEach(invite => {
					invite.on(REJECTED, removeParticipant);
					invite.on(CANCELED, removeParticipant);
				return {room: this, invites};
			.catch(e => {
				Log.e('Room~invite', e);
				users.forEach(user => DataSync.remove(`_/rooms/${this.uid}/participants/${user.uid}`));
				return Promise.reject(e);

	 * Register a callback for a specific event
	 * @param {string} event The event name ({@link Events/Room}):
	 * - PARTICIPANT_ADDED: a participant is added to the room
	 * - PARTICIPANT_CHANGED: a participant changes his status (join)
	 * - PARTICIPANT_REMOVED: a participant leave the room
	 * - MESSAGE_ADDED: new instant message
	 * - MESSAGE_CHANGED: an existing message has been modified (moderation)
	 * - MESSAGE_REMOVED: a message has been removed (moderation)
	 * - STREAM_PUBLISHED: a participant published a new Stream
	 * - STREAM_CHANGED: a participant changes his published Stream (moderation, type, mute...)
	 * - STREAM_UNPUBLISHED: a participant stops the publication of his Stream
	 * @param {function} callback The callback for the event, the arguments depends on the type of event:
	 * - PARTICIPANT_* : callback({@link Participant} p [, Error e])
	 * - MESSAGE_* : callback({@link Message} m [, Error e])
	 * - STREAM_* : callback({@link Remote} s [, Error e])
	 * @param {Webcom/api.Query~cancelCallback} cancelCallback The error callback for the event, takes an Error as only argument
	on(event, callback, cancelCallback) {
			path = Events.room.toPath(event)(this),
			obj = Events.room.toClass(event);
		if(path && obj) {
			const typedCallback = snapData => {
				if(!/^STREAM_/i.test(event) || !snapData) {
					Log.i(`Room~on(${event})`, snapData ? new obj(snapData) : null);
					callback(snapData ? new obj(snapData) : null);
				} else if(cache.user) {
					const streamData = Object.assign({uid: snapData.name(), roomId: this.uid}, snapData.val());
					if(streamData.from !== cache.user.uid || streamData.device !== cache.device) {
						const remoteStream = cache.streams.getRemote(streamData);
						Log.i(`Room~on(${event})`, remoteStream);
			DataSync.on(path, event, typedCallback, cancelCallback);
			if(!this._callbacks[event]) {
				this._callbacks[event] = [];

	 * Send an instant message
	 * @param {string} message The message to send
	 * @return {Promise<Message>}
	sendMessage(message) {
		return Message.send(this, message);

	 * Publish a local stream
	 * @param {string} type The stream type, see {@link StreamTypes} for possible values
	 * @param {Element} [localStreamContainer] The element the stream is attached to. Can be null if already specified in {@link Config}.
	 * @param {MediaStreamConstraints} [constraints] The stream constraints. If not defined, the constraints defined in {@link Config} will be used.
	 * @returns {Promise<Local, Error>}
	share(type, localStreamContainer, constraints) {
		Log.i('Room~share', {type, localStreamContainer, constraints});
		return Local.share(this.uid, type, localStreamContainer, constraints);

	 * get a local stream in video tag
	 * @param {string} type The stream type, see {@link StreamTypes} for possible values
	 * @param {Element} [localStreamContainer] The element the stream is attached to. Can be null if already specified in {@link Config}.
	 * @param {MediaStreamConstraints} [constraints] The stream constraints. If not defined, the constraints defined in {@link Config} will be used.
	 * @returns {Promise<Local, Error>}
	getLocalVideo(type, localStreamContainer, constraints) {
		Log.i('Room~getLocalVideo', {type, localStreamContainer, constraints});
		return Local.getLocalVideo(this.uid, type, localStreamContainer, constraints)
		.then( localStream => {
			this.localStream = localStream;
			return localStream;

	 * publish a local stream
	 * @returns {Local}
	publish() {
		Log.i('Room~publish Local');
		return Local.publish(this.localStream);

	 * Join the room. Sets the connected status of the current participant to CONNECTED.
	 * @return {Promise}
	join() {
		Log.i('Room~join', this);
		if(!cache.user) {
			return Promise.reject(new Error('Only an authenticated user can join a Room.'));
		return _joinRoom(this).catch(Log.r('Room~join'));

	 * Leave the room. Sets the connected status of the current participant to WAS_CONNECTED, deletes medias and callbacks, closes WebRTC stacks in use.
	 * @return {Promise}
	leave() {
		if(!cache.user) {
			return Promise.reject(new Error('Only an authenticated user can leave a Room.'));
		Log.i('Room~leave', this);
		// Cancel onDisconnect

		// Disconnect user's callbacks
		Object.keys(this._callbacks).forEach(event => {
			DataSync.off(Events.room.toPath(event)(this), event);
		// Unpublish all published local streams
		this.localStreams().then(localStreams => localStreams.forEach(localStream => localStream.close()));
		// Unpublish local stream even if not published
		if (this.localStream) {
			console.log('on va cloer le local');
			// this.localStream.close();
			console.log('ouf cest fait');
		// Unsubscribe all remote streams
		console.log('on va désouscrire les remoteStreams');
		this.remoteStreams().then(remoteStreams => remoteStreams.forEach(remoteStream => remoteStream.unSubscribe()));
		console.log('on a désouscrit les remoteStreams');
		// Update status
		return DataSync.set(`_/rooms/${this.uid}/participants/${cache.user.uid}/status`, WAS_CONNECTED)

	 * Leaves & close the Room. Only the owner/moderator can close a room.
	 * @return {Promise}
	close() {
		Log.i('Room~close', this);
		this.status = CLOSED;
		return this.leave()
			.then(() => {
				return DataSync.update(`rooms/${this.uid}`, {
					status: CLOSED,
					_closed: DataSync.ts()
			.then(() => {
				return DataSync.remove(`_/rooms/${this.uid}`);
					// .catch(error => console.error(`le remove de _ rooms ne passe pas ${error}`));

	 * Create a room
	 * @access protected
	 * @param {String} [name] The room name
	 * @param {object} [extra=null] Extra informations
	 * @param {boolean} [publicRoom=false] Indicates public room
	 * @returns {Promise<Room, Error>}
	static create (name, extra = null, publicRoom = false) {
		if(!cache.user) {
			return Promise.reject(new Error('Only an authenticated user can create a Room.'));

			roomMetaData = {
				owner: cache.user.uid,
				_public: publicRoom,
				name: name || `${cache.user.name}-${Date.now()}`
			roomFullMetaData = Object.assign({
				status: OPENED,
				_created: DataSync.ts(),
			}, roomMetaData);

		let room = null;
		// Create public room infos
		return DataSync.push('rooms', roomFullMetaData)
			// Create private room infos
			.then(roomRef => {
				console.log('on a créé la room dans webcom');
				room = new Room(Object.assign({uid: roomRef.name()}, roomFullMetaData));
				console.log('on a créé la room dans le reach');
				return DataSync.update(`_/rooms/${room.uid}/meta`, roomMetaData);
			// Join the room
			.then(() => _joinRoom(room, OWNER))

	 * Get a {@link Room} from its `uid`
	 * @access protected
	 * @param uid
	 * @returns {Promise.<Room>}
	static get (uid) {
		return DataSync.get(`rooms/${uid}`)
			.then(snapData => {
				if(snapData.val()) {
					return new Room(snapData);