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import invariant from 'fbjs/lib/invariant';
import warning from 'fbjs/lib/warning';
import PropTypes from 'react/lib/ReactPropTypes';

import ResourceContainer from '../../Resources/ResourceContainer';
import THREEElementDescriptor from '../THREEElementDescriptor';

 * Resource decorator.
 * Allows descriptors to be slotted into the <resources/> component.
 * @param descriptor The descriptor to be patched
 * @returns {ResourceDescriptor} the modified descriptor class
function resource(descriptor) {
  class ResourceDescriptor extends descriptor {
    static displayName = `${descriptor.displayName || descriptor.name}`;

    // used for docs
    isResource = true;

    constructor(react3RendererInstance) {

      this.hasProp('resourceId', {
        type: PropTypes.string,
        updateInitial: true,
        initialOnly: true,
        update: (threeObject, resourceId, hasProp) => {
          if (hasProp) {
            threeObject.userData._resourceId = resourceId;

            if (!threeObject.userData._hasReferences) {
              threeObject.userData._hasReferences = true;
              threeObject.userData._references = [];
        default: '',

    applyInitialProps(threeObject, props) {
      super.applyInitialProps(threeObject, props);

    setParent(threeObject, parentObject3D) {
      if (parentObject3D instanceof ResourceContainer) {
        if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
            'All resources inside <resources> should have the "resourceId" property. ' +
            `Current resource: <${threeObject.userData.react3internalComponent._elementType}>`);
        } else {

        // still let it be mounted to root
        THREEElementDescriptor.prototype.setParent.call(this, threeObject, parentObject3D);
      } else {
        if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
            `Found <${threeObject.userData.react3internalComponent._elementType}> `
            + 'with a resourceId property, ' +
            'but it was not placed within a <resources/> element.');
        super.setParent(threeObject, parentObject3D);

    highlight(threeObject) {
      let result;

      if (threeObject.userData._resourceId) {
        // it's a resource. Let's highlight all references.
        threeObject.userData.events.emit('highlight', {
          uuid: threeObject.uuid,
          boundingBoxFunc: () => threeObject.userData._references
            .reduce((boxes, objectWithReference) => {
              const boxesForReference =
              if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
                invariant(boxesForReference.length > 0, 'No boxes found for resource.');
              } else {
                invariant(boxesForReference.length > 0);
              return boxes.concat(boxesForReference);
            }, []),
      } else {
        result = super.highlight(threeObject);

      return result;

    hideHighlight(threeObject) {
      let result;

      if (threeObject.userData._resourceId) {
      } else {
        result = super.hideHighlight(threeObject);

      return result;

  return ResourceDescriptor;

module.exports = resource;