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import ReactPropTypeLocationNames from 'react/lib/ReactPropTypeLocationNames';

import THREEElementDescriptor from './THREEElementDescriptor';
import Module from '../Module';
import PropTypeError from '../utils/PropTypeError';

// Returns class name of the object, if any.
// Used for the subclass proptype checker
function getClassName(propValue) {
  if (!propValue.constructor || !propValue.constructor.name) {
    return '<<anonymous>>';
  return propValue.constructor.name;

class ModuleDescriptor extends THREEElementDescriptor {
  constructor(react3RendererInstance) {

    const moduleSubclassValidator = (props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) => {
      const locationName = ReactPropTypeLocationNames[location];

      if (!props[propName]) {
        return new PropTypeError(
          `The ${locationName} \`${propFullName}\` is marked as required in ` +
          `\`${componentName}\`, but its value is \`undefined\`.`

      if (!(props[propName].prototype instanceof Module)) {
        const actualClassName = getClassName(props[propName]);

        return new PropTypeError(`Invalid ${locationName} \`${propFullName}\` ` +
          `of type \`${actualClassName}\` supplied to \`${componentName}\`, ` +
          'expected subclass of `Module`.');

      // success returns undefined
      return undefined;

    moduleSubclassValidator.toString = () =>
      `${'```'} subclass of ReactThreeRenderer.Module ${'```'} *${'```'} required ${'```'}*`;

    this.hasProp('descriptor', {
      type: moduleSubclassValidator,
      update: this.triggerRemount,
      default: undefined,

  construct(props) {
    // going insane here but... let's... just do this.
    const ModuleClass = props.descriptor;
    return new ModuleClass();

  applyInitialProps(threeObject, props) {
    super.applyInitialProps(threeObject, props);


  unmount(threeObject) {


module.exports = ModuleDescriptor;