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import TimeSeriesPlotHighcharts from './popups/TimeSeriesPlotHighcharts.js'
public class | source



L.Popup → TimeSeriesPlotHighcharts

Displays a popup with an interactive plot showing the data of a time series coverage (all axes fixed except time).

Examples are VerticalProfile or PointSeries coverages.


layer.bindPopup(new TimeSeriesPlot(coverage))

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(coverage: Coverage | Array<Coverage>, options: object)

Creates a time series plot popup.

Public Constructors

public constructor(coverage: Coverage | Array<Coverage>, options: object) source

Creates a time series plot popup.


coverage Coverage | Array<Coverage>

The time series coverage to visualize. If an array of time series coverages is given, then the reference systems are assumed to be identical.

options object
  • optional

Popup options. See also http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#popup-options.

options.keys Array | Array<Array>
  • optional

The parameters to display. For a single coverage, an array of parameter keys, each parameter is accessible in a drop down. The default for a single coverage is to display all parameters. For multiple coverages, an array of parameter key groups, each group is accessible in a drop down. Each group array is ordered as the coverage array and determines which parameter of each coverage is displayed in a single plot. In each group, at least one item must be defined. The default for multiple coverages is to display all parameters and treat each one as a separate group.

options.language string
  • optional

A language tag, indicating the preferred language to use for labels.

options.precision string
  • optional
  • default: 4

The number of significant digits to display.