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 * Copyright (c) 2018 Isaac Phoenix ([email protected]).
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

    This file defines BasicQubit, Qubit, WeakQubit and Qureg.

    A Qureg represents a list of Qubit or WeakQubit objects.
    Qubit represents a (logical-level) qubit with a unique index provided by the
    MainEngine. Qubit objects are automatically deallocated if they go out of
    scope and intented to be used within Qureg objects in user code.

      import MainEngine
      const eng = new MainEngine()
      const qubit = eng.allocateQubit()

    qubit is a Qureg of size 1 with one Qubit object which is deallocated once
    qubit goes out of scope.

    WeakQubit are used inside the Command object and are not automatically deallocated.
import {arrayEqual} from '../libs/polyfill'

 * @class BasicQubit
 * @desc
 * objects represent qubits. They have an id and a reference to the owning engine.
export class BasicQubit {
   *  @constructor
   *  Initialize a BasicQubit object.
   *  @param {BasicEngine} engine Owning engine / engine that created the qubit
   *  @param {number} idx Unique index of the qubit referenced by this qubit
  constructor(engine, idx) {
     * @type {BasicEngine}
    this.engine = engine
    this.id = idx

    Return string representation of this qubit.
   @return {string}
  toString() {
    return `${this.id}`

   * @return {string}
  inspect() {
    return this.toString()

    Access the result of a previous measurement and return false / true (0 / 1)
    @return {boolean}
  toBoolean() {
    return this.engine.main.getMeasurementResult(this)

   * @return {number}
  toNumber() {
    return this.toBoolean() ? 1 : 0

   * Compare with other qubit (Returns true if equal id and engine).
   * @param other {BasicQubit|Object} BasicQubit to which to compare this one
   * @return {boolean}
  equal(other) {
    if (this === other) {
      return true
    return other instanceof BasicQubit && this.id === other.id && this.engine === other.engine

  weakCopy() {
    return new BasicQubit(this.engine, this.id)

  static copyArray(array) {
    return array.map(i => i.weakCopy())

 * @class Qubit
 * @desc
    Represents a (logical-level) qubit with a unique index provided by the
    MainEngine. Once the qubit goes out of scope (and is garbage-collected),
    it deallocates itself automatically, allowing automatic resource management.

    Thus the qubit is not copyable only returns a reference to the same object.
export class Qubit extends BasicQubit {
  deallocate() {
    // If a user directly calls this function, then the qubit gets id == -1
    // but stays in active_qubits as it is not yet deleted, hence remove
    // it manually (if the garbage collector calls this function, then the
    // WeakRef in active qubits is already gone):
    if (this.id === -1) {

    try {
      const qubits = this.engine.main.activeQubits
      if (qubits.has(this)) {
    } catch (e) {
      throw e
    } finally {
      this.id = -1

    Non-copyable (returns reference to self).
      To prevent problems with automatic deallocation, qubits are not copyable!
  copy() {
    return this

 * Quantum register class.
Simplifies accessing measured values for single-qubit registers (no []-access necessary)
 and enables pretty-printing of general quantum registers).
 @class Qureg
export class Qureg extends Array {
   * a little different with `Array`: when pass an array as argument, will copy the passed array
   * @constructor
   * @param {...any|number|Array} args
  constructor(...args) {
    const arg0 = args[0]
    if (Array.isArray(arg0)) {
    } else {
     * @ignore
     * @private
    this.__proto__ = Qureg.prototype

   * test if two Quregs are equal
   * @param {Qureg|Object} other
   * @return {boolean}
  equal(other) {
    if (other instanceof Qureg) {
      return arrayEqual(this, other, (x, y) => x.equal(y))
    return false

   * only supported when `length === 1`, use the qubit value as qureg value
   * @throws {Error} will throw when `length !== 1`
   * @return {boolean}
  toBoolean() {
    if (this.length === 1) {
      return this[0].toBoolean()
    throw new Error('qureg.toBoolean(): Quantum register contains more "\n'
        + '"than 1 qubit. Use qureg[idx].toBoolean() instead.')

   * number representation
   * @return {number}
  toNumber() {
    return this.toBoolean() ? 1 : 0

   * add qubits from `other`, return a new Qureg instance
   * @param {Array<Qubit>|Qureg} other
   * @return {Qureg}
  add(other) {
    const array = this.concat(other)
    return new Qureg(array)

   * string description
   * @return {string}
  toString() {
    if (this.length === 0) return 'Qureg[]'
    const ids = this.slice(1).map(({id}) => id)
    ids.push(null) // Forces a flush on last loop iteration.

    const out_list = []
    let start_id = this[0].id
    let count = 1
    ids.forEach((qubit_id) => {
      if (qubit_id === start_id + count) {
        count += 1
      } else {
        // TODO
        if (count > 1) {
          out_list.push(`${start_id}-${start_id + count - 1}`)
        } else {
        start_id = qubit_id
        count = 1

    return `Qureg[${out_list.join(', ')}]`

   * deallocate all qubit, then clear the qureg
  deallocate() {
    this.forEach(qubit => qubit.deallocate())
    this.length = 0

   * @return {BasicEngine}
  get engine() {
    return this[0].engine

   * @param {BasicEngine} newEngine
  set engine(newEngine) {
    this.forEach(looper => looper.engine = newEngine)