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 * Copyright (c) 2018 Isaac Phoenix ([email protected]).
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

* Contains meta gates, i.e.,
* DaggeredGate (Represents the inverse of an arbitrary gate)
* ControlledGate (Represents a controlled version of an arbitrary gate)
* Tensor/All (Applies a single qubit gate to all supplied qubits), e.g.,

Tensor(H) | (qubit1, qubit2) # apply H to qubit #1 and #2

As well as the meta functions
* getInverse (Tries to access the getInverse member function of a gate
and upon failure returns a DaggeredGate)
* C (Creates an n-ary controlled version of an arbitrary gate)
import math from 'mathjs'
import {BasicGate} from './basics'
import {Control} from '../meta/control'
import Cycle, {getInverse} from './_cycle'
import { arrayIsTuple } from '../libs/util'

 * @class DaggeredGate
 * @desc
Wrapper class allowing to execute the inverse of a gate, even when it does
not define one.

    If there is a replacement available, then there is also one for the
    inverse, namely the replacement function run in reverse, while inverting
    all gates. This class enables using this emulation automatically.

    A DaggeredGate is returned automatically when employing the getInverse-
function on a gate which does not provide a getInverse() member function.


with Dagger(eng)
MySpecialGate | qubits

will create a DaggeredGate if MySpecialGate does not implement
getInverse. If there is a decomposition function available, an auto-
replacer engine can automatically replace the inverted gate by a call to
the decomposition function inside a "with Dagger"-statement.
export class DaggeredGate extends BasicGate {
   * @constructor
    Initialize a DaggeredGate representing the inverse of the gate 'gate'.

    @param {BasicGate} gate Any gate object of which to represent the inverse.
  constructor(gate) {
    this.gate = gate
    try {
      this._matrix = math.ctranspose(gate.matrix)
    } catch (e) {


  getInverse() {
    return this.gate

  get matrix() {
    if (!this._matrix) {
      throw new Error('No this attribute')
    return this._matrix

    Return true if self is equal to other, i.e., same type and representing the inverse of the same gate.
  equal(other) {
    return other instanceof DaggeredGate && other.gate.equal(this.gate)

  toString() {
    return `${this.gate.toString()}^\\dagger`

  texString() {
    if (this.gate.texString) {
      return `${this.gate.texString()}\${}^\\dagger$`
    } else {
      return `${this.gate.toString()}\${}^\\dagger$`

Cycle.add('DaggeredGate', DaggeredGate)

 * @class ControlledGate
 * @desc
Controlled version of a gate.

Use the meta function :func:`C()` to create a controlled gate

A wrapper class which enables (multi-) controlled gates. It overloads
the __or__-operator, using the first qubits provided as control qubits.
    The n control-qubits need to be the first n qubits. They can be in
separate quregs.


ControlledGate(gate, 2) | (qb0, qb2, qb3) # qb0 & qb2 are controls
C(gate, 2) | (qb0, qb2, qb3) # This is much nicer.
C(gate, 2) | ([qb0,qb2], qb3) # Is equivalent

    Use :func:`C` rather than ControlledGate, i.e.,


C(X, 2) == Toffoli
export class ControlledGate extends BasicGate {
   * @constructor
    @param {BasicGate} gate Gate to wrap.
    @param {number} n Number of control qubits.
  constructor(gate, n = 1) {
    if (gate instanceof ControlledGate) {
      this.gate = gate.gate
      this.n = gate.n + n
    } else {
      this.gate = gate
      this.n = n

  getInverse() {
    return new ControlledGate(getInverse(this.gate), this.n)

    Apply the controlled gate to qubits, using the first n qubits as

    Note: The control qubits can be split across the first quregs.
    However, the n-th control qubit needs to be the last qubit in a
qureg. The following quregs belong to the gate.

    @param {Array.<Qureg>} qubits qubits to which to apply the gate.
  or(qubits) {
    qubits = BasicGate.makeTupleOfQureg(qubits)
    let ctrl = []
    const gateQuregs = []
    let addingToControls = true
    qubits.forEach((reg) => {
      if (addingToControls) {
        ctrl = ctrl.concat(reg)
        addingToControls = ctrl.length < this.n
      } else {

    // Test that there were enough control quregs and that that
    // the last control qubit was the last qubit in a qureg.
    if (ctrl.length !== this.n) {
      throw new Error('Wrong number of control qubits. '
            + 'First qureg(s) need to contain exactly '
            + 'the required number of control quregs.')

    Control(gateQuregs[0][0].engine, ctrl, () => this.gate.or(gateQuregs))

  toString() {
    let prefix = ''
    for (let i = 0; i < this.n; ++i) {
      prefix += 'C'
    return `${prefix}${this.gate.toString()}`

  equal(other) {
    if (other instanceof this.__proto__.constructor) {
      return this.gate.equal(other.gate) && this.n === other.n
    return false

Return n-controlled version of the provided gate.

    @param {BasicGate} gate Gate to turn into its controlled version
    @param {number} n Number of controls (default: 1)


C(NOT) | (c, q) # equivalent to CNOT | (c, q)
export function C(gate, n = 1) {
  return new ControlledGate(gate, n)

 * @class Tensor
 * @desc
Wrapper class allowing to apply a (single-qubit) gate to every qubit in a
quantum register. Allowed syntax is to supply either a qureg or a tuple
which contains only one qureg.


Tensor(H) | x # applies H to every qubit in the list of qubits x
Tensor(H) | (x,) # alternative to be consistent with other syntax
export class Tensor extends BasicGate {
   * @constructor
   * @param {BasicGate} gate
  constructor(gate) {
    this.gate = gate

  getInverse() {
    return new Tensor(getInverse(this.gate))

  or(qubits) {
    const isTuple = arrayIsTuple(qubits)
    let array = null
    if (isTuple) {
      if (qubits.length !== 1) {
        throw new Error('wrong length')
      array = qubits[0]
    } else {
      array = qubits
    if (!Array.isArray(array)) {
      throw new Error('should be array type!')
    array.forEach(q => this.gate.or(q))

  toString() {
    return `Tensor(${this.gate.toString()})`

export const All = Tensor