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 * Copyright (c) 2018 Isaac Phoenix ([email protected]).
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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This file defines the apply_command function and the Command class.

When a gate is applied to qubits, e.g.,


CNOT | (qubit1, qubit2)

a Command object is generated which represents both the gate, qubits and
control qubits. This Command object then gets sent down the compilation

    In detail, the Gate object overloads the operator| (magic method __or__)
to generate a Command object which stores the qubits in a canonical order
using interchangeable qubit indices defined by the gate to allow the
optimizer to cancel the following two gates

Swap | (qubit1, qubit2)
Swap | (qubit2, qubit1)

The command then gets sent to the MainEngine via the
apply wrapper (apply_command).
import assert from 'assert'
import {arrayEqual} from '../libs/polyfill'
import {getInverse} from './_cycle'
import {BasicQubit, Qureg} from '../types/qubit'
import {markTuple} from '../libs/util'
import {NotMergeable} from '../meta/error'

 * @class Command
 * @desc
Class used as a container to store commands. If a gate is applied to
qubits, then the gate and qubits are saved in a command object. Qubits
are copied into WeakQubitRefs in order to allow early deallocation (would
be kept alive otherwise). WeakQubitRef qubits don't send deallocate gate
when destructed.

gate: The gate to execute
qubits: Tuple of qubit lists (e.g. Quregs). Interchangeable qubits
are stored in a unique order
control_qubits: The Qureg of control qubits in a unique order
engine: The engine (usually: MainEngine)
tags: The list of tag objects associated with this command
(e.g., ComputeTag, UncomputeTag, LoopTag, ...). tag objects need to
support ==, != (__eq__ and __ne__) for comparison as used in e.g.
    TagRemover. New tags should always be added to the end of the list.
    This means that if there are e.g. two LoopTags in a command, tag[0]
is from the inner scope while tag[1] is from the other scope as the
other scope receives the command after the inner scope LoopEngine
and hence adds its LoopTag to the end.
    all_qubits: A tuple of control_qubits + qubits
export default class Command {
   * @constructor
control qubits (Command.control_qubits) are stored as a
list of qubits, and command tags (Command.tags) as a list of tag-
objects. All functions within this class also work if
    BasicQubits are supplied instead of normal Qubit objects (see BasicQubits).

@param {BasicEngine} engine engine which created the qubit (mostly the MainEngine)
@param {BasicGate} gate Gate to be executed
@param {Array.<Qureg>} qubits Array of quantum registers (to which the gate is applied)
@param {Qureg|Array.<Qubit>} controls Qubits that condition the command.
@param {any[]} tags Tags associated with the command.
  constructor(engine, gate, qubits, controls = [], tags = []) {
    const qs = qubits.map(qureg => new Qureg(...qureg.map(looper => new BasicQubit(looper.engine, looper.id))))
    this.gate = gate
    this.tags = tags
    this.qubits = qs
    this.controlQubits = controls
    this.engine = engine

  get qubits() {
    return this._qubits

  set qubits(nq) {
    this._qubits = this.orderQubits(nq)

   * return the copy of current command
   * @return {Command}
  copy() {
    const qubits = this.qubits.map(looper => BasicQubit.copyArray(looper))
    const controlQubits = BasicQubit.copyArray(this.controlQubits)
    return new Command(this.engine, this.gate.copy(), qubits, controlQubits, this.tags.slice(0))

    Get the command object corresponding to the inverse of this command.
    Inverts the gate (if possible) and creates a new command object from the result.

    @throws {NotInvertible} If the gate does not provide an inverse (see BasicGate.getInverse)
  getInverse() {
    return new Command(this.engine, getInverse(this.gate), this.qubits, this.controlQubits, this.tags.slice(0))

    Merge this command with another one and return the merged command object.
    @param {Command} other Other command to merge with this one (self)
    @throws NotMergeable if the gates don't supply a get_merged()-function or can't be merged for other reasons.
  getMerged(other) {
    if (arrayEqual(this.tags, other.tags) && arrayEqual(this.allQubits, other.allQubits) && this.engine === other.engine) {
      return new Command(this.engine, this.gate.getMerged(other.gate), this.qubits, this.controlQubits, this.tags.slice(0))

    throw new NotMergeable('Command not mergeable')

    Order the given qubits according to their IDs (for unique comparison of commands).

    @param {Array.<Qubit>} qubits Array of quantum registers (i.e., tuple of lists of qubits)
    @return {Array.<Qubit>} Ordered tuple of quantum registers
  orderQubits(qubits) {
    const orderedQubits = qubits.slice(0)
    const iqi = this.interchangeableQubitIndices
    iqi.forEach((old_positions) => {
      const new_positions = old_positions.slice(0).sort((a, b) => orderedQubits[a][0].id - orderedQubits[b][0].id)
      const qubits_new_order = []
      new_positions.forEach(l => qubits_new_order.push(orderedQubits[l]))

      old_positions.forEach((v, i) => {
        orderedQubits[v] = qubits_new_order[i]

    return orderedQubits

    Return nested list of qubit indices which are interchangeable.

    Certain qubits can be interchanged (e.g., the qubit order for a Swap
gate). To ensure that only those are sorted when determining the
ordering (see _order_qubits), this.interchangeable_qubit_indices is
If we can interchange qubits 0,1 and qubits 3,4,5,
    then this function returns [[0,1],[3,4,5]]
  get interchangeableQubitIndices() {
    return this.gate.interchangeableQubitIndices

  get controlQubits() {
    return this._controlQubits

    Set control_qubits to qubits
  @param {Qureg} nq quantum register
  set controlQubits(nq) {
    this._controlQubits = nq.sort((a, b) => a.id - b.id).map(q => new BasicQubit(q.engine, q.id))

Add (additional) control qubits to this command object.

    They are sorted to ensure a canonical order. Also Qubit objects
are converted to WeakQubitRef objects to allow garbage collection and
thus early deallocation of qubits.

    @param {Array.<Qubit>} qubits List of qubits which control this
    gate, i.e., the gate is only executed if all qubits are in state 1.
  addControlQubits(qubits) {
    this._controlQubits = this._controlQubits.concat(BasicQubit.copyArray(qubits))
    this._controlQubits.sort((a, b) => a.id - b.id)

  Apply a command.

    Extracts the qubits-owning (target) engine from the Command object and sends the Command to it.
  apply() {

Get all qubits (gate and control qubits).

Returns a tuple T where T[0] is a quantum register (a list of
WeakQubitRef objects) containing the control qubits and T[1:] contains
the quantum registers to which the gate is applied.
  get allQubits() {
    return [this._controlQubits].concat(this.qubits)

  get controlCount() {
    return this.controlQubits.length

  get engine() {
    return this._engine

    Set / Change engine of all qubits to engine.
    @param {BasicEngine} ng New owner of qubits and owner of this Command object
  set engine(ng) {
    this._engine = ng
    this.qubits.forEach((qureg) => {
      qureg.forEach((qubit) => {
        qubit.engine = ng
    this._controlQubits.forEach(qubit => qubit.engine = ng)

  equal(other) {
    if (other instanceof Command) {
      try {
        const f1 = this.gate.equal(other.gate)
        const t1 = arrayEqual(this.tags, other.tags)
        const e1 = this.engine === other.engine
        const b = arrayEqual(this.allQubits, other.allQubits)
        return f1 && t1 && e1 && b
      } catch (e) {
        return false
    return false

   * @return {string}
  toString() {
    let {qubits} = this
    const ctrlqubits = this.controlQubits

    if (ctrlqubits.length > 0) {
      qubits = [ctrlqubits].concat(qubits)
    let qs = ''
    if (qubits.length === 1) {
      qs = new Qureg(qubits[0]).toString()
    } else {
      qs = '( '
      qubits.forEach((qreg) => {
        qs += new Qureg(qreg).toString()
        qs += ', '
      qs = `${qs.substring(0, qs.length - 2)} )`
    let cs = ''
    for (let i = 0; i < ctrlqubits.length; ++i) {
      cs += 'C'
    return `${cs}${this.gate.toString()} | ${qs}`

   * @return {string}
  inspect() {
    return this.toString()