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Defines the BasicGate class, the base class of all gates, the
BasicRotationGate class, the SelfInverseGate, the FastForwardingGate, the
ClassicalInstruction gate, and the BasicMathGate class.

Gates overload the | operator to allow the following syntax:

Gate | (qureg1, qureg2, qureg2)
Gate | (qureg, qubit)
Gate | qureg
Gate | qubit
Gate | (qubit,)

This means that for more than one quantum argument (right side of | ), a tuple
needs to be made explicitely, while for one argument it is optional.
import math from 'mathjs'
import { BasicQubit } from '../types/qubit'
import Command from './command'
import {arrayIsTuple, ObjectCopy} from '../libs/util'
import {NotMergeable} from '../meta/error'

export const ANGLE_PRECISION = 12

 * @abstract
 * @class BasicGate
 * @desc Base class of all gates.
export class BasicGate {
   * @constructor
Set interchangeable qubit indices!

As an example, consider

   ExampleGate | (a,b,c,d,e)

where a and b are interchangeable. Then, call this function as


As another example, consider

   ExampleGate2 | (a,b,c,d,e)

where a and b are interchangeable and, in addition, c, d, and e
are interchangeable among themselves. Then, call this function as

  constructor() {
    this.interchangeableQubitIndices = []

   * @throws {Error}
  getInverse() {
    throw new Error('BasicGate: No getInverse() implemented.')

   * @throws {NotMergeable}
  getMerged() {
    throw new NotMergeable('BasicGate: No getMerged() implemented.')

   * @throws {Error}
  toString() {
    throw new Error('BasicGate: No toString() implemented.')

   * @return {string}
  inspect() {
    return this.toString()

    Convert quantum input of "gate | quantum input" to internal formatting.

    A Command object only accepts tuples of Quregs (list of Qubit objects)
as qubits input parameter. However, with this function we allow the
user to use a more flexible syntax:

    1) Gate | qubit
    2) Gate | [qubit0, qubit1]
    3) Gate | qureg
    4) Gate | (qubit, )
    5) Gate | (qureg, qubit)

where qubit is a Qubit object and qureg is a Qureg object. This
function takes the right hand side of | and transforms it to the
correct input parameter of a Command object which is:

    1) -> Gate | ([qubit], )
    2) -> Gate | ([qubit0, qubit1], )
    3) -> Gate | (qureg, )
    4) -> Gate | ([qubit], )
    5) -> Gate | (qureg, [qubit])

@param {Qubit|Qubit[]|Qureg|Qureg[]} qubits a Qubit object, a list of Qubit objects, a Qureg object,
    or a tuple of Qubit or Qureg objects (can be mixed).
@returns {Qureg[]} Canonical representation A tuple containing Qureg (or list of Qubits) objects.
  static makeTupleOfQureg(qubits) {
    const isTuple = arrayIsTuple(qubits)
    if (!isTuple) {
      qubits = [qubits]
    qubits.forEach((looper, idx) => {
      if (looper instanceof BasicQubit) {
        qubits[idx] = [looper]
    return qubits.slice(0)

    Helper function to generate a command consisting of the gate and the qubits being acted upon.

    @param qubits {Qubit | Array.<Qubit> | Qureg} see BasicGate.makeTupleOfQureg(qubits)
    @return {Command} A Command object containing the gate and the qubits.
  generateCommand(qubits) {
    const qs = BasicGate.makeTupleOfQureg(qubits)
    const engines = []
    qs.forEach((reg) => {
      reg.forEach(q => engines.push(q.engine))
    const eng = engines[0]
    return new Command(eng, this, qs)

    Operator| overload which enables the syntax Gate | qubits.

1) Gate | qubit
2) Gate | [qubit0, qubit1]
3) Gate | qureg
4) Gate | (qubit, )
5) Gate | (qureg, qubit)

   @param qubits {Qubit | Array.<Qubit> | Qureg}
   a Qubit object, a list of Qubit objects, a Qureg object,
   or a tuple of Qubit or Qureg objects (can be mixed).
  or(qubits) {
    const cmd = this.generateCommand(qubits)

   * @param {BasicGate | Object} other
   * @return {boolean}
  equal(other) {
    return this.__proto__ === other.__proto__

   * @return {BasicGate}
  copy() {
    return ObjectCopy(this)

 * @class SelfInverseGate
 * @desc Self-inverse basic gate class.
 * Automatic implementation of the getInverse-member function for self-inverse gates.
 * @example
   // getInverse(H) == H, it is a self-inverse gate:
    getInverse(H) | qubit
export class SelfInverseGate extends BasicGate {
  getInverse() {
    return ObjectCopy(this)

 * @class BasicRotationGate
 * @desc
Defines a base class of a rotation gate.

    A rotation gate has a continuous parameter (the angle), labeled 'angle' /
this.angle. Its inverse is the same gate with the negated argument.
    Rotation gates of the same class can be merged by adding the angles.
    The continuous parameter is modulo 4 * pi, this.angle is in the interval
    [0, 4 * pi).
export class BasicRotationGate extends BasicGate {
   * @constructor
      Initialize a basic rotation gate.
    @param angle {number} Angle of rotation (saved modulo 4 * pi)
  constructor(angle, ...args) {

    let rounded_angle = math.round(math.mod(angle, 4.0 * Math.PI), ANGLE_PRECISION)
    if (rounded_angle > 4 * Math.PI - ANGLE_TOLERANCE) {
      rounded_angle = 0.0
    this.angle = rounded_angle

   * @return {BasicRotationGate}
Return the inverse of this rotation gate (negate the angle, return new
  getInverse() {
    if (this.angle == 0) {
      return new this.__proto__.constructor(0)
    } else {
      return new this.__proto__.constructor(-this.angle + 4 * Math.PI)

    Return self merged with another gate.

    Default implementation handles rotation gate of the same type, where
angles are simply added.

    @param {BasicRotationGate|Object} other
    @throws {NotMergeable}  For non-rotation gates or rotation gates of different type.
    @return {BasicRotationGate} New object representing the merged gates.
  getMerged(other) {
    if (other instanceof BasicRotationGate) {
      return new this.__proto__.constructor(this.angle + other.angle)
    throw new NotMergeable('Can\'t merge different types of rotation gates.')

  toString() {
    return `${this.constructor.name}(${this.angle})`

    Return the Latex string representation of a BasicRotationGate.

  Returns the class name and the angle as a subscript, i.e.

   @return {string}
  texString() {
    return `${this.constructor.name}$_{${this.angle}}$`

  equal(other) {
    if (other instanceof BasicRotationGate) {
      return this.angle == other.angle
    return false

 * @class BasicPhaseGate
 * @desc
Defines a base class of a phase gate.

    A phase gate has a continuous parameter (the angle), labeled 'angle' /
this.angle. Its inverse is the same gate with the negated argument.
    Phase gates of the same class can be merged by adding the angles.
    The continuous parameter is modulo 2 * pi, this.angle is in the interval
    [0, 2 * pi).
export class BasicPhaseGate extends BasicGate {
    Initialize a basic rotation gate.

    @param {number} angle Angle of rotation (saved modulo 2 * pi)
  constructor(angle, ...args) {
    let rounded_angle = math.round(math.mod(angle, 2.0 * Math.PI), ANGLE_PRECISION)
    if (rounded_angle > 2 * Math.PI - ANGLE_TOLERANCE) {
      rounded_angle = 0.0
    this.angle = rounded_angle

    Return the inverse of this rotation gate (negate the angle, return new object).
    @return {BasicPhaseGate}
  getInverse() {
    if (this.angle == 0) {
      return new this.__proto__.constructor(0)
    } else {
      return new this.__proto__.constructor(-this.angle + 2 * Math.PI)

    Return self merged with another gate.

    Default implementation handles rotation gate of the same type, where angles are simply added.

    @param {BasicPhaseGate} other Phase gate of same type.
    @throws NotMergeable For non-rotation gates or rotation gates of different type.
    @return {BasicPhaseGate} New object representing the merged gates.
  getMerged(other) {
    if (other instanceof BasicPhaseGate) {
      return new this.__proto__.constructor(this.angle + other.angle)
    throw new NotMergeable('Can\'t merge different types of rotation gates.')

  toString() {
    return `${this.constructor.name}(${this.angle})`

  texString() {
    return `${this.constructor.name}$_{${this.angle}}$`

  equal(other) {
    if (other instanceof BasicPhaseGate) {
      return this.angle === other.angle
    return false

 * @class ClassicalInstructionGate
 * @desc
  Classical instruction gates never have control qubits.
    Base class for all gates which are not quantum gates in the typical sense,
    e.g., measurement, allocation/deallocation, ...
export class ClassicalInstructionGate extends BasicGate {


 * @class FastForwardingGate
 * @desc
Base class for classical instruction gates which require a fast-forward
through compiler engines that cache / buffer gates. Examples include
Measure and Deallocate, which both should be executed asap, such
that Measurement results are available and resources are freed,

The only requirement is that FlushGate commands run the entire
circuit. FastForwardingGate objects can be used but the user cannot
expect a measurement result to be available for all back-ends when
calling only Measure. E.g., for the IBM Quantum Experience back-end,
    sending the circuit for each Measure-gate would be too inefficient,
    which is why a final



is required before the circuit gets sent through the API.
export class FastForwardingGate extends ClassicalInstructionGate {


 * @class BasicMathGate
 * @desc
Base class for all math gates.

    It allows efficient emulation by providing a mathematical representation
which is given by the concrete gate which derives from this base class.
The AddConstant gate, for example, registers a function of the form


function add(x)
return (x+a,)

upon initialization. More generally, the function takes integers as
parameters and returns a tuple / list of outputs, each entry corresponding
to the function input. As an example, consider out-of-place
multiplication, which takes two input registers and adds the result into a
third, i.e., (a,b,c) -> (a,b,c+a*b). The corresponding function then is


function multiply(a,b,c)
return (a,b,c+a*b)
export class BasicMathGate extends BasicGate {
   * @constructor
    Initialize a BasicMathGate by providing the mathematical function that it implements.

    @param {function} mathFunc Function which takes as many int values as
input, as the gate takes registers. For each of these values,
    it then returns the output (i.e., it returns a list/tuple of
output values).


function add(a,b)
return (a,a+b)
BasicMathGate.__init__(self, add)

If the gate acts on, e.g., fixed point numbers, the number of bits per
register is also required in order to describe the action of such a
mathematical gate. For this reason, there is



which can be overwritten by the gate deriving from BasicMathGate.


function get_math_function(self, qubits)
n = len(qubits[0])
scal = 2.**n
function math_fun(a)
return (int(scal * (math.sin(math.pi * a / scal))),)
return math_fun
  constructor(mathFunc, ...args) {
    this.mathFunc = x => Array.from(mathFunc(...x))

    Return the math function which corresponds to the action of this math
gate, given the input to the gate (a tuple of quantum registers).

  @param {Array.<Qureg>} qubits Qubits to which the math gate is being applied.

    @return {function} javascript function describing the action of this
    gate. (See BasicMathGate.constructor for an example).
  getMathFunction(qubits) {
    return this.mathFunc

  toString() {
    return 'MATH'