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 * Copyright (c) 2018 Isaac Phoenix ([email protected]).
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import {BasicEngine, ForwarderEngine} from '../basics'
import {FlushGate} from '../../ops/gates'
import CommandModifier from '../cmdmodifier'
import {classHierachy} from '../../libs/util';
import {getInverse} from '../../ops/_cycle';
import {NoGateDecompositionError} from '../../meta/error';

 * @class InstructionFilter
 * @desc
The InstructionFilter is a compiler engine which changes the behavior of
isAvailable according to a filter function. All commands are passed to
this function, which then returns whether this command can be executed
(true) or needs replacement (false).
export class InstructionFilter extends BasicEngine {
   * @constructor
  Initializer: The provided filterfun returns true for all commands
which do not need replacement and false for commands that do.

    @param {function} filterFunc Filter function which returns true for
    available commands, and false otherwise. filterfun will be
    called as filterfun(self, cmd).
  constructor(filterFunc) {

    this._filterFunc = filterFunc

  Specialized implementation of BasicBackend.isAvailable: Forwards this
call to the filter function given to the constructor.

    @param {Command} cmd Command for which to check availability.
  isAvailable(cmd) {
    return this._filterFunc(this, cmd)

  Forward all commands to the next engine.

    @param {Command[]} commandList List of commands to receive.
  receive(commandList) {

 * @class AutoReplacer
 * @desc
The AutoReplacer is a compiler engine which uses engine.isAvailable in
order to determine which commands need to be replaced/decomposed/compiled
further. The loaded setup is used to find decomposition rules appropriate
for each command (e.g., setups.default).
export class AutoReplacer extends BasicEngine {
   * @constructor
    @param {DecompositionRuleSet} decompositionRuleSet
    @param {?function} decomposition_chooser A function which, given the
Command to decompose and a list of potential Decomposition
objects, determines (and then returns) the 'best'

    The default decomposition chooser simply returns the first list
element, i.e., calling


repl = new AutoReplacer()

Amounts to


  function decomposition_chooser(cmd, decomp_list) {
    return decomp_list[0]
  const repl = new AutoReplacer(decomposition_chooser)
  constructor(decompositionRuleSet, decomposition_chooser) {
    if (!decomposition_chooser) {
      decomposition_chooser = (cmd, decomposition_list) => decomposition_list[0]

    this._decomp_chooser = decomposition_chooser
    this.decompositionRuleSet = decompositionRuleSet

  Check whether a command cmd can be handled by further engines and,
if not, replace it using the decomposition rules loaded with the setup
(e.g., setups.default).

    @param {Command} cmd Command to process.

    @throws Exception if no replacement is available in the loaded setup.
  _processCommand(cmd) {
    if (this.isAvailable(cmd)) {
    } else {
    // check for decomposition rules
      const decomp_list = []
      let potential_decomps = []

      // First check for a decomposition rules of the gate class, then
      // the gate class of the inverse gate. If nothing is found, do the
      // same for the first parent class, etc.
      const gate_mro = classHierachy(cmd.gate.constructor)
      // If gate does not have an inverse it's parent classes are
      // DaggeredGate, BasicGate, object. Hence don't check the last two
      const inverse_mro = classHierachy(getInverse(cmd.gate).constructor)
      const rules = this.decompositionRuleSet.decompositions
      const total = Math.max(gate_mro.length, inverse_mro.length)
      for (let level = 0; level < total; ++level) {
        // Check for forward rules
        if (level < gate_mro.length) {
          const class_name = gate_mro[level].name
          try {
            potential_decomps = rules[class_name] || []
          } catch (e) {

          potential_decomps.forEach(d => d.check(cmd) && decomp_list.push(d))
          if (decomp_list.length > 0) {
        // Check for rules implementing the inverse gate
        // and run them in reverse

        if (level < inverse_mro.length) {
          const inv_class_name = inverse_mro[level].name
          try {
            let list = rules[inv_class_name] || []
            list = list.map(d => d.getInverseDecomposition())
            potential_decomps = potential_decomps.concat(list)
          } catch (e) {

          // throw out the ones which don't recognize the command
          potential_decomps.forEach(d => d.check(cmd) && decomp_list.push(d))
          if (decomp_list.length > 0) {

      if (decomp_list.length === 0) {
        throw new NoGateDecompositionError(`\nNo replacement found for ${cmd.toString()}!`)

      // use decomposition chooser to determine the best decomposition
      const chosen_decomp = this._decomp_chooser(cmd, decomp_list)

      // the decomposed command must have the same tags
      // (plus the ones it gets from meta-statements inside the
      // decomposition rule).
      // --> use a CommandModifier with a ForwarderEngine to achieve this.
      const old_tags = cmd.tags.slice(0)

      Receive a list of commands from the previous compiler engine and, if
            necessary, replace/decompose the gates according to the decomposition
        rules in the loaded setup.

            @param {Command} command List of commands to handle.
      const cmd_mod_fun = (command) => { // Adds the tags
        command.tags = [...old_tags, ...command.tags]
        command.engine = this.main
        return command
      // the CommandModifier calls cmd_mod_fun for each command
      // --> commands get the right tags.
      const cmod_eng = new CommandModifier(cmd_mod_fun)
      cmod_eng.next = this // send modified commands back here
      cmod_eng.main = this.main
      // forward everything to cmod_eng using the ForwarderEngine
      // which behaves just like MainEngine
      // (--> meta functions still work)
      const forwarder_eng = new ForwarderEngine(cmod_eng)
      cmd.engine = forwarder_eng // send gates directly to forwarder
      // (and not to main engine, which would screw up the ordering).

      chosen_decomp.decompose(cmd) // run the decomposition

  receive(commandList) {
    commandList.forEach((cmd) => {
      if (!(cmd.gate instanceof FlushGate)) {
      } else {