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 * Copyright (c) 2018 Isaac Phoenix ([email protected]).
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import {permutations} from 'itertools'
import BasicMapperEngine from './basicmapper'
import { Allocate, FlushGate, NOT } from '../ops/gates'

import IBMBackend from '../backends/ibm/ibm'

function stringKeyToIntArray(key) {
  return key.split(',').map(i => parseInt(i, 10))

// export const ibmqx4_connections = new Set([2, 1], [4, 2], [2, 0], [3, 2], [3, 4], [1, 0])
 * @type {Set<string>}
export const ibmqx4_connections = new Set(['2,1', '4,2', '2,0', '3,2', '3,4', '1,0'])

 * @class IBM5QubitMapper
 * @desc
Mapper for the 5-qubit IBM backend.

  Maps a given circuit to the IBM Quantum Experience chip.

The mapper has to be run once on the entire circuit.

If the provided circuit cannot be mapped to the hardware layout
without performing Swaps, the mapping procedure
**raises an Exception**.
export default class IBM5QubitMapper extends BasicMapperEngine {
   * @constructor
Initialize an IBM 5-qubit mapper compiler engine.

  Resets the mapping.
  constructor() {
    this.currentMapping = {}

  Check if the IBM backend can perform the Command cmd and return true
if so.

  @param {Command} cmd The command to check
  isAvailable(cmd) {
    return new IBMBackend().isAvailable(cmd)

  // Reset the mapping parameters so the next circuit can be mapped.
  _reset() {
    this._cmds = []
    this._interactions = {}

  Check if the command corresponds to a CNOT (controlled NOT gate).

  @param {Command} cmd Command to check whether it is a controlled NOT gate.
  _isCNOT(cmd) {
    return (cmd.gate instanceof NOT.constructor && cmd.controlCount === 1)

  Determines the cost of the circuit with the given mapping.

  @param {Object} mapping Dictionary with key, value pairs where keys are
    logical qubit ids and the corresponding value is the physical
    location on the IBM Q chip.
  @return {number} Cost measure taking into account CNOT directionality or None
    if the circuit cannot be executed given the mapping.
  determineCost(mapping) {
    let cost = 0
    const connections = ibmqx4_connections
    const keys = Object.keys(this._interactions)
    for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
      const tpl = stringKeyToIntArray(keys[i])
      const ctrl_id = tpl[0]
      const target_id = tpl[1]
      const ctrl_pos = mapping[ctrl_id]
      const target_pos = mapping[target_id]
      let k = `${ctrl_pos},${target_pos}`
      let v = connections.has(k)
      if (!v) {
        k = `${target_pos},${ctrl_pos}`
        v = connections.has(k)
        if (v) {
          cost += this._interactions[tpl]
        } else {
          return undefined
    return cost

  Runs all stored gates.

  @throws {Error}
  If the mapping to the IBM backend cannot be performed or if
  the mapping was already determined but more CNOTs get sent
down the pipeline.
  run() {
    if (Object.keys(this._currentMapping).length > 0 && Math.max(...Object.values(this._currentMapping)) > 4) {
      throw new Error('Too many qubits allocated. The IBM Q '
      + 'device supports at most 5 qubits and no '
      + 'intermediate measurements / '
      + 'reallocations.')
    if (Object.keys(this._interactions).length > 0) {
      const logical_ids = Object.keys(this._currentMapping).map(k => parseInt(k, 10))
      let best_mapping = this._currentMapping
      let best_cost

      for (const physical_ids of permutations([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], logical_ids.length)) {
        const mapping = {}
        physical_ids.forEach((looper, i) => mapping[logical_ids[i]] = looper)
        const new_cost = this.determineCost(mapping)
        if (new_cost) {
          if (!best_cost || new_cost < best_cost) {
            best_cost = new_cost
            best_mapping = mapping

      if (!best_cost) {
        throw new Error('Circuit cannot be mapped without using Swaps. Mapping failed.')
      this._interactions = {}
      this.currentMapping = best_mapping

    this._cmds.forEach(cmd => this.sendCMDWithMappedIDs(cmd))

    this._cmds = []

  Store a command and handle CNOTs.

  @param {Command} cmd A command to store
  _store(cmd) {
    let target
    if (!(cmd.gate instanceof FlushGate)) {
      target = cmd.qubits[0][0].id

    if (this._isCNOT(cmd)) {
      // CNOT encountered
      const ctrl = cmd.controlQubits[0].id
      const key = [ctrl, target]
      const v = this._interactions[key]
      if (typeof v === 'undefined') {
        this._interactions[key] = 0
      this._interactions[key] += 1
    } else if (cmd.gate.equal(Allocate)) {
      const v = this._currentMapping[target]
      if (typeof v === 'undefined') {
        let newMax = 0
        if (Object.keys(this._currentMapping).length > 0) {
          newMax = Math.max(...Object.values(this._currentMapping)) + 1
        this._currentMapping[target] = newMax

  Receives a command list and, for each command, stores it until

  @param {Command[]} commandList list of commands to receive.

  @throws {Error} If mapping the CNOT gates to 1 qubit would require
Swaps. The current version only supports remapping of CNOT
gates without performing any Swaps due to the large costs
associated with Swapping given the CNOT constraints.
  receive(commandList) {
    commandList.forEach((cmd) => {
      if (cmd.gate instanceof FlushGate) {