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import _ from 'lodash'
import dedent from 'dedent'
import MagisterThing from './magisterThing'
import Person from './person'
import File from './file'
import { cleanHtmlContent, parseDate, toString, cloneClassInstance } from './util'

class Message extends MagisterThing {
	 * @param {Magister} magister The Magister object you want to send this
	 * message from.
	 * @param {Object} [raw] Not needed, only used internally.
	constructor(magister, raw) {

		 * @type {Boolean}
		 * @private
		 * @readonly
		 * @default true
		this._canSend = true
		 * @type {Number}
		 * @private
		 * @readonly
		 * @default 1
		this._type = 1
		 * @type {String}
		 * @readonly
		 * @default ''
		this.subject = ''
		 * If creating a message, this will be an empty string per default.
		 * When retrieving a message from Magister, this will be `undefined` per
		 * default, you should use {@link fill} to get the body.
		 * @type {String}
		 * @readonly
		 * @default ''
		this.body = ''
		 * @type {Person[]}
		 * @readonly
		 * @default []
		this.recipients = []

		if (raw != null) {
			this._canSend = false
			this._type = raw.Soort
			this.subject = raw.Onderwerp
			this.body = undefined
			this.recipients = (raw.Ontvangers || []).map(p => new Person(magister, p))

			 * @type {String}
			 * @readonly
			this.id = toString(raw.Id)
			 * @type {String}
			 * @readonly
			this.folderId = toString(raw.MapId)
			 * @type {Person}
			 * @readonly
			this.sender = new Person(magister, raw.Afzender)
			 * @type {Date}
			 * @readonly
			this.sendDate = parseDate(raw.VerstuurdOp)
			 * @type {Date}
			 * @readonly
			this.begin = parseDate(raw.Begin)
			 * @type {Date}
			 * @readonly
			this.end = parseDate(raw.Einde)
			 * @type {Boolean}
			 * @readonly
			this.isRead = raw.IsGelezen
			 * @type {Number}
			 * @readonly
			this.state = raw.Status
			 * @type {Boolean}
			 * @readonly
			this.isFlagged = raw.HeeftPrioriteit
			 * @type {String}
			 * @readonly
			this.summary = cleanHtmlContent(raw.IngekortBericht)

			 * This will be `undefined` per default, a fill using {@link fill}
			 * is required to retrieve the attachments for this Message.
			 * @type {File[]}
			 * @readonly
			 * @default undefined
			this.attachments = undefined

			 * @type {String}
			 * @private
			 * @readonly
			this._url = `${magister._personUrl}/berichten/${this.id}`

	 * @type {string}
	 * @readonly
	 * @default 'message'
	get type() {
		switch (this._type) {
		case 1:  return 'message'
		case 2:  return 'alert'
		default: return 'unknown'

	 * @param {Person|Person[]} recipients
	addRecipient(recipients) {
		if (!Array.isArray(recipients)) {
			recipients = [ recipients ]

		if (!recipients.every(x => x instanceof Person)) {
			throw new Error('`recipients` should be a Person or an Array of Persons')

		this.recipients = this.recipients.concat(recipients)

	createReplyMessage(content = '') {
		const message = cloneClassInstance(this)

		message.body = dedent`

		message.subject = `RE: ${this.subject}`
		message.recipients = [ this.sender ]

		message._type = 1
		message._canSend = true

		return message

	createReplyToAllMessage(content = '') {
		const message = cloneClassInstance(this)

		message.body = dedent`

		message.subject = `RE: ${this.subject}`
		message.recipients =
			.reject({ id: this._magister.profileInfo.id })

		message._type = 1
		message._canSend = true

		return message

	createForwardMessage(content = '') {
		const message = cloneClassInstance(this)

		message.body = dedent`

		message.subject = `FW: ${this.subject}`

		message._type = 1
		message._canSend = true

		return message

	 * @param {boolean} [fillPersons=false]
	 * @returns {Promise<Message>}
	fill(fillPersons = false) {
		if (this._filled && (this._filledPersons || !fillPersons)) {
			return Promise.resolve(this)

		const url = `${this._magister._personUrl}/berichten/${this.id}?berichtSoort=${this._type}`
		return this._magister.http.get(url)
		.then(res => res.json())
		.then(res => {
			this.body = cleanHtmlContent(res.Inhoud)
			this.attachments = (res.Bijlagen || []).map(a => new File(this._magister, undefined, a))

			if (fillPersons) {
				let promises = []

				// fill sender
					.then(r => this.sender = r)
					.catch(() => this.sender)

				// fill recipients
				promises = promises.concat(
					this.recipients.map(r => {
						return r.getFilled()
						.then(x => x)
						.catch(() => r)

				return Promise.all(promises)
		.then(() => {
			this._filled = true
			return this

	move(destination) {
		if (_.isObject(destination)) {
			destination = destination.id

		if (this.folderId === destination) {
			return Promise.resolve(undefined)

		this.folderId = destination
		return this.saveChanges()

	 * @returns {Promise<Error|undefined>}
	remove() {
		return this._magister._privileges.needs('berichten', 'delete')
		.then(() => this._magister.http.delete(this._url))

	 * Update the server to reflect the changes made on the properties of this
	 * Message instance.
	 * @returns {Promise<undefined>}
	saveChanges() {
		return this._magister._privileges.needs('berichten', 'update')
		.then(() => this._magister.http.put(this._url, this._toMagister()))
		.then(() => undefined)

	 * @returns {Promise<Message>}
	send() {
		const reject = message => Promise.reject(new Error(message))

		if (!this._canSend) {
			return reject('message is marked as unsendable')
		} else if (this.recipients.length === 0) {
			return reject('message doesn\'t have recipients')
		} else if (this.subject.length === 0) {
			return reject('subject is empty')

		return this._magister._privileges.needs('berichten', 'create')
		.then(() => this._magister.http.post(
		.then(() => this)

	toString() {
		return dedent`
			<b>Van:</b> ${this.sender.description}
			<b>Verzonden:</b> ${this.sendDate.toLocaleString()}
			<b>Aan:</b> ${this.recipients.map(p => p.description).join(', ')}
			<b>Onderwerp:</b> ${this.subject}


	 * @private
	 * @returns {Object}
	_toMagister() {
		return {
			Id: this.id,
			Inhoud: this.body,
			MapId: this.folderId, // number?
			Onderwerp: this.subject,
			Ontvangers: this.recipients.map(p => p._toMagister()),
			VerstuurdOp: this.sendDate || new Date(),
			Begin: this.begin,
			Einde: this.end,
			IsGelezen: this.isRead,
			Status: this.state,
			HeeftPrioriteit: this.isFlagged,
			Soort: this._type,

export default Message