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This code is © Copyright Stephen C. Phillips, 2018.
Email: [email protected]
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 * Web browser sound player for older browsers, using XAudioJS by Grant Galitz (https://github.com/taisel/XAudioJS).
 * @example
 * import MorseCWWave from 'morse-pro-cw-wave';
 * import MorsePlayerXAS from 'morse-pro-player-xas';
 * // make sure XAudioJS is loaded
 * var morseCWWave = new MorseCWWave();
 * morseCWWave.translate("abc");
 * var morsePlayerXAS = new MorsePlayerXAS(XAudioServer);
 * morsePlayerXAS.load(morseCWWave);
 * morsePlayerXAS.playFromStart();
export default class MorsePlayerXAS {
     * @param {Object} xaudioServerClass - the XAudioServer class
    constructor(xaudioServerClass) {
        this.xaudioServerClass = xaudioServerClass;
        this._isPlaying = false;
        this.sample = [];
        this._volume = 1;
        this.samplePos = undefined;
        this.noAudio = false;
        this.audioServer = undefined;
        this.sampleRate = undefined;
        this.sample = undefined;

        var that = this;  // needed so that the 3 closures defined here keep a reference to this object

        // XAudioJS callback to get more samples for buffer
        this.audioGenerator = function(samplesToGenerate) {
            if (samplesToGenerate === 0) {
                return [];
            var ret;
            samplesToGenerate = Math.min(samplesToGenerate, that.sample.length - that.samplePos);
            if (samplesToGenerate > 0) {
                ret = that.sample.slice(that.samplePos, that.samplePos + samplesToGenerate);
                that.samplePos += samplesToGenerate;
                return ret;
            } else {
                that._isPlaying = false;
                return [];

        // XAudioJS failure callback
        this.failureCallback = function() {
            that.noAudio = true;

            function () {
                // Runs the check to see if we need to give more audio data to the lib
                if (that._isPlaying) {
            }, 20

        this.load();  // create an xAudioServer so that we know if it works at all and what type it is

     * Set the volume for the player
     * @param {number} v - the volume, clamped to [0,1]
    set volume(v) {
        this._volume = Math.min(Math.max(v, 0), 1);

     * @returns {number} the current volume [0,1]
    get volume() {
        return this._volume;

    stop() {
        this._isPlaying = false;

     * Convenience method to help playing directly from a MorseCWWave instance.
     * @param {Object} cwWave - a MorseCWWave instance
    loadCWWave(cwWave) {
        this.load(cwWave.getSample(), cwWave.sampleRate);

    load(sample, sampleRate) {
        this.sampleRate = sampleRate || 8000;
        this.sample = (sample || []);

        var silence = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < this.sampleRate; i += 1) {
        this.sample = this.sample.concat(silence);  // add on a second of silence to the end to keep IE quiet

        console.log("Trying XAudioServer");

        this.audioServer = new this.xaudioServerClass(
            1,                      // number of channels
            this.sampleRate,        // sample rate
            this.sampleRate >> 2,   // buffer low point for underrun callback triggering
            this.sampleRate << 1,   // internal ring buffer size
            this.audioGenerator,    // audio refill callback triggered when samples remaining < buffer low point
            0,                      // volume
            this.failureCallback    // callback triggered when the browser is found to not support any audio API

    playFromStart() {
        this._isPlaying = true;
        this.samplePos = 0;

    hasError() {
        return this.noAudio;

    get isPlaying() {
        return this._isPlaying;

    get audioType() {
        return this.audioServer.audioType;
        // 3: Audio element using media stream worker
        // 2: Flash
        // 1: Web Audio API with webkit and native support
        // 0: Audio element using Mozilla Audio Data API (https://wiki.mozilla.org/Audio_Data_API)
        // -1: no audio support