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Email: [email protected]
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 * Web browser sound player using Web Audio API.
 * @example
 * import MorseCWWave from 'morse-pro-cw-wave';
 * import MorsePlayerWAA from 'morse-pro-player-waa';
 * var morseCWWave = new MorseCWWave();
 * morseCWWave.translate("abc");
 * var morsePlayerWAA = new MorsePlayerWAA();
 * morsePlayerWAA.loadCWWave(morseCWWave);
 * morsePlayerWAA.playFromStart();
export default class MorsePlayerWAA {
     * @param {function()} sequenceStartCallback - function to call each time the sequence starts.
     * @param {function()} sequenceEndingCallback - function to call when the sequence is nearing the end.
     * @param {function()} soundStoppedCallback - function to call when the sequence stops.
    constructor(sequenceStartCallback, sequenceEndingCallback, soundStoppedCallback) {
        if (sequenceStartCallback !== undefined) this.sequenceStartCallback = sequenceStartCallback;
        if (sequenceEndingCallback !== undefined) this.sequenceEndingCallback = sequenceEndingCallback;
        if (soundStoppedCallback !== undefined) this.soundStoppedCallback = soundStoppedCallback;
        this._noAudio = false;
        console.log("Trying Web Audio API (Oscillators)");
        this.audioContextClass = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
        if (this.audioContextClass === undefined) {
            this._noAudio = true;
            throw (new Error("No AudioContext class defined"));

        this.loop = false;
        this.frequency = undefined;
        this.startPadding = 0;  // number of ms to wait before playing first note of initial sequence
        this.endPadding = 0;  // number of ms to wait at the end of a sequence before playing the next one (or looping)

        this._cTimings = [];
        this._isPlaying = false;
        this._isPaused = false;
        this._volume = 1;
        this._lookAheadTime = 0.1;  // seconds
        this._timerInterval = 0.05;  // seconds
        this._timer = undefined;
        this._stopTimer = undefined;
        this._notPlayedANote = true;

     * Set up the audio graph
     * @access: private
    _initialiseAudioNodes() {
        this.audioContext = new this.audioContextClass();
        this.splitterNode = this.audioContext.createGain();  // this node is here to attach other nodes to in subclass
        this.lowPassNode = this.audioContext.createBiquadFilter();
        this.lowPassNode.type = "lowpass";
        // TODO: remove this magic number and make the filter configurable?
        this.lowPassNode.frequency.setValueAtTime(this.frequency * 1.1, this.audioContext.currentTime);
        this.gainNode = this.audioContext.createGain();  // this node is actually used for volume
        this.volume = this._volume;
        this._notPlayedANote = true;

     * Set the volume for the player
     * @param {number} v - the volume, clamped to [0,1]
    set volume(v) {
        this._volume = Math.min(Math.max(v, 0), 1);
        try {
            // multiply by 0.813 to reduce gain added by lowpass filter and avoid clipping
            this.gainNode.gain.setValueAtTime(0.813 * this._volume, this.audioContext.currentTime);
        } catch (ex) {
            // getting here means _initialiseAudioNodes() has not yet been called: that's okay

     * @returns {number} the current volume [0,1]
    get volume() {
        return this._volume;

     * Convenience method to help playing directly from a MorseCWWave instance. Uses the CWWave timings and frequency.
     * @param {Object} cwWave - a MorseCWWave instance
    loadCWWave(cwWave) {
        this.frequency = cwWave.frequency;

     * Load timing sequence, replacing any existing sequence.
     * If endPadding is non-zero then an appropriate pause is added to the end.
     * @param {number[]} timings - list of millisecond timings; +ve numbers are beeps, -ve numbers are silence
    load(timings) {
        // TODO: undefined behaviour if this is called in the middle of a sequence

        // console.log('Timings: ' + timings);
            The ith element of the sequence starts at _cTimings[i] and ends at _cTimings[i+1] (in fractional seconds)
            It is a note (i.e. not silence) if isNote[i] === True

        if (this.endPadding > 0) {

        this._cTimings = [0];
        this.isNote = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < timings.length; i++) {
            this._cTimings[i + 1] = this._cTimings[i] + Math.abs(timings[i]) / 1000;  // AudioContext runs in seconds not ms
            this.isNote[i] = timings[i] > 0;
        this.sequenceLength = this.isNote.length;

     * Convenience method to help playing directly from a MorseCWWave instance. Uses the CWWave timings.
     * @param {Object} cwWave - a MorseCWWave instance
    loadNextCWWave(cwWave) {

     * Load timing sequence which will be played when the current sequence is completed (only one sequence is queued).
     * @param {number[]} timings - list of millisecond timings; +ve numbers are beeps, -ve numbers are silence
    loadNext(timings) {
        this.upNext = timings;

     * Plays the loaded timing sequence from the start, regardless of whether playback is ongoing or paused.
    playFromStart() {
        // TODO: why do we have this method at all? Better just to have play() and if user needs playFromStart, just call stop() first?
        if (this._noAudio || this._cTimings.length === 0) {
        this._nextNote = 0;
        this._isPlaying = true;
        this._isPaused = true;  // pretend we were paused so that play() "resumes" playback

     * Starts or resumes playback of the loaded timing sequence.
    play() {
        if (!this._isPlaying) {
            // if we're not actually playing then play from start
        // otherwise we are resuming playback after a pause
        if (!this._isPaused) {
            // if we're not actually paused then do nothing
        // otherwise we really are resuming playback (or pretending we are, and actually playing from start...)
        clearInterval(this._stopTimer);  // if we were going to send a soundStoppedCallback then don't
        clearInterval(this._startTimer);  // ditto
        this._isPaused = false;
        // basically set the time base to now but 
        //    - to work after a pause: subtract the start time of the next note so that it will play immediately
        //    - to avoid clipping the very first note: add on startPadding if notPlayedANote
        this._tZero = this.audioContext.currentTime - 
            this._cTimings[this._nextNote] + 
            (this._notPlayedANote ? this.startPadding / 1000 : 0);
        // schedule the first note ASAP (directly) and then if there is more to schedule, set up an interval timer
        if (this._scheduleNotes()) {
            this._timer = setInterval(function() {
            }.bind(this), 1000 * this._timerInterval);  // regularly check to see if there are more notes to schedule

     * Pause playback (resume with play())
    pause() {
        if (!this._isPlaying) {
            // if we're not actually playing then ignore this
        this._isPaused = true;

        // ensure that the next note that is scheduled is a beep, not a pause (to help sync with vibration patterns)
        if (!this.isNote[this._nextNote]) {


            // if we'e got to the end of the sequence, then loop or load next sequence as appropriate
            if (this._nextNote === this.sequenceLength) {
                if (this.loop || this.upNext !== undefined) {
                    this._nextNote = 0;
                    if (this.upNext !== undefined) {
                        this.upNext = undefined;

     * Stop playback (calling play() afterwards will start from the beginning)
    stop() {
        if (this._isPlaying) {
            this._isPlaying = false;
            this._isPaused = false;

     * Schedule notes that start before now + lookAheadTime.
     * @return {boolean} true if there is more to schedule, false if sequence is complete
     * @access: private
    _scheduleNotes() {
        // console.log('Scheduling:');
        var oscillator, start, end;
        var now = this.audioContext.currentTime;
        while (this._nextNote < this.sequenceLength && 
                (this._cTimings[this._nextNote] < now - this._tZero + this._lookAheadTime)) {
            this._notPlayedANote = false;
            // console.log('T: ' + Math.round(1000 * now)/1000 + ' (+' + Math.round(1000 * (now - this._tZero))/1000 + ')');
            // console.log(this._nextNote + ': ' + 
            //     (this.isNote[this._nextNote] ? 'Note  ' : 'Pause ') + 
            //     Math.round(1000 * this._cTimings[this._nextNote])/1000 + ' - ' + 
            //     Math.round(1000 * this._cTimings[this._nextNote + 1])/1000 + ' (' + 
            //     Math.round(1000 * (this._cTimings[this._nextNote + 1] - this._cTimings[this._nextNote]))/1000 + ')');
            if (this._nextNote === 0 && !this.sequenceStartCallbackFired) {
                // when scheduling the first note, schedule a callback as well
                this._startTimer = setTimeout(function() {
                }.bind(this), 1000 * (this._tZero + this._cTimings[this._nextNote] - now));
                this.sequenceStartCallbackFired = true;
            if (this.isNote[this._nextNote]) {
                start = this._tZero + this._cTimings[this._nextNote];
                end   = this._tZero + this._cTimings[this._nextNote + 1];
                this._soundEndTime = end;  // we need to store this for the stop() callback
                oscillator = this.audioContext.createOscillator();
                oscillator.type = 'sine';
                oscillator.frequency.setValueAtTime(this.frequency, start);


            if (this._nextNote === this.sequenceLength) {
                if (this.loop || this.upNext !== undefined) {
                    // increment time base to be the absolute end time of the final element in the sequence
                    this._tZero += this._cTimings[this._nextNote];
                    this._nextNote = 0;
                    if (this.upNext !== undefined) {
                        this.upNext = undefined;

        if (this._nextNote === this.sequenceLength) {
            // then all notes have been scheduled and we are not looping
            // schedule stop() for after when the scheduled sequence ends
            // adding on 3 * lookAheadTime for safety but shouldn't be needed
            this._stopTimer = setTimeout(function() {
            }.bind(this), 1000 * (this._soundEndTime - now + 3 * this._lookAheadTime));
            return false;  // indicate that sequence is complete
        } else if (now - this._tZero + this._timerInterval + this._lookAheadTime > this._cTimings[this.sequenceLength - 1] && 
                this.sequenceStartCallbackFired) {
            // then we are going to schedule the last note in the sequence next time
            this.sequenceStartCallbackFired = false;
        return true;  // indicate there are more notes to schedule

     * @returns {boolean} whether there was an error in initialisation
    hasError() {
        return this._noAudio;

     * @returns {boolean} whether a sequence is being played or not (still true even when paused); becomes false when stop is used
    get isPlaying() {
        return this._isPlaying;

     * @returns {boolean} whether the playback is paused or not
    get isPaused() {
        return this._isPaused;

     * Return the index of the next note in the sequence to be scheduled.
     * Useful if the sequence has been paused.
     * @returns {number} note index
    get nextNote() {
        return this._nextNote;

     * @returns {number} representing this audio player type: 4
    get audioType() {
        return 4;
        // 4: Web Audio API using oscillators
        // 3: Audio element using media stream worker (using PCM audio data)
        // 2: Flash (using PCM audio data)
        // 1: Web Audio API with webkit and native support (using PCM audio data)
        // 0: Audio element using Mozilla Audio Data API (https://wiki.mozilla.org/Audio_Data_API) (using PCM audio data)
        // -1: no audio support

    // empty callbacks in case user does not define any
    sequenceStartCallback() { }
    sequenceEndingCallback() { }
    soundStoppedCallback() { }