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This code is © Copyright Stephen C. Phillips, 2018.
Email: [email protected]
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import * as WPM from './morse-pro-wpm';
import MorseDecoder from './morse-pro-decoder';

 * Class to convert from timings to Morse code. Adapts to changing speed.
 * @example
 * var messageCallback = function(data) {
 *     console.log(data);
 * };
 * var speedCallback = function(s) {
 *     console.log('Speed is now: ' + s.wpm + ' WPM');
 * };
 * var decoder = new MorseAdaptiveDecoder(10);
 * decoder.messageCallback = messageCallback;
 * decoder.speedCallback = speedCallback;
 * var t;
 * while (decoder_is_operating) {
 *     // get some timing "t" from a sensor, make it +ve for noise and -ve for silence
 *     decoder.addTiming(t);
 * }
 * decoder.flush();  // make sure all the data is pushed through the decoder
export default class MorseAdaptiveDecoder extends MorseDecoder {
     * @param {number} [bufferSize=30] - Size of the buffer to average over
    constructor(wpm, fwpm, bufferSize = 30, messageCallback = undefined, speedCallback = undefined) {
        super(wpm, fwpm, messageCallback, speedCallback);
        this.bufferSize = bufferSize;
        this.ditLengths = [];
        this.fditLengths = [];
        this.lockSpeed = false;

     * @override
     * @access private
    addDecode(duration, character) {
        super.addDecode(duration, character);

        // adapt!
        var dit;
        var fdit;

        switch (character) {
            case '.':
                dit = duration;
            case '-':
                dit = duration / 3;
            case '':
                dit = duration;
            case ' ':
                fdit = duration / 3;
            // enable this if the decoder can be made to ignore extra long pauses
            // case '/':
            //     fdit = duration / 7;
            //     break;
        this.ditLengths = this.ditLengths.slice(-this.bufferSize);
        this.fditLengths = this.fditLengths.slice(-this.bufferSize);

        if (this.lockSpeed) { return; }

        var sum = 0;
        var denom = 0;
        var fSum = 0;
        var fDenom = 0;
        var weight;

        for (var i = 0; i < this.bufferSize; i++) {
            // weight = Math.exp(-this.bufferSize + 1 + i);  // exponential weighting
            weight = i + 1;  // linear weighting
            // weight = 1;  // constant weighting
            if (this.ditLengths[i] !== undefined) {
                sum += this.ditLengths[i] * weight;
                denom += weight;
            if (this.fditLengths[i] !== undefined) {
                fSum += this.fditLengths[i] * weight;
                fDenom += weight;

        if (fDenom) {
            this.fditLen = fSum / fDenom;
        if (denom) {
            this.ditLen = sum / denom;

        this.speedCallback({wpm: this.wpm, fwpm: this.fwpm});