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var chord = require('tonal-chord');
var note = require('tonal-note');

 * Determines if user input represents a valid note/chord.
 * Also handles conversions between proper accidental signs and ASCII accidentals like "b" or "#".
class AutoComposerParser {
  * Plain constructor.
  constructor() {
    * Parses text, and determines if user input represents a valid note/chord.
    * @param {string} input - value given by the user
    * @return {boolean} - a true value means the string can be used by the rest of the program.
  isValidText(input) {
    var isChord = chord.isKnownChord(input) ? true : false;
    var isNote = note.name(input) ? true : false;

    return isChord || isNote;

    * Converts ASCII accidentals to Unicode accidentals in HTML
    * @param {string} input - text with ASCII accidentals
    * @return {string} - text with Unicode accidentals in HTML
  convertAsciiAccidentalsToHtml(input) {
    var out = input.replace(/([A-G0-9])b/g, '$1♭');
    out = out.replace(/([A-G0-9])#/g, '$1♯');
    out = out.replace(/([A-G0-9])o/g, '$1&‌deg;');

    return out;

    * Converts ASCII accidentals to Unicode accidentals
    * @param {string} input - text with ASCII accidentals
    * @return {string} - text with Unicode accidentals
  convertAsciiAccidentalsToText(input) {
    var out = input.replace(/([A-G0-9])b/g, '$1♭');
    out = out.replace(/([A-G0-9])#/g, '$1♯');
    out = out.replace(/([A-G0-9])o/g, '$1°');

    return out;

    * Converts Unicode accidentals to ASCII
    * @param {string} input - text with Unicode accidentals
    * @return {string} - text with ASCII accidentals
  convertAccidentalsToAscii(input) {
    var out = input.replace(/([A-G0-9])♭/g, '$1b');
    out = out.replace(/([A-G0-9])♯/g, '$1#');
    out = out.replace(/([A-G0-9])°/g, '$1o');

    return out;

exports.AutoComposerParser = AutoComposerParser;