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var React = require('react');
var ReactDOM = require('react-dom');

var AutoComposerData = require('./autocomposer-data');
var AcData = new AutoComposerData.AutoComposerData();

var AutoComposerMelody = require('./autocomposer-melody');
var AcMelody = new AutoComposerMelody.AutoComposerMelody();

var AutoComposerParser = require('./autocomposer-parser');
var AcParser = new AutoComposerParser.AutoComposerParser();

function AcInputException(message) {
   this.message = message;
   this.name = 'AcInputException';

class HelpPanel extends React.Component {
  render() {
    if(!this.props.isHidden) {
      return (
        <div id="help-panel" className="autocomposer-panel">
            How to use this web app:
              <li>Enter a chord progression in the text box.</li>
              <li>Click the "Generate Melodies" button</li>
              <li>Squeal in delight, as the promised melodies are shown on the screen.</li>

            Other pointers:
              <li>You can toggle the Help/Settings panel from the buttons to the right</li>

              <li>Update this page with the complete chord dictionary, so users will know what kind of input is valid.</li>
          <h2>Technical Info</h2>
            Default range is Bb3 to B5. Smoothness = total distance between the notes in the melody (in semitones). Range = distance between lowest note and highest note (in semitones).
            Melodies are filtered/sorted by a few rules:
              <li>Range must be no greater than one octave</li>
              <li>Smoothest melodies are shown first</li>
              <li>Only the 100 smoothest melodies are shown</li>
    } else {
      return null;

class OutputPanel extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

  shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
    var melodiesExist = this.props.melodyUnitList[0] ? true : false;

    if(melodiesExist && this.props.melodyUnitList[0].chordProgression === nextProps.melodyUnitList[0].chordProgression) {
      return false;
    } else {
      return true;

  componentDidUpdate() {

  createVexTab(arrChords, arrMelody) {
    var vtString, pitchClass;
    var vexTabText = "options scale=0.9 space=5 font-size=15 font-face=Times\n";
    vexTabText += "tabstave\n";
    vexTabText += "notation=true tablature=false\n";
    vexTabText += "notes :w ";

    arrMelody.forEach(function(melodyNote) {
      // Turns a note name like "C#4" into "C#/4 |"
      // Or "Bb4" into "B@/4 |"
      // VexTab notation sure is odd.
      pitchClass = melodyNote.slice(0, -1);
      pitchClass = pitchClass.replace("b", "@");
      console.debug("pitchClass=" + pitchClass);

      vtString = pitchClass + "/"+ melodyNote.slice(-1) + " | ";
      vexTabText += vtString;

    vexTabText = vexTabText.slice(0, - 3) + "\n";
    vexTabText += "text :w, ";

    arrChords.forEach(function(chordSymbol) {
      vtString = chordSymbol + ", |, ";
      vexTabText += vtString;

    vexTabText = vexTabText.slice(0, - 5);


    return vexTabText;

  createMelodyRows() {
    var melodyUnitList = this.props.melodyUnitList;
    var melodyRows = [];

    for(var i = 0; i < melodyUnitList.length; i++) {
        <tr key={"melody" + i} className="ac-melody-row">
            <div className="vex-tabdiv">
              {this.createVexTab(melodyUnitList[i].chordProgression, melodyUnitList[i].melodyNotes)}

    return melodyRows;

  createMelodyTable() {
    console.debug('[OutputPanel.createMelodyTable()] creating table...');
      <table id="ac-melody-output">

  render() {
    if(!this.props.isHidden) {
      return (
        <div id="output-panel" className="autocomposer-panel">
    } else {
      return null;

class DebugPanel extends React.Component {
  render() {
    if(!this.props.isHidden) {
      return (
        <div id="r-debug-panel" className="r-component">
          <h3>Debug Info</h3>
    } else {
      return null;

class RjButton extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <input type="button" className="ac-input button" id={this.props.inputKey} value={this.props.inputLabel} onClick={this.props.onClick} />

class RjToggleButton extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      currentState: props.initialState === "true"

  handleClick(e) {
    this.setState({currentState: !this.state.currentState});

  render() {
    return (
      <input type="button" className="ac-input button" id={this.props.inputKey} value={this.props.inputLabel} data-state-key={this.props.inputKey} data-current-state={this.state.currentState} onClick={(e) => this.handleClick(e)} />

class RjTextField extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <label htmlFor={this.props.inputKey}>{this.props.inputLabel}</label>
        <input id={this.props.inputKey} name={this.props.inputKey} data-state-key={this.props.inputKey} className="ac-input textfield" type="text" value={this.props.value} onChange={this.props.onChange} />

class RjTextArea extends React.Component {
  render() {
    if(this.props.inputLabel) {
      return (
          <label htmlFor={this.props.inputKey}>{this.props.inputLabel}</label>
          <textarea id={this.props.inputKey} name={this.props.inputKey} data-state-key={this.props.inputKey} className="ac-input textarea" value={this.props.value} placeholder={this.props.placeholder} onChange={this.props.onChange} />
    } else {
      return (
        <textarea id={this.props.inputKey} name={this.props.inputKey} data-state-key={this.props.inputKey} className="ac-input textarea" value={this.props.value} placeholder={this.props.placeholder} onChange={this.props.onChange} />

class RjCheckbox extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="ac-input checkbox">
        <label htmlFor={this.props.inputKey}>{this.props.inputLabel}</label>
        <input id={this.props.inputKey} name={this.props.inputKey} data-state-key={this.props.inputKey} type="checkbox" checked={this.props.isChecked} onChange={this.props.onChange}/>

class RjRadioSet extends React.Component {
  createRadioItems() {
    let items = [];
    var totalOptions = this.props.options;

    for (var k in totalOptions) {
      if (totalOptions.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
        items.push(<label key={"label-" + k} >{totalOptions[k]} <input key={k} id={this.props.inputKey} name={this.props.inputKey} className="ac-input radio" data-state-key={this.props.inputKey} type="radio" value={k}  onChange={this.props.onChange} /> </label>);

    return items;

  render() {
      <div className="ac-radioset">

class RjSelect extends React.Component {
  createSelectItems() {
    let items = [];
    var totalOptions = this.props.options;

    for (var k in totalOptions) {
      if (totalOptions.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
        // alert("Key is " + key + ", value is" + totalOptions[key]);
        items.push(<option key={k} value={k}>{totalOptions[k]}</option>);

    return items;

  render() {
      <div className="ac-input select">
        <label htmlFor={this.props.inputKey}>{this.props.inputLabel}</label>
        <select id={this.props.inputKey} name={this.props.inputKey} data-state-key={this.props.inputKey} onChange={this.props.onChange}>

class ControlPanel extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      text1: 'text one init',
      text2: 'text two init',
      chk1: true,
      chk2: false,
      hideDebug: false,
      btn1: true

    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);

  handleChange(event) {

    var stateObj = function() {
      var stateKey = this.target.dataset["stateKey"];
      var returnObj = {};

      if(this.target.type === "checkbox") {
        returnObj[stateKey] = this.target.checked;
      } else if(this.target.type === "button") {
        returnObj[stateKey] = this.target.dataset["currentState"] === "true";
      } else {
        returnObj[stateKey] = this.target.value;

      console.debug('[handleChange] stateKey=' + stateKey + ', this.target.value=' + this.target.value);

      return returnObj;


  render() {
    if(!this.props.isHidden) {
      var testSelectOptions = [];
      testSelectOptions['opt1'] = 'Something 1';
      testSelectOptions['opt2'] = 'Something 2';
      testSelectOptions['opt3'] = 'Something 3';
      testSelectOptions['opt4'] = 'Something 4';

      return (

        <div className="r-component">

          <RjTextField inputKey="text1" inputLabel="For text1" value={this.state.text1} onChange={this.handleChange} />
          <RjTextField inputKey="text2" inputLabel="For text2" value={this.state.text2} onChange={this.handleChange} />

          <RjCheckbox inputKey="hideDebug" inputLabel="Hide Debug Panel?" isChecked={this.state.hideDebug} onChange={this.handleChange} />
          <RjCheckbox inputKey="chk1" inputLabel="Testing chk1" isChecked={this.state.chk1} onChange={this.handleChange} />

          <RjSelect inputKey="select1" inputLabel="For select1" value={this.state.select1} onChange={this.handleChange} options={testSelectOptions} />

          <RjRadioSet inputKey="rad1" inputLabel="For rad1" value={this.state.rad1} onChange={this.handleChange} options={testSelectOptions} />

          <RjToggleButton inputKey="btn1" inputLabel="For btn1" initialState={this.state.btn1} onClickHandler={this.handleChange} />

          <DebugPanel isHidden={this.state.hideDebug} debugData={JSON.stringify(this.state, null, 2)}/>
    } else {
      return null;

class ErrorMessage extends React.Component {
  render() {
    if(!this.props.isHidden) {
        <div id="error-message">
    } else {
      return null;

class AutoComposer extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      hideHelp: true,
      hideControls: true,
      hideOutput: true,
      hideError: true,
      debugMode: false,
      chordProgressionRaw: "",
      chordProgressionPlaceholder: AcData.INITIAL_PROGRESSION,
      melodyUnitList: [],
      errorMessage: "",

    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
    this.generateMelodies = this.generateMelodies.bind(this);

  handleChange(event) {
    var stateObj = function() {
      var stateKey = this.target.dataset["stateKey"];
      var returnObj = {};
      var debugMessage;

      if(this.target.type === "checkbox") {
        returnObj[stateKey] = this.target.checked;
        debugMessage = '[handleChange] stateKey=' + stateKey + ', this.target.value=' + this.target.value;
      } else if(this.target.type === "button") {
        returnObj[stateKey] = this.target.dataset["currentState"] === "true";
        debugMessage = '[handleChange] stateKey=' + stateKey + ', this.target.dataset[\'currentState\']' + this.target.dataset["currentState"];
      } else {
        returnObj[stateKey] = this.target.value;
        debugMessage = '[handleChange] stateKey=' + stateKey + ', this.target.value=' + this.target.value;


      return returnObj;


  generateMelodies(event) {
      var chordProgression = this.state.chordProgressionRaw.trim().split(" ");

      try {
      if(this.state.chordProgressionRaw == null || this.state.chordProgressionRaw == "") {
        throw new AcInputException('Chord input appears to be empty!');

      chordProgression.forEach(function(currentChordInput) {
        if(!AcParser.isValidText(currentChordInput)) {
          throw new AcInputException('Chord input \'' + currentChordInput + '\' is not formatted properly! You should check the chord dictionary in the Help! section.');

      this.setState({hideError: true, hideOutput: false, melodyUnitList: AcMelody.getMelodies(chordProgression)});
    } catch(exc) {
      console.debug("exc=" + JSON.stringify(exc, 2));
      var errorMsg = exc.message + " Error Type: [" + exc.name + "]";
      this.setState({hideError: false, errorMessage: errorMsg});

  render() {
    return (
      <div id="r-app-container" className="r-component">
        <h2>Chord Progression</h2>

        <div id="wrapper-main-input">
          <div className="wrapper-textarea">
            <RjTextArea inputKey="chordProgressionRaw" value={this.state.chordProgressionRaw} placeholder={this.state.chordProgressionPlaceholder} onChange={this.handleChange} />
            <RjButton inputKey="generateMelodies" inputLabel="Generate Melodies" onClick={this.generateMelodies} />
          <div className="wrapper-buttons">
            <RjToggleButton inputKey="hideHelp" inputLabel="Help/Info" initialState={this.state.hideHelp} onClickHandler={this.handleChange} />
            <RjToggleButton inputKey="hideControls" inputLabel="Settings" initialState={this.state.hideControls} onClickHandler={this.handleChange} />

        <ErrorMessage isHidden={this.state.hideError} errorMessage={this.state.errorMessage} />

        <ControlPanel isHidden={this.state.hideControls} />
        <HelpPanel isHidden={this.state.hideHelp} />

        <OutputPanel isHidden={this.state.hideOutput} melodyUnitList={this.state.melodyUnitList} />

        <DebugPanel isHidden={!this.state.debugMode} debugData={JSON.stringify(this.state, null, 2)}/>

ReactDOM.render(<AutoComposer />, document.getElementById('react-root'));