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leaflet~L.TileLayer.Canvas → Grid

Renderer for Coverages with domain type Grid.

Events fired onto the map: "dataloading" - Data loading has started "dataload" - Data loading has finished (also in case of errors)

Events fired on this layer: "add" - Layer is initialized and is about to be added to the map "remove" - Layer is removed from the map "error" - Error when loading data "paletteChange" - Palette has changed "paletteExtentChange" - Palette extent has changed "axisChange" - Axis coordinate has changed (e.axis === 'time'|'vertical') "remove" - Layer is removed from the map

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(cov: *, options: *)

The parameter to display must be given as the 'parameter' options property.

Member Summary

Public Members

cov: *


domain: *

public get

palette: *

public set

palette: *

public get
public set

param: *

public get

range: *

public set

time: *

Sets the currently active time to the one closest to the given Date object.

public get

time: *

The currently active time on the temporal axis as Date object,

public set

Sets the currently active vertical coordinate to the one closest to the given value.

public get

The currently active vertical coordinate as a number,

Method Summary

Public Methods

drawTile(canvas: *, tilePoint: *, zoom: *)


getBounds(): *


onAdd(map: *)


onRemove(map: *)

Public Constructors

public constructor(cov: *, options: *) source

The parameter to display must be given as the 'parameter' options property.

Optional time and vertical axis target values can be defined with the 'time' and 'vertical' options properties. The closest values on the respective axes are chosen.


var cov = ... // get Coverage data
var layer = new GridCoverage(cov, {
  keys: ['salinity'],
  time: new Date('2015-01-01T12:00:00Z'),
  vertical: 50,
  palette: palettes.get('blues'),
  paletteExtent: 'full' // or 'subset' (time/vertical), 'fov' (map field of view), or specific: [-10,10]


cov *
options *

Public Members

public cov: * source

public domain: * source

public get palette: * source

public set palette: * source

public get paletteExtent: * source

public set paletteExtent: * source

public param: * source

public get parameter: * source

public range: * source

public set time: * source

Sets the currently active time to the one closest to the given Date object. This has no effect if the grid has no time axis.

public get time: * source

The currently active time on the temporal axis as Date object, or null if the grid has no time axis.

public set vertical: * source

Sets the currently active vertical coordinate to the one closest to the given value. This has no effect if the grid has no vertical axis.

public get vertical: * source

The currently active vertical coordinate as a number, or null if the grid has no vertical axis.

Public Methods

public drawTile(canvas: *, tilePoint: *, zoom: *) source


canvas *
tilePoint *
zoom *

public getBounds(): * source



public onAdd(map: *) source


map *

public onRemove(map: *) source


map *