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A Leaflet plugin for visualizing coverages (numerical or categorical data varying in space and time) with the help of the JavaScript Coverage API. Currently, it supports the domain types defined within CoverageJSON.

Note that to load a coverage you have to use another library, depending on which formats you want to support. The only currently known coverage loader that can be used is the covjson-reader for the CoverageJSON format.

NOTE: This plugin is in active development and does not support all CoverageJSON domain types yet.


Default coverage visualization

var map = L.map('map')
L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
  attribution: 'Map data &copy; <a href="http://www.osm.org">OpenStreetMap</a>'

// default renderers for common domain types
var LayerFactory = L.coverage.LayerFactory()

var cov = ... // load Coverage object with another library

// TODO should be added like Legend
//  parameterSync: L.coverage.ParameterSync() // handles palette/legend merging of same-observedProperty/unit parameters
//                                           // only useful for more than one coverage

LayerFactory(cov, {keys: ['salinity']}).on('load', function(e) {
  var covLayer = e.target

  new L.coverage.control.Legend(covLayer, {
    id: 'horizontalLegend', // custom HTML template id
    position: 'bottom',
    language: 'de' // preferred language for labels

  if (covLayer.time !== null) {
      new L.coverage.control.TimeAxis(covLayer).addTo(map)
  if (covLayer.vertical !== null) {
      new L.coverage.control.VerticalAxis(covLayer).addTo(map)


// TODO the legend mechanism should be flexible and allow for external implementations
// A typical requirement is to have a single legend for multiple coverages and
// synchronize the coverage palettes, e.g. for a collection of profiles, or profile-grid comparison.
// In some cases a legend is not even desirable, e.g. for certain types of trajectories like GPX tracks, where
// the information is typically put along the track, on hovering, or in popups.

TODO need controls for axes (mostly for Grid and maybe profiles) is this the right place to implement that? Grids can have time/depth, so probably yes, however the actual controls should be decoupled since they will be reused for "virtual" axis controls (subsetting with Web API)

Custom visualization

var LayerFactory = L.coverage.LayerFactory({
  renderer: GPXTrack

// alternatively, with more control for different coverage types:
var LayerFactory = L.coverage.LayerFactory({
  renderers: {
    'http://www.topografix.com/GPX#Track': GPXTrack, // coverage type, precedence over domain types
    'http://www.topografix.com/GPX#Route': GPXRoute,
    'http://coveragejson.org/def#Trajectory': L.coverage.renderer.Trajectory // domain type, fall-back for other trajectory coverages

LayerFactory(cov, {keys: ['distance', 'elevation', 'heartrate']}).on('load', function(e) {
  var covLayer = e.target

It's the job of the CoverageLayerFactory to choose the right renderer for a given Coverage object. Currently this happens based on the Coverage.type and Coverage.domainType properties, with the latter being a fall-back if no renderers for a given Coverage.type were found. If more control is needed, then renderers can be easily invoked manually, or a more sophisticated factory class may be developed.

A renderer is any class implementing the ILayer interface. The constructor must accept the Coverage as first argument, and options as second:

// anything implementing ILayer
class GPXTrack extends L.FeatureGroup {
  constructor(cov, options) {
    this.params = options.parameters
  // instead of palettes and legends we could use hovers and popups here

class Grid extends L.TileLayer.Canvas {
  constructor(cov, options) {
    this.param = options.parameters[0]


Sometimes it may be necessary to handle a collection of Coverage objects as a single entity.

TODO write down use cases when this is really needed (probably for profiles)

var LayerFactory = L.coverage.CollectionLayerFactory()
var covs = ... // many Profiles
LayerFactory(covs, {keys: ['salinity']}).on('load', function(e) {
  var covLayer = e.target

And similarly for custom renderers:

class ProfileCollection {
  constructor(covs, options) {
    this.param = options.parameters[0]

where the first constructor argument is an array of Coverage objects.


This library is developed within the MELODIES project.