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A library that reads CoverageJSON documents and exposes them as Coverage objects.

API docs


A minified version of this library is hosted on the jsDelivr CDN.

Usage is simple:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/covjson-reader/0.1/covjson-reader.min.js"></script>
CovJSON.read('http://example.com/coverage.covjson').then(function (cov) {
  // work with Coverage object
}).catch(function (e) {
  // there was an error when loading the coverage

ECMAScript module

This library is written as an ECMAScript module and uses the JSPM loader SystemJS.

Here is how to import the module with SystemJS:

<script src="https://jspm.io/system.js"></script>
System.import('github:reading-escience-centre/[email protected]', function (CovJSON) {

  CovJSON.read('http://example.com/coverage.covjson').then(function (cov) {
    // work with Coverage object
  }).catch(function (e) {
    // there was an error when loading the coverage


Note that the version hosted on jsDelivr was transpiled from ES6 to ES5 and exposes the module as a global object. This is for supporting classic usage and is different from directly using the ECMAScript module like above.


This library is developed within the MELODIES project.