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The main class for the syncher package. The Syncher is a singleton class per Hyperty/URL and it is the owner of all created Data Sync Objects according to the Reporter - Observer pattern. Main functionality is to create reporters and to subscribe to existing ones.

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(owner: HypertyURL, bus: MiniBus, config: JSON)

Constructor that should be used by the Hyperty owner

Member Summary

Public Members
public get

All owned observers, the ones that were created by a local subscription

public get

owner: HypertyURL

The owner of the Syncher and all created reporters.

public get

All owned reporters, the ones that were created by a create

Method Summary

Public Methods

create(schema: SchemaURL, observers: HypertyURL[], initialData: JSON, store: boolean, p2p: boolean, name: string, identity: MessageBodyIdentity, input: SyncMetadata): Promise<DataObjectReporter>

Request a DataObjectReporter creation.


onNotification(callback: function(event: MsgEvent))

Setup the callback to process create and delete events of remove Reporter objects.


Callback system to trigger the resumed observers


Callback system to trigger the resumed reporters


read(objURL: ObjectURL): Promise<Object>

Request a read action on the reporter object


Request a subscription to an existent reporter object.


resumeReporters(criteria: Object): Promise<DataObjectReporter>[]

Request a DataObjectReporter creation.


subscribe(schema: SchemaURL, objURL: ObjectURL, store: Boolean, p2p: Boolean, mutual: Boolean, identity: MessageBodyIdentity): Promise<DataObjectObserver>

Request a subscription to an existent reporter object.

Public Constructors

public constructor(owner: HypertyURL, bus: MiniBus, config: JSON) source

Constructor that should be used by the Hyperty owner


owner HypertyURL

Hyperty URL owner. An URL allocated by the runtime that uniquely identifies the Hyperty.

bus MiniBus

An instance of the MiniBus provided in the sandbox. When an object (Reporter or Observed) is created, the SyncherManager will add a listener in the MiniBus to receive/send Messages of that object.

config JSON

Configuration data. The only required field for now is the runtimeURL.

Public Members

public get observers: Object<URL, DataObjectObserver> source

All owned observers, the ones that were created by a local subscription

public get owner: HypertyURL source

The owner of the Syncher and all created reporters.

public get reporters: Object<URL, DataObjectReporter> source

All owned reporters, the ones that were created by a create

Public Methods

public create(schema: SchemaURL, observers: HypertyURL[], initialData: JSON, store: boolean, p2p: boolean, name: string, identity: MessageBodyIdentity, input: SyncMetadata): Promise<DataObjectReporter> source

Request a DataObjectReporter creation. The URL will be be requested by the allocation mechanism.


schema SchemaURL

Hyperty Catalogue URL address that can be used to retrieve the JSON-Schema describing the Data Object schema

observers HypertyURL[]

List of hyperties that are pre-authorized for subscription

initialData JSON

Initial data of the reporter

store boolean

(Optional) if true, object will be stored by the runtime

p2p boolean

(Optional) if true, data synchronisation stream will use p2p connection as much as possible

name string

(Optional) the name of the dataobject

identity MessageBodyIdentity

(optional) identity data to be added to identity the user reporter. To be used for legacy identities.

input SyncMetadata

(optional) all metadata required to sunc the Data Object.



Return Promise to a new Reporter. The reporter can be accepted or rejected by the PEP

public onNotification(callback: function(event: MsgEvent)) source

Setup the callback to process create and delete events of remove Reporter objects. This is releated to the messagens sent by create to the observers Hyperty array.


callback function(event: MsgEvent)

public onObserversResume(callback: Function): Object<URL, DataObjectObserver> source

Callback system to trigger the resumed observers


callback Function

function callback which will be invoked


Object<URL, DataObjectObserver>

Return one object with all resumed observers;

public onReportersResume(callback: Function): Object<URL, DataObjectReporter> source

Callback system to trigger the resumed reporters


callback Function

function callback which will be invoked


Object<URL, DataObjectReporter>

Return one object with all resumed reporters;

public read(objURL: ObjectURL): Promise<Object> source

Request a read action on the reporter object


objURL ObjectURL

URL of the reporter object to be read



Return Promise to last available data of the reporter

public resumeObservers(criteria: criteria): Promise<DataObjectObserver> source

Request a subscription to an existent reporter object.


criteria criteria

Information to discovery the observer object



Return Promise to a new observer. It's associated with the reporter.

public resumeReporters(criteria: Object): Promise<DataObjectReporter>[] source

Request a DataObjectReporter creation. The URL will be be requested by the allocation mechanism.


criteria Object

(optional) identity data to be added to identity the user reporter. To be used for legacy identities.



Return a promise with a list of DataObjectReporter to be resumed;

public subscribe(schema: SchemaURL, objURL: ObjectURL, store: Boolean, p2p: Boolean, mutual: Boolean, identity: MessageBodyIdentity): Promise<DataObjectObserver> source

Request a subscription to an existent reporter object.


schema SchemaURL

Hyperty Catalogue URL address that can be used to retrieve the JSON-Schema describing the Data Object schema

objURL ObjectURL

Address of the existent reporter object to be observed

store Boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

Save the subscription on the Syncher Manager for further resume (Default is false)

p2p Boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

Info about if should use p2p connection (Default is false)

mutual Boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

Info about if messages of this object should be encrypted (Default is true)

identity MessageBodyIdentity

(optional) identity data to be added to identity the user reporter. To be used for legacy identities.



Return Promise to a new observer. It's associated with the reporter.