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A class representation of the capability set of the Runtime Hyperty

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(isWebRTCSupported: boolean, isMicSupported: boolean, isCameraSupported: boolean, isSensorSupported: boolean, isORTCSupported: boolean)

Creates an object of the Runtime Hyperty capability set

Member Summary

Public Members
public get
public get

isMic: *

public get

isORTCS: *

public get
public get

Method Summary

Public Methods

Public Constructors

public constructor(isWebRTCSupported: boolean, isMicSupported: boolean, isCameraSupported: boolean, isSensorSupported: boolean, isORTCSupported: boolean) source

Creates an object of the Runtime Hyperty capability set


isWebRTCSupported boolean
isMicSupported boolean
isCameraSupported boolean
isSensorSupported boolean
isORTCSupported boolean

Public Members

public get isCamera: * source

public get isMic: * source

public get isORTCS: * source

public get isSensor: * source

public get isWebRTC: * source

Public Methods

public getCapabilitySet(): * source

