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RethinkObjectCatalogueDataObject → HypertyDescriptor

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(guid: string, catalogueType: CatalogueObjectType, version: string, objectName: string, description: string, language: string, sourcePackageURL: string, hypertyType: HypertyResourceType[], dataObjectUrls: URL.HypertyCatalogueURLList)

Member Summary

Public Members
public get
public set
public get
public set
public get
public set
public set
public get
public get
public set
public get
public set

Inherited Summary

From class RethinkObject

validate(schema: *): boolean

Validates this RethinkObject against the provided schema.

From class CatalogueDataObject
public get
public set
public get

guid: *

public set

guid: *

public get
public set
public get
public set
public get
public set

signature(signature: *): *

Set the signature to enables integrity and authenticity verification

public get
public set
public get
public set
public get

type: *

public set

type: *

public get

version: *

public set

version: *

Public Constructors

public constructor(guid: string, catalogueType: CatalogueObjectType, version: string, objectName: string, description: string, language: string, sourcePackageURL: string, hypertyType: HypertyResourceType[], dataObjectUrls: URL.HypertyCatalogueURLList) source

Creates the Catalogue Data Object




guid string

Catalogue Global Unique identifier of the Catalogue Object enabling the same object to be stored and discovered in different Catalogues. Guid corresponds to <resource-type-id> per BNF of Resource Path.

catalogueType CatalogueObjectType

Indicates the type of Catalogue Data Object

version string
objectName string
description string
language string
sourcePackageURL string
hypertyType HypertyResourceType[]

A tag that identifies what type of hyperty is described in the object.

dataObjectUrls URL.HypertyCatalogueURLList

It defines the Data Object Schemas supported by the Hyperty through a list of Catalogue URLs from where these schemas can be reached

Public Members

public get configuration: * source

public set configuration: * source

public get constraints: * source

public set constraints: * source

public get dataObjects: * source

public set dataObjects: * source

public set hypertyType: * source

public get hypertyType: * source

public get messageSchema: * source

public set messageSchema: * source

public get policies: * source

public set policies: * source