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Method Summary

Public Methods

createCatalogueDataObject(guid: string, type: CatalogueObjectType, version: string, objectName: string, description: string, language: DataObjectSourceLanguage, sourcePackageURL: string): CatalogueDataObject

Create CatalogueDataObject


createDataObjectSchema(guid: string, version: string, objectName: string, description: string, language: DataObjectSourceLanguage, sourcePackageURL: string): DataObjectSchema

this method was deprecated. Use either createMessageDataObjectSchema or createHypertyDataObjectSchema instead

Create DataObjectSchema which in effect is the MessageDataObjectSchema


createHypertyDataObjectSchema(guid: string, version: string, objectName: string, description: string, language: DataObjectSourceLanguage, sourcePackageURL: string, accessControlPolicy: string, scheme: DataUrlScheme): DataObjectSchema

Create HypertyDataObjectSchema


createHypertyDescriptorObject(guid: string, version: string, objectName: string, description: string, language: DataObjectSourceLanguage, sourcePackageURL: string, hypertyType: HypertyResourceType[], dataObjects: URL.URLList): HypertyDescriptor

Create HypertyDescriptor


createHypertyInterceptorDescriptorObject(guid: string, version: string, objectName: string, description: string, language: DataObjectSourceLanguage, sourcePackageURL: string, configuration: *, policies: *): PolicyEnforcerDescriptor

Create Hyperty Interceptor Descriptor


createHypertyRuntimeDescriptorObject(guid: string, version: string, objectName: string, description: string, language: DataObjectSourceLanguage, sourcePackageURL: string, {RuntimeType}runtimeType: *, hypertyCapabilities: RuntimeHypertyCapabilities, protocolCapabilities: RuntimeProtocolCapabilities, p2pHandlerStub: *, p2pRequesterStub: *): HypertyRuntimeDescriptor

Create HypertyRuntimeDescriptor


createMessageDataObjectSchema(guid: string, version: string, objectName: string, description: string, language: DataObjectSourceLanguage, sourcePackageURL: string): DataObjectSchema

Create DataObjectSchema which in effect is the MessageDataObjectSchema


createProtoStubDescriptorObject(guid: string, version: string, objectName: string, description: string, language: DataObjectSourceLanguage, sourcePackageURL: string, messageSchemas: URL.URL, configuration: *, constraints: *, hypertyType: *, dataObjects: *, interworking: *, idpProxy: *, mutualAuthentication: *): ProtocolStubDescriptor

Create ProtocolStubDescriptor


createSourcePackage(sourceCodeClassname: *, sourceCode: *): SourcePackage

Create SourcePackage

Public Methods

public createCatalogueDataObject(guid: string, type: CatalogueObjectType, version: string, objectName: string, description: string, language: DataObjectSourceLanguage, sourcePackageURL: string): CatalogueDataObject source

Create CatalogueDataObject


guid string

Catalogue Global Unique identifier of the Catalogue Object

type CatalogueObjectType

Indicates the type of Catalogue Data Object

version string

Indicates the version of Catalogue Data

objectName string

Human-understandable name of the catalogue object

description string
language DataObjectSourceLanguage

Programming language used in the SourcePackage

sourcePackageURL string

URL from where the source code package of the corresponding catalogue object can be downloaded.

public createDataObjectSchema(guid: string, version: string, objectName: string, description: string, language: DataObjectSourceLanguage, sourcePackageURL: string): DataObjectSchema source

this method was deprecated. Use either createMessageDataObjectSchema or createHypertyDataObjectSchema instead

Create DataObjectSchema which in effect is the MessageDataObjectSchema


guid string

Catalogue Global Unique identifier of the Catalogue Object

version string

Indicates the version of Catalogue Data

objectName string

Human-understandable name of the catalogue object

description string
language DataObjectSourceLanguage

Programming language used in the SourcePackage

sourcePackageURL string

URL from where the source code package of the corresponding catalogue object can be downloaded.

public createHypertyDataObjectSchema(guid: string, version: string, objectName: string, description: string, language: DataObjectSourceLanguage, sourcePackageURL: string, accessControlPolicy: string, scheme: DataUrlScheme): DataObjectSchema source

Create HypertyDataObjectSchema


guid string

Catalogue Global Unique identifier of the Catalogue Object

version string

Indicates the version of Catalogue Data

objectName string

Human-understandable name of the catalogue object

description string
language DataObjectSourceLanguage

Programming language used in the SourcePackage

sourcePackageURL string

URL from where the source code package of the corresponding catalogue object can be downloaded.

accessControlPolicy string

policy rule to access object (see Reporter-Observer Comm pattern)

scheme DataUrlScheme

identifies the data scheme (COMM, CONNECTION, CTXT or IDENTITY)

public createHypertyDescriptorObject(guid: string, version: string, objectName: string, description: string, language: DataObjectSourceLanguage, sourcePackageURL: string, hypertyType: HypertyResourceType[], dataObjects: URL.URLList): HypertyDescriptor source

Create HypertyDescriptor


guid string

Catalogue Global Unique identifier of the Catalogue Object

version string

Indicates the version of Catalogue Data

objectName string

Human-understandable name of the catalogue object

description string
language DataObjectSourceLanguage

Programming language used in the SourcePackage

sourcePackageURL string

URL from where the source code package of the corresponding catalogue object can be downloaded.

hypertyType HypertyResourceType[]

An array of HypertyResourceType that identifies what type of hyperty resources are handled by the object.

dataObjects URL.URLList

Defines the Data Object Schemas supported by the Hyperty through a list of Catalogue URLs from where these schemas can be reached.

public createHypertyInterceptorDescriptorObject(guid: string, version: string, objectName: string, description: string, language: DataObjectSourceLanguage, sourcePackageURL: string, configuration: *, policies: *): PolicyEnforcerDescriptor source

Create Hyperty Interceptor Descriptor


guid string

Catalogue Global Unique identifier of the Catalogue Object

version string

Indicates the version of Catalogue Data

objectName string

Human-understandable name of the catalogue object

description string
language DataObjectSourceLanguage

Programming language used in the SourcePackage

sourcePackageURL string

URL from where the source code package of the corresponding catalogue object can be downloaded.

configuration *
policies *

public createHypertyRuntimeDescriptorObject(guid: string, version: string, objectName: string, description: string, language: DataObjectSourceLanguage, sourcePackageURL: string, {RuntimeType}runtimeType: *, hypertyCapabilities: RuntimeHypertyCapabilities, protocolCapabilities: RuntimeProtocolCapabilities, p2pHandlerStub: *, p2pRequesterStub: *): HypertyRuntimeDescriptor source

Create HypertyRuntimeDescriptor


guid string

Catalogue Global Unique identifier of the Catalogue Object

version string

Indicates the version of Catalogue Data

objectName string

Human-understandable name of the catalogue object

description string
language DataObjectSourceLanguage

Programming language used in the SourcePackage

sourcePackageURL string

URL from where the source code package of the corresponding catalogue object can be downloaded.

{RuntimeType}runtimeType *
hypertyCapabilities RuntimeHypertyCapabilities

Supported capabilities to execute Hyperties

protocolCapabilities RuntimeProtocolCapabilities

Supported capabilities to execute Protocol Stubs

p2pHandlerStub *
p2pRequesterStub *



the data object of the Hyperty Runtime Descriptor

public createMessageDataObjectSchema(guid: string, version: string, objectName: string, description: string, language: DataObjectSourceLanguage, sourcePackageURL: string): DataObjectSchema source

Create DataObjectSchema which in effect is the MessageDataObjectSchema


guid string

Catalogue Global Unique identifier of the Catalogue Object

version string

Indicates the version of Catalogue Data

objectName string

Human-understandable name of the catalogue object

description string
language DataObjectSourceLanguage

Programming language used in the SourcePackage

sourcePackageURL string

URL from where the source code package of the corresponding catalogue object can be downloaded.

public createProtoStubDescriptorObject(guid: string, version: string, objectName: string, description: string, language: DataObjectSourceLanguage, sourcePackageURL: string, messageSchemas: URL.URL, configuration: *, constraints: *, hypertyType: *, dataObjects: *, interworking: *, idpProxy: *, mutualAuthentication: *): ProtocolStubDescriptor source

Create ProtocolStubDescriptor


guid string

Catalogue Global Unique identifier of the Catalogue Object

version string

Indicates the version of Catalogue Data

objectName string

Human-understandable name of the catalogue object

description string
language DataObjectSourceLanguage

Programming language used in the SourcePackage

sourcePackageURL string

URL from where the source code package of the corresponding catalogue object can be downloaded.

messageSchemas URL.URL

Defines the Schema describing the Message Data Model used by the Hyperty through the Catalogue URL from where the Message schema can be reached. If not defined, by default it is assumed the standard Message Model is used.

configuration *

Data required to configure the ProtocolStub

constraints *

Describes capabilities required from the Hyperty Runtime in order to be able to execute the ProtocolStub

hypertyType *
dataObjects *
interworking *
idpProxy *
mutualAuthentication *

public createSourcePackage(sourceCodeClassname: *, sourceCode: *): SourcePackage source

Create SourcePackage


sourceCodeClassname *

The Class-name of the SourceCode

sourceCode *

The source code of the catalogue object

