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import { SvgContainer } from '../components/svgContainer';
import { calculateWidth } from '../../utils/screen';

export class SvgAxis {
     * Creates an instance of SvgAxis.
     * @param {any} context Chart context. It contains data, configuration and chart type
     * @memberOf SvgAxis
    constructor(context) {
        this.svgContainer = new SvgContainer(this.config);

    changeConfigProperty(p, v) {
        this.config[p] = v;
        if (p === 'width' || p === 'height') {
            this.config.needRescaling = true;

    rescale(width = this.config.width, height = this.config.height) {
        this.axes.rescale(width, height);
        this.config.needRescaling = false;

     * Load the configuration context. It creates a configuration global from the parameters specified by users.
     * If any parameter is empty, this will be replaced by its default option 
     * @param {any} config User configuration
     * @param {any} defaults Defaults values for this chart
     * @memberOf SvgAxis
    _loadConfig(config, defaults) {
        this.config = {};
        this.config.selector = config.selector || defaults.selector;
        this.config.marginTop = config.marginTop || defaults.marginTop;
        this.config.marginLeft = config.marginLeft || defaults.marginLeft;
        this.config.marginRight = config.marginRight || defaults.marginRight;
        this.config.marginBottom = config.marginBottom || defaults.marginBottom;
        //Width & height
        this.config.width = config.width
            ? calculateWidth(config.width, this.config.selector) - this.config.marginLeft - this.config.marginRight
            : calculateWidth(defaults.width, this.config.selector) - this.config.marginLeft - this.config.marginRight;
        this.config.height = config.height || defaults.height;
        this.config.xAxisType = config.xAxisType || defaults.xAxisType;
        this.config.xAxisFormat = config.xAxisFormat || defaults.xAxisFormat;
        this.config.xAxisLabel = config.xAxisLabel || defaults.xAxisLabel;
        this.config.yAxisType = config.yAxisType || defaults.yAxisType;
        this.config.yAxisFormat = config.yAxisFormat || defaults.yAxisFormat;
        this.config.yAxisLabel = config.yAxisLabel || defaults.yAxisLabel;
        this.config.colorScale = config.colorScale || defaults.colorScale;
        this.config.onDown = config.onDown || defaults.onDown;
        this.config.onUp = config.onUp || defaults.onUp;
        this.config.onHover = config.onHover || defaults.onHover;
        this.config.onClick = config.onClick || defaults.onClick;
        this.config.onLeave = config.onLeave || defaults.onLeave;
