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import Chart from './base/Chart';

 * Sunburst implementation. This charts belongs to 'Hierarchical' family.
export default class Sunburst extends Chart {

   * Sunburst constructor. It needs (at least) one argument to start: data.
   * Optionally, you can indicate a second argument that includes all the chart options. If you
   * do not specify this, '_default' object is used by default.
  constructor(data, config) {
    super(data, config);

   * Renders a data object on the chart.
   * @param  {Object} data This object contains the data that will be rendered on chart. If you do not
   * specify this param, this.data will be used instead.
  draw(data = this.data) {

   * Add new data to the current graph. If it is empty, this creates a new one.
   * @param  {Object} datum data to be rendered
  keepDrawing(datum) {
    super.keepDrawing(datum, 'add');

  // /**
  //  * Add new data to the current graph. If it is empty, this creates a new one.
  //  * @param  {Object} datum data to be rendered
  //  */
  // keepDrawing(datum) {
  //   if (this.data.constructor === Array) { this.data = {}; }
  //   let config = this.config;
  //   if (!datum) {
  //     console.warn('attemp to draw null datum');
  //     return;
  //   }
  //   this._buildTree(datum[datum.length - 1].path, datum[datum.length - 1].value, this.data);
  //   this.draw();
  //   return this.data;
  // }

   * Inserts the new nodes into the existing tree.
   * From: http://bl.ocks.org/kerryrodden/7090426
   * @param pathString
   * @param value
   * @param data
   * @private
  _buildTree(pathString, value, data) {
    let path = pathString.split('/');
    var current = data;
    for (let i = 1; i < path.length; i++) {
      var children = current.children;
      var name = path[i];
      var child;
      if (i + 1 < path.length) {
        var foundChild = false;
        for (let j = 0; children !== undefined && j < children.length; j++) {
          if (children[j].name === name) {
            child = children[j];
            foundChild = true;
        if (!foundChild) {
          child = {
            'name': name,
            'children': []
          if (children === undefined) {
            current.children = [];
          delete current.value;
        current = child;
      } else {
        child = {
          'name': name,
          'value': value
        if (children === undefined) {
          current.children = [];
        delete current.value;
