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gets the first result from the current query


gets the first result, or throws if no results


can fetch a single model from :endpoint/:id


defers to findMany() if an array is given to find()


can fetch multiple models using whereIn


throws if no model was found


can get a single column's value from the first row


can get an array of values from a column


has a setter and getter


is the source of scope methods copied to the builder


hydrates data returned from a SELECT query


tracks calls to dynamic scope methods


is chainable


defers to connection.read for SELECT queries


defers to connection.create for INSERT queries


defers to connection.update for UPDATE queries


defers to connection.update for DELETE queries

test/BuilderTest.js -

registers a model definition


makes a previously registered model


throws if asked to make an unregistered model


defines a model


returns a previously defined model


attaches model definitions to itself


makes models independent of each other


boots each model


fetches a record by ID


returns a collection of hydrated models


applies the current JSON-encoded query to the endpoint URL


lists a given column


updates a model


deletes a model


can fetch all models


updates the model attributes and saves it


deletes the model


is made available as public properties


can be retreived as plain object


can be changed


tracks any changes


fills the model from an attributes object


is cast to a Date object


does not cast to Date if null


can be configured at run-time on the class object


is cloned


is cast to a UNIX timestamp when converted to JSON


can be created from a model instance


can be created from a model class (statically)


has its methods proxied at boot


creates an array of models from an array of plain objects


is called once per model


is added to the class


is added to the prototype


returns a builder object


calls scope() on the builder


news up an instance with the given attributes and saves it


calls insert() on the query builder


updates the instance to include new attributes from the server


calls update() on the connection


updates the instance to include new attributes from the server

test/ModelTest.js -

can have any number of observers


fires the creating event beforehand


cancels the creation if event handler returns false


fires the created event afterwards


fires the saving event beforehand


fires the saved event afterwards


fires the updating event beforehand


fires the updated event afterwards


fires the deleting event beforehand


fires the deleted event afterwards


does not include relations in getAttributes / getDirty


resolves with the original model


attaches the returned attributes to the model


does not clobber dirty attributes


hydrates the correct model for a [*]Many relation


hydrates the correct model for a [*]One relation


can load multiple relations at the same time


requires an endpoint (URL)


sends GET requests to the endpoint


can fetch by id


passes the current query in a JSON-encoded query-string parameter


makes a POST request with a body of JSONified data


makes a PUT request


can update by id


passes the current query in a JSON-encoded GET parameter


makes a DELETE request


can delete by id


passes the current query in a JSON-encoded GET parameter
