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 * Builder provides a fluent API for building a query.
 * Since we'll be running the query on the server, we don't
 * really care about grammars or processors, or even the
 * breakdown of clauses and bindings. Instead, we'll just
 * record which methods are called and with what arguments.
 * This does mean the parameters in our function signatures
 * and docs are not as helpful as they might be - check the
 * Laravel documentation if any are unclear.
export default class Builder {

     * Create a new Builder instance.
     * @param {Connection} connection
     * @param {Model} [model]
    constructor(connection, model) {

         * The connection class to send/receive the query/results.
         * @protected
         * @type {Connection}
        this.connection = connection;

         * The methods called for this query and their arguments.
         * @protected
         * @type {Array[]}
        this.stack = [];

         * The Model instance being queried
         * @protected
         * @type {Model|null}
        this._model = null;

        // Allow model to be set at construction
        if (model) this._setModel(model);

     * Add a method call to the stack.
     * @protected
     * @param {string} name
     * @param {*[]} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    _call(name, args) {
        this.stack.push([name, args]);
        return this;

     * Set the columns to be selected.
     * @param {...string} columns
     * @returns {Builder}
    select(...columns) {
        return this._call('select', columns);

     * Add a new select column to the query.
     * @param {...string} columns
     * @returns {Builder}
    addSelect(...columns) {
        return this._call('addSelect', columns);

     * Force the query to only return distinct results.
     * @returns {Builder}
    distinct() {
        return this._call('distinct', []);

     * Add a "where" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    where(...args) {
        return this._call('where', args);

     * Add a "or where" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    orWhere(...args) {
        return this._call('orWhere', args);

     * Add a "where between" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    whereBetween(...args) {
        return this._call('whereBetween', args);

     * Add a "or where between" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    orWhereBetween(...args) {
        return this._call('orWhereBetween', args);

     * Add a "where not between" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    whereNotBetween(...args) {
        return this._call('whereNotBetween', args);

     * Add a "or where not between" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    orWhereNotBetween(...args) {
        return this._call('orWhereNotBetween', args);

     * Add a nested "where" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    whereNested(...args) {
        return this._call('whereNested', args);

     * Add a "where exists" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    whereExists(...args) {
        return this._call('whereExists', args);

     * Add a "or where exists" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    orWhereExists(...args) {
        return this._call('orWhereExists', args);

     * Add a "where not exists" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    whereNotExists(...args) {
        return this._call('whereNotExists', args);

     * Add a "or where not exists" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    orWhereNotExists(...args) {
        return this._call('orWhereNotExists', args);

     * Add a "where in" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    whereIn(...args) {
        return this._call('whereIn', args);

     * Add a "or where in" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    orWhereIn(...args) {
        return this._call('orWhereIn', args);

     * Add a "where not in" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    whereNotIn(...args) {
        return this._call('whereNotIn', args);

     * Add a "or where not in" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    orWhereNotIn(...args) {
        return this._call('orWhereNotIn', args);

     * Add a "where _ is null" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    whereNull(...args) {
        return this._call('whereNull', args);

     * Add a "or where _ is null" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    orWhereNull(...args) {
        return this._call('orWhereNull', args);

     * Add a "where _ is not null" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    whereNotNull(...args) {
        return this._call('whereNotNull', args);

     * Add a "or where _ is not null" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    orWhereNotNull(...args) {
        return this._call('orWhereNotNull', args);

     * Add a date "where" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    whereDate(...args) {
        return this._call('whereDate', args);

     * Add a day "where" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    whereDay(...args) {
        return this._call('whereDay', args);

     * Add a month "where" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    whereMonth(...args) {
        return this._call('whereMonth', args);

     * Add a year "where" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    whereYear(...args) {
        return this._call('whereYear', args);

     * Add a "group by" clause to the query.
     * @param {...string} columns
     * @returns {Builder}
    groupBy(...columns) {
        return this._call('groupBy', columns);

     * Add a "having" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    having(...args) {
        return this._call('having', args);

     * Add a "or having" clause to the query.
     * @param {...*} args
     * @returns {Builder}
    orHaving(...args) {
        return this._call('orHaving', args);

     * Add a "order by" clause to the query.
     * @param {...string} order
     * @returns {Builder}
    orderBy(...order) {
        return this._call('orderBy', order);

     * Add a "order by" latest date clause to the query.
     * @param {string} [order='created_at']
     * @returns {Builder}
    latest(order) {
        return this._call('latest', order ? [order] : []);

     * Add an "order by" oldest date clause to the query.
     * @param {string} [order='created_at']
     * @returns {Builder}
    oldest(order) {
        return this._call('oldest', order ? [order] : []);

     * Set the "offset" value of the query.
     * @param {number} offset
     * @returns {Builder}
    offset(offset) {
        return this._call('offset', [offset]);

     * Set the "offset" value of the query.
     * @param {number} skip
     * @returns {Builder}
    skip(skip) {
        return this._call('skip', [skip]);

     * Set the "limit" value of the query.
     * @param {number} limit
     * @returns {Builder}
    limit(limit) {
        return this._call('limit', [limit]);

     * Set the "limit" value of the query.
     * @param {number} take
     * @returns {Builder}
    take(take) {
        return this._call('take', [take]);

     * Set the "limit" and "offset" for a given page.
     * @param {...number} forPage
     * @returns {Builder}
    forPage(...forPage) {
        return this._call('forPage', forPage);

     * Set the relationships that should be eager loaded.
     * @param {string[]} relations
     * @returns {Builder}
    with(...relations) {
        this._call('with', relations);
        return this;

     * Find a model by its primary key.
     * @param {number}   id
     * @param {string[]} [columns] the columns to fetch
     * @returns {Promise}
    find(id, columns) {
        if (Array.isArray(id)) {
            return this.findMany(id, columns);

        return this
            .then(result => result ? this._model.newInstance(result, true) : null);

     * Find many models by their primary key.
     * @param {number[]} ids
     * @param {string[]} [columns]
     * @returns {Promise}
    findMany(ids, columns) {
        return this.whereIn(this._model.getKeyName(), ids).get(columns);

     * Find a model by its primary key or throw an exception.
     * @param {number}   id
     * @param {string[]} [columns]
     * @returns {Promise}
    findOrFail(id, columns) {
        return this.find(id, columns).then(throwIfNotFound);

     * Execute the query and get the first result.
     * @param {string[]} [columns]
     * @returns {Promise}
    first(columns) {
        return this.limit(1).get(columns).then(unwrapFirst);

     * Execute the query and get the first result or throw an exception.
     * @param {string[]} [columns]
     * @returns {Promise}
    firstOrFail(columns) {
        return this.first(columns).then(throwIfNotFound);

     * Get a single column's value from the first result of a query.
     * @param {string} column
     * @returns {Promise}
    value(column) {
        return this.first(column).then(function (result) {
            return result[column];

     * Get an array with the values of a given column.
     * @param {string} column
     * @returns {Promise}
    lists(column) {
        return this.get(column).then(function (results) {
            return results.map(function (result) {
                return result[column];

     * Add a scope call to the query.
     * @param {string} scopeName
     * @param {*[]} scopeArgs
     * @returns {Builder}
    scope(scopeName, scopeArgs) {
        let args = [scopeName];

        if (scopeArgs) {

        this._call('scope', args);
        return this;

     * Execute the query and return a promise that resolves with an array of models.
     * @param {string|string[]} [columns]
     * @returns {Promise}
    get(columns) {
        if (columns) {

        return this
            .then(results => this._model.hydrate(results));

     * Insert a new record into the database.
     * @param values
     * @returns {Promise}
    insert(values) {
        return this.connection.create(values);

     * Execute the query as an "update" statement.
     * @param  {object} values
     * @return {Promise}
    update(values) {
        return this.connection.update(this.stack, values);

     * Execute the query as a "delete" statement.
     * @return {Promise}
    delete() {
        return this.connection.delete(this.stack);

     * The Model instance being queried
     * @protected
     * @return {Model} model
    _getModel() {
        return this._model;

     * The Model instance being queried
     * @protected
     * @param {Model} model
     * @returns {void}
    _setModel(model) {
        this._model = model;

        // Laravel uses the PHP __call magic to refer back to the
        // underlying model instance to handle any scope calls.
        // Since we can't do that (yet), we'll settle for simply
        // copying the scope methods from the model at runtime.
        (model.constructor.scopes || []).forEach(name => {
            this[name] = function (...args) {
                this.scope(name, args);
                return this;

function unwrapFirst(results)
    return results[0] ? results[0] : null;

function throwIfNotFound(result)
    if (result === null) {
        throw new Error('ModelNotFoundException');

    return result;