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 * A collection of Time utils to make working with Time a little easier in Javascript
 * Have care with delays larger than 2147483647 milliseconds (approximately 25 days) or less than 1.
 * @namespace Time

 * different millisecond time intervals
 * @type       {Object}
 * @property   {Integer} second        number of milliseconds in a second
 * @property   {Integer} minutes       number of milliseconds in a minute
 * @property   {Integer} hour          number of milliseconds in a hour
 * @property   {Integer} day           number of milliseconds in a day

export const EPOCS   = {}
EPOCS.second  = 1000
EPOCS.minute  = 60 * EPOCS.second
EPOCS.hour    = EPOCS.minute * 60
EPOCS.day     = EPOCS.hour   * 24

 * returns a humanized time representation of the difference between two millisecond dates
 * @function humanize
 * @memberof Time
 * @param   {Integer}               start   the start date in number of milliseconds since 1 January, 1970 UTC
 * @param   {Integer} [Date.now()]  end     the end date in number of milliseconds
 * @return  {Object}

export function humanize ( start, end=Date.now() ) {
  let diff  =  end - start
  const days = Math.floor( diff / EPOCS.day )
  diff = diff % EPOCS.day

  const hours = Math.floor( diff / EPOCS.hour )
  diff = diff % EPOCS.hour
  const minutes = Math.floor( diff / EPOCS.minute )
  diff = diff % EPOCS.minute
  const seconds = Math.floor(diff / EPOCS.second ) || 0

  return {
      days    : days
    , hours   : hours
    , minutes : minutes
    , seconds : seconds

 * returns how many seconds have elapsed since `n` compared to `Date.now()`
 * @function secondsAgo
 * @memberof Time
 * @param   {Integer} n    the start date in milliseconds
 * @return  {Integer}      the number of seconds that have elapsed

export function secondsAgo (n) {
  return Date.now() - EPOCS.second * n

 * returns `n` number of seconds converted to milliseconds
 * @function seconds
 * @memberof Time
 * @param  {Integer} n     the number of seconds
 * @return {Integer}
 * @example
 * seconds(2) // 2000 
export function seconds (n) {
  return EPOCS.second * n

 * returns `n` number of minutes converted to milliseconds
 * @function minutes
 * @memberof Time
 * @param  {Integer} n     the number of minutes
 * @return {Integer}
 * @example
 * minutes(1) // 1000 * 60
export function minutes (n) {
  return EPOCS.minute * n

 * returns `n` number of hours converted to milliseconds
 * @function hours
 * @memberof Time
 * @param  {Integer} n     the number of hours
 * @return {Integer}
 * @example
 * hours(1) // 1000 * 60 * 60
export function hours (n) {
  return EPOCS.hour * n

 * returns `n` number of days converted to milliseconds. 
 * @function days
 * @memberof Time
 * @param  {Integer} n     the number of days
 * @return {Integer}
 * @example
 * days(1) // 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24

export function days (n) {
  return EPOCS.day * n

 * compares a Date Object to a millisecond representation
 * @function olderThan
 * @memberof Time
 * @param    {Date}     date        a Date object
 * @param    {Integer}  milliDate   a millisecond representation of a Date
 * @returns  {Boolean}  whether date is older than milliDate
export function olderThan (date, milliDate) {
  return (new Date(date)).getTime() <  milliDate

 * used for making sure a code block runs within a certain amount of time
 * @class Timer
export class Timer {
   * creates a new Timer
   * @method     create
   * @param      {Object}   config                                                      The config object
   * @param      {String}   config.name           [__filename where Timer is created]   The name of the Timer (for errors)
   * @param      {Integer}  config.max_run_time   [1 minute]                            The max run time in milliseconds
   * @param      {Function} config.after          [Timer.prototype.error]               The function to run after a Timer ends
  static create (config) {
    config.name = config.name || (new Error()).stack.split("\n")[2].split(" at ")[1]
    return new Timer(config)

   * constructor
   * @method     constructor
   * @param      {Object}  config  The config
  constructor (config) {
    this.name    = config.name
    this.onEnd   = config.after        || this.error.bind(this, `${this.name} expired without an after effect`)
    this.runtime = config.max_run_time || minutes(1)
    this.touches = 0
    return this.begin()

   * Throws a Timer Error
   * @method     error
   * @param      {<type>}  msg     The error message
  error (msg) {
    throw new Error(msg)

   * Restarts a Timer's clock
   * @method     touch
   * @return     this
  touch () {
    return this.begin()

   * convenience method to begin a Timer
   * @method     begin
   * @return     this 
  begin () {
    const timer = this
    // prevent creating unreachable Timeouts
    if (timer.$ && timer.$._onTimeout) {
      return timer
    timer.$     = setTimeout( function interrupt () { timer.onEnd(timer) }, timer.runtime)
    return timer
   * cancels a Timer so it will not throw
   * @method     cancel
  cancel () {
    return this