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 * @class Runes

export default class Runes {
   * the Set of characters to use for our Runes
   * @method     set
   * @returns    [a-zA-Z0-9]
  static get set () {
    return "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"

  static get length () {
    return Runes.set.length

   * gets a random member from Runes.set
   * @method     randAlphaNumericChar
   * @return     {char}                a random member of Runes.set 
  static randRune () {
    return Runes.set[
        Math.random() * Runes.length

   * a random string of `n` length composed from Runes.set
   * @method     random
   * @param      {<type>}  n       { parameter_description }
  static random (n) {
    return new Array(n).fill('').map(Runes.randRune).join('')

   * lulz - good on you for reading docs
   * @method     lpad
   * @param      {number}  n       padtato chips
   * @param      {<type>}  str     The str
  static lpad (n, str) {
    while( n > 0 ) {
      str = ` ${str}`

    return str
