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import thinky      from '../thinky'
import * as Time   from '../utils/Time'
import Promise     from 'bluebird'
import * as Errors from '../Errors'

const { Timer } = Time
const {type, r} = thinky

 * our locking class
 * @class Lock
export default class Lock {

   * gets the next closests expiry timestamp in MS
   * @property {Integer} nextExpiry
  static get nextExpiry () {
    return Date.now() + Time.seconds(5)

   * creates a new Lock instance
   * @method create
   * @return {Promise}
  static create () {
    return new Lock(...arguments)

   * constructor for a Lock class
   * @param      {<type>}  key      The lock key
   * @param      {<type>}  options  options for the lock
  constructor (key, options={}) {
    this.key     = key
    this.locked  = false
    this.options = options

    if (options.instance_token) {
      this.instance_token = options.instance_token
      return Promise.resolve(this)

    return Lock.table.ready()

  genId () {
    return r.uuid().run()
      .then( id => this.instance_token = id )

   * base Query we inherit from
   * @method get
   * @returns {Thinky:Query}
  get () {
    return r.table("Locks").get(this.key)

   * returns attributes for a given Lock update
   * @return     {Object}  { description_of_the_return_value }
  attributes () {
    return {
        name           : this.key
      , expires_at     : Lock.nextExpiry
      , instance_token : this.instance_token

   * update Query for a lock update REQL operation
   * @param      {Function}  updater  function to use as a REQL update
  update (updater) {
    return this.get().update(updater).run()

   * replace Query for replacing a lock instance in REQL
   * @param      {Function}  replacer  function that implements the REQL replace
  replace (replacer) {
    return this.get().replace(replacer).run()

   * tries to attain a Lock on the current instance
   * @method tryLock
   * @return {Promise}
  tryLock () {
    return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
      this.replace( (lock) => {
        return r.branch( lock.eq(null).or( lock("expires_at").lt(Date.now()) )
          , this.attributes()
          , lock
      }).then( result => {
        if (result.inserted + result.replaced === 1) {
          this.locked = true
        resolve([this, result])

   * releases the lock on the current instance
   * @method release
   * @return {Promise}
  release () {
    return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {

      this.replace( (lock) => {
        return r.branch( lock('instance_token').eq(this.instance_token)
          , null
          , lock
      }).then( result => {

        if (result.deleted !== 1) this.throwLockLost()

        this.locked = false

        resolve([this, result])

   * polls until the instance obtains a lock
   * @method lock
   * @return {Promise}
  acquire () {
    const self = this
    return new Promise( (resolve, reject)=> {
      function _poll () {
        self.tryLock().then( ([lock, result])=> {
          if (lock.locked) return resolve(lock)
          setTimeout(_poll, 100)

   * obtains a lock and then runs an unary function that receives a `done` callback
   * @param      {Function}  fn      the function to run after a lock is obtained
   * @return     {Promise}   
  synchronize (fn) {
    return this
      .then( _ => {
        return new Promise( (resolve, reject)=> {
          const result = fn(resolve) 

          if (result && result.then) {
            return result


   * touches an acquired lock
   * @method touch
   * @return {Promise}
  touch () {
    return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {

      this.update( (lock) => {
        return r.branch( lock("instance_token").default(null).eq(this.instance_token)
          , { expires_at: Lock.nextExpiry }
          , null
      }).then( result => {
        this.locked = false
        if (result.replaced !== 1) {
          return reject( new Errors.Lock_Lost_Error() )

        this.locked = true
        resolve([this, result])

   * logical validators
  throwUnlessLocked () {
    if (!this.locked) {
      throw new Errors.Lock_Not_Owned_Error()

  throwLockLost () {
    throw new Errors.Lock_Lost_Error()


Lock.table = thinky.createModel('Locks', {
    key            : type.string()
  , instance_token : type.string().uuid(5)
  , expires_at     : type.date().default(Date.now)
}, { pk: 'name' })