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import gulpUtil from 'gulp-util';
import * as formatters from 'stylelint/dist/formatters';
import writer from './writer';

 * Creates a reporter from the given config.
 * @param {Object} [config] - Reporter config.
 * @param {Object} [options] - Plugin options.
 * @return {Function} Reporter.
export default function reporterFactory(config = {}, options = {}) {

   * Formatter for stylelint results.
   * User has a choice of passing a custom formatter function,
   * or a name of formatter bundled with stylelint by default.
   * @type {Function}
  const formatter = typeof config.formatter === 'string' ?
    formatters[config.formatter] :

   * Reporter.
   * @param {[Object]} results - Array of stylelint results.
   * @return {Promise} Resolved when writer and logger are done.
  return function reporter(results) {

     * Async tasks performed by the reporter.
     * @type [Promise]
    const asyncTasks = [];

     * Formatter output.
     * @type String
    const formattedText = formatter(results);

    if (config.console) {

    if (config.save) {
        writer(formattedText, config.save, options.reportOutputDir)

    return Promise.all(asyncTasks);