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 * Gulp stylelint plugin.
 * @module gulp-stylelint

import {lint} from 'stylelint';
import gulpUtil from 'gulp-util';
import through from 'through2';
import Promise from 'promise';
import * as formatters from 'stylelint/dist/formatters';
import reporterFactory from './reporter-factory';

 * Name of this plugin for reporting purposes.
 * @type {String}
const pluginName = 'gulp-stylelint';

 * Stylelint results processor.
 * @param {Object} [options] - Plugin options.
 * @param {String} [options.reportOutputDir] - Common path for all reporters.
 * @param {[Object]} [options.reporters] - Reporter configurations.
 * @param {Boolean} [options.debug] - If true, error stack will be printed.
 * @return {Stream} Object stream usable in Gulp pipes.
export default function gulpStylelint(options = {}) {

   * List of gulp-stylelint reporters.
   * @type [Function]
  const reporters = (options.reporters || [])
    .map(config => reporterFactory(config, options));

   * List of stylelint's lint result promises.
   * @type [Promise]
  const lintPromiseList = [];

   * Lint options for stylelint's `lint` function.
   * @type Object
  const lintOptions = Object.assign({
    failAfterError: true,
    debug: false
  }, options);

  // Remove the stylelint options that cannot be used:
  delete lintOptions.files; // css code will be provided by gulp
  delete lintOptions.formatter; // formatters are defined in the `reporters` option

  // Remove gulp-stylelint options:
  delete lintOptions.reportOutputDir;
  delete lintOptions.reporters;
  delete lintOptions.debug;

   * Launches linting of a given file, pushes promises to the promise list.
   * Note that the files are not modified and are pushed
   * back to their pipes to allow usage of other plugins.
   * @param {File} file - Piped file.
   * @param {String} encoding - File encoding.
   * @param {Function} done - File pipe completion callback.
   * @return {undefined} Nothing is returned (done callback is used instead).
  function onFile(file, encoding, done) {

    if (file.isNull()) {
      done(null, file);

    if (file.isStream()) {
      done(new gulpUtil.PluginError(pluginName, 'Streaming is not supported'));

    const localLintOptions = Object.assign({}, lintOptions, {
      code: file.contents.toString(),
      codeFilename: file.path


    done(null, file);

   * Provides Stylelint result to reporters.
   * @param {[Object]} lintResults - Stylelint results.
   * @return {Promise} Resolved with original lint results.
  function passLintResultsThroughReporters(lintResults) {
    const warnings = lintResults
      .reduce((accumulated, res) => accumulated.concat(res.results), []);
    return Promise
      .all(reporters.map(reporter => reporter(warnings)))
      .then(() => lintResults);

   * Resolves promises and provides accumulated report to reporters.
   * @param {Function} done - Stream completion callback.
   * @return {undefined} Nothing is returned (done callback is used instead).
  function onStreamEnd(done) {
      .then(lintResults => {
        if (options.failAfterError && lintResults.some(result => result.errored)) {
          done(new gulpUtil.PluginError(pluginName, 'Errors were found while linting code.'));
        } else {
      .catch(error => {
        done(new gulpUtil.PluginError(pluginName, error, {
          showStack: !!options.debug

  return through.obj(onFile, onStreamEnd);

 * Formatters bundled with stylelint by default.
 * User may want to see the list of available formatters,
 * proxy them or pass them as functions instead of strings.
 * @see https://github.com/olegskl/gulp-stylelint/issues/3#issuecomment-197025044
 * @type {Object}
gulpStylelint.formatters = formatters;