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Direct Subclass:


The abstract class to manage entities collections, like a media feed.

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(intialUrl: String, limit: Number, rightsOnly: Boolean)

The class constructor that sets the basic information for the batch, like the initial url and the batch settings.

Member Summary

Public Members
public get

A quick shortcut to get access to the DevKit singleton.

Method Summary

Public Methods

Makes a request to the API and returns a entities list, or an Error if something goes wrong.


Checks whether there's a next page to load or not.


Checks whether there's a previous page to load or not.


Loads the batch next page.


Loads the batch previous page.

Public Constructors

public constructor(intialUrl: String, limit: Number, rightsOnly: Boolean) source

The class constructor that sets the basic information for the batch, like the initial url and the batch settings.


intialUrl String

The url for the batch first page.

limit Number
  • optional
  • default: 20

How many element per page will be fetched.

rightsOnly Boolean
  • optional
  • default: false

If this is true, it will only return entities with approved rights.

Public Members

public get DevKit: OlapicDevKit source

A quick shortcut to get access to the DevKit singleton.

Public Methods

public fetch(): Promise<Array, Error> source

Makes a request to the API and returns a entities list, or an Error if something goes wrong. If this method it's called before another fetch promise is resolved, it will automatically reject the promise with an error.


Promise<Array, Error>

If everything goes well, it will return an entities list, otherwise, it will return an Error.


.fetch().then((entities) => {
    for (let i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {
        console.log('Entity: ', entities[i].toString());
}).catch((e) => console.log('Error: ', e));

public hasNextPage(): Boolean source

Checks whether there's a next page to load or not.



Whether there's a next page or not.

public hasPrevPage(): Boolean source

Checks whether there's a previous page to load or not.



Whether there's a previous page or not.

public next(): Promise<Array, Error> source

Loads the batch next page. This method returns a call to .fetch(), so they can be handled the same way. You should always check first if there's a next page using .hasNextPage().


Promise<Array, Error>

If everything goes well, it will return an entities list, otherwise, it will return an Error.


.next().then((entities) => {
    for (let i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {
        console.log('Entity: ', entities[i].toString());
}).catch((e) => console.log('Error: ', e));

public prev(): Promise<Array, Error> source

Loads the batch previous page. This method returns a call to .fetch(), so they can be handled the same way. You should always check first if there's a previous page using .hasPrevPage().


Promise<Array, Error>

If everything goes well, it will return an entities list, otherwise, it will return an Error.


.prev().then((entities) => {
    for (let i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {
        console.log('Entity: ', entities[i].toString());
}).catch((e) => console.log('Error: ', e));