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describe('BlockHeader', () => {
    const prevHash = new Hash(BufferUtils.fromBase64(Dummy.hash1));
    const interlinkHash = new Hash(BufferUtils.fromBase64(Dummy.hash3));
    const bodyHash = new Hash(BufferUtils.fromBase64(Dummy.hash2));
    const accountsHash = new Hash(BufferUtils.fromBase64(Dummy.hash3));
    const difficulty = BlockUtils.difficultyToCompact(1);
    const timestamp = 1;
    const nonce = 1;

    it('is 146 bytes long', () => {

        //   2 bytes version
        //  32 bytes prevHash
        //  32 bytes interlinkHash
        //  32 bytes bodyHash
        //  32 bytes accountsHash
        //   4 bytes difficulty
        //   4 bytes height
        //   4 bytes timestamp
        //   4 bytes nonce
        // ----------------------------
        // 146 bytes

        const blockHeader1 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, interlinkHash, bodyHash, accountsHash, difficulty, 1, timestamp, nonce);

        const serialized = blockHeader1.serialize();


    it('has the correct size set in BlockHeader.SERIALIZED_SIZE', () => {
        const blockHeader1 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, interlinkHash, bodyHash, accountsHash, difficulty, 1, timestamp, nonce);

        const serialized = blockHeader1.serialize();


    it('must have a well defined prevHash (32 bytes)', () => {
        /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
        expect(() => {
            const test1 = new BlockHeader(undefined, interlinkHash, bodyHash, accountsHash, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed prevHash');
        expect(() => {
            const test2 = new BlockHeader(null, interlinkHash, bodyHash, accountsHash, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed prevHash');
        expect(() => {
            const test3 = new BlockHeader(true, interlinkHash, bodyHash, accountsHash, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed prevHash');
        expect(() => {
            const test4 = new BlockHeader(new Address(new Uint8Array(20)), interlinkHash, bodyHash, accountsHash, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed prevHash');
        expect(() => {
            const test5 = new BlockHeader(new Signature(new Uint8Array(Signature.SIZE)), interlinkHash, bodyHash, accountsHash, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed prevHash');
        expect(() => {
            const test5 = new BlockHeader(new ArrayBuffer(32), interlinkHash, bodyHash, accountsHash, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed prevHash');
        /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */

    it('must have a well defined interlinkHash (32 bytes)', () => {
        /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
        expect(() => {
            const test1 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, undefined, bodyHash, accountsHash, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed interlinkHash');
        expect(() => {
            const test2 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, null, bodyHash, accountsHash, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed interlinkHash');
        expect(() => {
            const test3 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, true, bodyHash, accountsHash, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed interlinkHash');
        expect(() => {
            const test4 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, new Address(new Uint8Array(20)), bodyHash, accountsHash, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed interlinkHash');
        expect(() => {
            const test5 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, new Signature(new Uint8Array(Signature.SIZE)), bodyHash, accountsHash, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed interlinkHash');
        expect(() => {
            const test5 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, new Uint8Array(32), bodyHash, accountsHash, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed interlinkHash');
        /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */

    it('must have a well defined bodyHash (32 bytes)', () => {
        /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
        expect(() => {
            const test1 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, interlinkHash, undefined, accountsHash, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed bodyHash');
        expect(() => {
            const test2 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, interlinkHash, null, accountsHash, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed bodyHash');
        expect(() => {
            const test3 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, interlinkHash, true, accountsHash, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed bodyHash');
        expect(() => {
            const test4 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, interlinkHash, new Address(new Uint8Array(20)), accountsHash, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed bodyHash');
        expect(() => {
            const test5 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, interlinkHash, new Signature(new Uint8Array(Signature.SIZE)), accountsHash, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed bodyHash');
        expect(() => {
            const test5 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, interlinkHash, new Uint8Array(32), accountsHash, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed bodyHash');
        /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */

    it('must have a well defined accountsHash (32 bytes)', () => {
        /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
        expect(() => {
            const test1 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, interlinkHash, bodyHash, undefined, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed accountsHash');
        expect(() => {
            const test2 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, interlinkHash, bodyHash, null, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed accountsHash');
        expect(() => {
            const test3 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, interlinkHash, bodyHash, true, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed accountsHash');
        expect(() => {
            const test4 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, interlinkHash, bodyHash, new Address(new Uint8Array(20)), difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed accountsHash');
        expect(() => {
            const test5 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, interlinkHash, bodyHash, new Signature(new Uint8Array(Signature.SIZE)), difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed accountsHash');
        expect(() => {
            const test5 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, interlinkHash, bodyHash, new Uint8Array(32), difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        }).toThrowError('Malformed accountsHash');
        /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */

    it('must have a well defined nonce (4 bytes)', () => {
        const nonce1 = NumberUtils.UINT32_MAX;
        const blockHeader1 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, interlinkHash, bodyHash, accountsHash, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce1);
        const blockHeader2 = BlockHeader.unserialize(blockHeader1.serialize());
        const nonce2 = blockHeader2.nonce;


    it('must have a well defined difficulty (4 bytes)', () => {
        const difficulty1 = NumberUtils.UINT32_MAX;
        const compact1 = BlockUtils.difficultyToCompact(difficulty1);
        const blockHeader1 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, interlinkHash, bodyHash, accountsHash, compact1, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        const blockHeader2 = BlockHeader.unserialize(blockHeader1.serialize());
        const compact2 = blockHeader2.nBits;


    it('must have a well defined timestamp (4 bytes)', () => {
        const timestamp1 = NumberUtils.UINT32_MAX;
        const blockHeader1 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, interlinkHash, bodyHash, accountsHash, difficulty, 2, timestamp1, nonce);
        const blockHeader2 = BlockHeader.unserialize(blockHeader1.serialize());
        const timestamp2 = blockHeader2.timestamp;


    it('is serializable and unserializable', () => {
        const blockHeader1 = new BlockHeader(prevHash, interlinkHash, bodyHash, accountsHash, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
        const blockHeader2 = BlockHeader.unserialize(blockHeader1.serialize());


    it('can falsify an invalid proof-of-work', (done) => {
        const blockHeader = new BlockHeader(prevHash, interlinkHash, bodyHash, accountsHash, difficulty, 2, timestamp, nonce);
            .then((isValid) => {

    it('can verify a valid proof-of-work', (done) => {
        const blockHeader = GenesisConfig.GENESIS_BLOCK.header;
            .then((isValid) => {