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class PeerId extends Serializable {
     * @param {PeerId} o
     * @returns {PeerId}
    static copy(o) {
        if (!o) return o;
        const obj = new Uint8Array(o._obj);
        return new PeerId(obj);

    constructor(arg) {
        if (!(arg instanceof Uint8Array)) throw new Error('Primitive: Invalid type');
        if (arg.length !== PeerId.SERIALIZED_SIZE) throw new Error('Primitive: Invalid length');
        this._obj = arg;

     * Create Address object from binary form.
     * @param {SerialBuffer} buf Buffer to read from.
     * @return {PeerId} Newly created Account object.
    static unserialize(buf) {
        return new PeerId(buf.read(PeerId.SERIALIZED_SIZE));

     * Serialize this Address object into binary form.
     * @param {?SerialBuffer} [buf] Buffer to write to.
     * @return {SerialBuffer} Buffer from `buf` or newly generated one.
    serialize(buf) {
        buf = buf || new SerialBuffer(this.serializedSize);
        return buf;

    subarray(begin, end) {
        return this._obj.subarray(begin, end);

     * @type {number}
    get serializedSize() {
        return PeerId.SERIALIZED_SIZE;

     * @param {Serializable} o
     * @return {boolean}
    equals(o) {
        return o instanceof PeerId
            && super.equals(o);

     * @returns {string}
     * @override
    toString() {
        return this.toHex();

     * @param {string} base64
     * @return {PeerId}
    static fromBase64(base64) {
        return new PeerId(BufferUtils.fromBase64(base64));

     * @param {string} hex
     * @return {PeerId}
    static fromHex(hex) {
        return new PeerId(BufferUtils.fromHex(hex));
