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class Block {
     * @param {BlockHeader} header
     * @param {BlockInterlink} interlink
     * @param {BlockBody} [body]
    constructor(header, interlink, body) {
        if (!(header instanceof BlockHeader)) throw new Error('Malformed header');
        if (!(interlink instanceof BlockInterlink)) throw new Error('Malformed interlink');
        if (body && !(body instanceof BlockBody)) throw new Error('Malformed body');

        /** @type {BlockHeader} */
        this._header = header;
        /** @type {BlockInterlink} */
        this._interlink = interlink;
        /** @type {BlockBody} */
        this._body = body;

     * @param {SerialBuffer} buf
     * @returns {Block}
    static unserialize(buf) {
        const header = BlockHeader.unserialize(buf);
        const interlink = BlockInterlink.unserialize(buf, header.prevHash);

        let body = undefined;
        const bodyPresent = buf.readUint8();
        if (bodyPresent) {
            body = BlockBody.unserialize(buf);

        return new Block(header, interlink, body);

     * @param {SerialBuffer} [buf]
     * @returns {SerialBuffer}
    serialize(buf) {
        buf = buf || new SerialBuffer(this.serializedSize);

        if (this._body) {
        } else {

        return buf;

    /** @type {number} */
    get serializedSize() {
        return this._header.serializedSize
            + this._interlink.serializedSize
            + /*bodyPresent*/ 1
            + (this._body ? this._body.serializedSize : 0);

     * @param {Time} time
     * @returns {Promise.<boolean>}
    async verify(time) {
        if (this._valid === undefined) {
            if (this.isLight() || this.body.transactions.length < 150 || !IWorker.areWorkersAsync) {
                // worker overhead doesn't pay off for small transaction numbers
                this._valid = await this._verify(time.now());
            } else {
                const transactionValid = this.body.transactions.map(t => t._valid);
                const worker = await CryptoWorker.getInstanceAsync();
                const {valid, pow, interlinkHash, bodyHash} = await worker.blockVerify(this.serialize(),
                    transactionValid, time.now(), GenesisConfig.GENESIS_HASH.serialize(), GenesisConfig.NETWORK_ID);
                this._valid = valid;
                this.header._pow = Hash.unserialize(new SerialBuffer(pow));
                this.interlink._hash = Hash.unserialize(new SerialBuffer(interlinkHash));
                this.body._hash = Hash.unserialize(new SerialBuffer(bodyHash));
        return this._valid;

     * @param {number} timeNow
     * @returns {Promise.<boolean>}
    async _verify(timeNow) {
        // Check that the timestamp is not too far into the future.
        if (this._header.timestamp * 1000 > timeNow + Block.TIMESTAMP_DRIFT_MAX * 1000) {
            Log.w(Block, 'Invalid block - timestamp too far in the future');
            return false;

        // Check that the header hash matches the difficulty.
        if (!(await this._header.verifyProofOfWork())) {
            Log.w(Block, 'Invalid block - PoW verification failed');
            return false;

        // Check that the maximum block size is not exceeded.
        if (this.serializedSize > Policy.BLOCK_SIZE_MAX) {
            Log.w(Block, 'Invalid block - max block size exceeded');
            return false;

        // Verify that the interlink is valid.
        if (!this._verifyInterlink()) {
            return false;

        // XXX Verify the body only if it is present.
        if (this.isFull() && !this._verifyBody()) {
            return false;

        // Everything checks out.
        return true;

     * @returns {boolean}
     * @private
    _verifyInterlink() {
        // Skip check for genesis block due to the cyclic dependency (since the interlink hash contains the genesis block hash).
        if (this.height === 1 && this._header.interlinkHash.equals(new Hash(null))) {
            return true;

        // Check that the interlinkHash given in the header matches the actual interlinkHash.
        const interlinkHash = this._interlink.hash();
        if (!this._header.interlinkHash.equals(interlinkHash)) {
            Log.w(Block, 'Invalid block - interlink hash mismatch');
            return false;

        // Everything checks out.
        return true;

     * @returns {boolean}
     * @private
    _verifyBody() {
        // Check that the body is valid.
        if (!this._body.verify()) {
            return false;

        // Check that bodyHash given in the header matches the actual body hash.
        const bodyHash = this._body.hash();
        if (!this._header.bodyHash.equals(bodyHash)) {
            Log.w(Block, 'Invalid block - body hash mismatch');
            return false;

        // Everything checks out.
        return true;

     * @param {Block} predecessor
     * @returns {Promise.<boolean>}
    async isImmediateSuccessorOf(predecessor) {
        // Check the header.
        if (!this._header.isImmediateSuccessorOf(predecessor.header)) {
            return false;

        // Check that the interlink is correct.
        const interlink = await predecessor.getNextInterlink(this.target, this.version);
        if (!this._interlink.equals(interlink)) {
            return false;

        // Everything checks out.
        return true;

     * @param {Block} predecessor
     * @returns {Promise.<boolean>}
    async isInterlinkSuccessorOf(predecessor) {
        // Check that the height is higher than the predecessor's.
        if (this._header.height <= predecessor.header.height) {
            Log.v(Block, 'No interlink successor - height');
            return false;

        // Check that the timestamp is greater or equal to the predecessor's timestamp.
        if (this._header.timestamp < predecessor.header.timestamp) {
            Log.v(Block, 'No interlink successor - timestamp');
            return false;

        // Check that the predecessor is contained in this block's interlink and verify its position.
        const prevHash = predecessor.hash();
        if (!GenesisConfig.GENESIS_HASH.equals(prevHash)) {
            const prevPow = await predecessor.pow();
            const targetHeight = BlockUtils.getTargetHeight(this.target);
            let blockFound = false;

            let depth = 0;
            for (; depth < this._interlink.length; depth++) {
                if (prevHash.equals(this._interlink.hashes[depth])) {
                    blockFound = true;
                    const target = new BigNumber(2).pow(targetHeight - depth);
                    if (!BlockUtils.isProofOfWork(prevPow, target)) {
                        Log.v(Block, 'No interlink successor - invalid position in interlink');
                        return false;

            if (!blockFound) {
                Log.v(Block, 'No interlink successor - not in interlink');
                return false;

        // If the predecessor happens to be the immediate predecessor, check additionally:
        // - that the height of the successor is one higher
        // - that the interlink is correct.
        if (this._header.prevHash.equals(prevHash)) {
            if (this._header.height !== predecessor.header.height + 1) {
                Log.v(Block, 'No interlink successor - immediate height');
                return false;

            const interlink = await predecessor.getNextInterlink(this.target, this.version);
            const interlinkHash = interlink.hash();
            if (!this._header.interlinkHash.equals(interlinkHash)) {
                Log.v(Block, 'No interlink successor - immediate interlink');
                return false;
        // Otherwise, if the prevHash doesn't match but the blocks should be adjacent according to their height fields,
        // this cannot be a valid successor of predecessor.
        else if (this._header.height === predecessor.header.height + 1) {
            Log.v(Block, 'No interlink successor - immediate height (2)');
            return false;
        // Otherwise, check that the interlink construction is valid given the information we have.
        else {
            // TODO Take different targets into account.

            // The number of new blocks in the interlink is bounded by the height difference.
            /** @type {HashSet.<Hash>} */
            const hashes = new HashSet();
            if (hashes.length > this._header.height - predecessor.header.height) {
                Log.v(Block, 'No interlink successor - too many new blocks');
                return false;

            // Check that the interlink is not too short.
            const thisDepth = BlockUtils.getTargetDepth(this.target);
            const prevDepth = BlockUtils.getTargetDepth(predecessor.target);
            const depthDiff = thisDepth - prevDepth;
            if (this._interlink.length < predecessor.interlink.length - depthDiff) {
                Log.v(Block, 'No interlink successor - interlink too short');
                return false;

            // If the same block is found in both interlinks, all blocks at lower depths must be the same in both interlinks.
            let commonBlock = false;
            const thisInterlink = this._interlink.hashes;
            const prevInterlink = predecessor.interlink.hashes;
            for (let i = 1; i < prevInterlink.length && i - depthDiff < thisInterlink.length; i++) {
                if (prevInterlink[i].equals(thisInterlink[i - depthDiff])) {
                    commonBlock = true;
                } else if (commonBlock) {
                    Log.v(Block, 'No interlink successor - invalid common suffix');
                    return false;

        // Everything checks out.
        return true;

     * @param {Block} predecessor
     * @returns {Promise.<boolean>}
    async isSuccessorOf(predecessor) {
        // TODO Improve this! Lots of duplicate checks.
        return (await this.isImmediateSuccessorOf(predecessor)) || (await this.isInterlinkSuccessorOf(predecessor));

     * @param {BigNumber} nextTarget
     * @param {number} [nextVersion]
     * @returns {Promise.<BlockInterlink>}
    async getNextInterlink(nextTarget, nextVersion = BlockHeader.CURRENT_VERSION) {
        /** @type {Array.<Hash>} */
        const hashes = [];
        const hash = this.hash();

        // Compute how many times this blockHash should be included in the next interlink.
        const thisPowDepth = BlockUtils.getHashDepth(await this.pow());
        const nextTargetDepth = BlockUtils.getTargetDepth(nextTarget);
        const numOccurrences = Math.max(thisPowDepth - nextTargetDepth + 1, 0);

        // Push this blockHash numOccurrences times onto the next interlink.
        for (let i = 0; i < numOccurrences; i++) {

        // Compute how many blocks to omit from the beginning of this interlink.
        const thisTargetDepth = BlockUtils.getTargetDepth(this.target);
        const targetOffset = nextTargetDepth - thisTargetDepth;
        const interlinkOffset = numOccurrences + targetOffset;

        // Push the remaining hashes from this interlink.
        for (let i = interlinkOffset; i < this.interlink.length; i++) {

        return new BlockInterlink(hashes, hash);

     * @returns {Block}
    shallowCopy() {
        return new Block(this._header, this._interlink, this._body);

     * @param {Block|*} o
     * @returns {boolean}
    equals(o) {
        return o instanceof Block
            && this._header.equals(o._header)
            && this._interlink.equals(o._interlink)
            && (this._body ? this._body.equals(o._body) : !o._body);

     * @returns {boolean}
    isLight() {
        return !this._body;

     * @returns {boolean}
    isFull() {
        return !!this._body;

     * @returns {Block}
    toLight() {
        return this.isLight() ? this : new Block(this._header, this._interlink);

     * @param {BlockBody} body
     * @returns {Block}
    toFull(body) {
        return this.isFull() ? this : new Block(this._header, this._interlink, body);

     * @type {BlockHeader}
    get header() {
        return this._header;

     * @type {BlockInterlink}
    get interlink() {
        return this._interlink;

     * @type {BlockBody}
    get body() {
        if (this.isLight()) {
            throw new Error('Cannot access body of light block');
        return this._body;

     * @returns {number}
    get version() {
        return this._header.version;

     * @type {Hash}
    get prevHash() {
        return this._header.prevHash;

     * @type {Hash}
    get interlinkHash() {
        return this._header.interlinkHash;

     * @type {Hash}
    get bodyHash() {
        return this._header.bodyHash;

     * @type {Hash}
    get accountsHash() {
        return this._header.accountsHash;

     * @type {number}
    get nBits() {
        return this._header.nBits;

     * @type {BigNumber}
    get target() {
        return this._header.target;

     * @type {BigNumber}
    get difficulty() {
        return this._header.difficulty;

     * @type {number}
    get height() {
        return this._header.height;

     * @type {number}
    get timestamp() {
        return this._header.timestamp;

     * @type {number}
    get nonce() {
        return this._header.nonce;

     * @type {Address}
    get minerAddr() {
        return this._body ? this._body.minerAddr : undefined;

     * @type {?Array.<Transaction>}
    get transactions() {
        return this._body ? this._body.transactions : undefined;

     * @returns {?Uint8Array}
    get extraData() {
        return this._body ? this._body.extraData : undefined;

     * @returns {?Array.<PrunedAccount>}
    get prunedAccounts() {
        return this._body ? this._body.prunedAccounts : undefined;

     * @type {?number}
    get transactionCount() {
        return this._body ? this._body.transactionCount : undefined;

     * @param {SerialBuffer} [buf]
     * @returns {Hash}
    hash(buf) {
        return this._header.hash(buf);

     * @param {SerialBuffer} [buf]
     * @returns {Promise.<Hash>}
    pow(buf) {
        return this._header.pow(buf);

     * @param {Block|object|string} block
    static fromAny(block) {
        if (block instanceof Block) return block;
        if (typeof block === 'object') return Block.fromPlain(block);
        if (typeof block === 'string') return Block.unserialize(BufferUtils.fromHex(block));
        throw new Error('Invalid block');

     * @param {object} plain
    static fromPlain(plain) {
        const header = new BlockHeader(
        const interlink = new BlockInterlink((plain.interlink.hashes || plain.interlink).map(h => Hash.fromAny(h)), Hash.fromAny(plain.prevHash));
        let body = null;
        if (plain.minerAddr && plain.extraData !== undefined && Array.isArray(plain.transactions) && Array.isArray(plain.prunedAccounts)) {
            body = new BlockBody(
                plain.transactions.map(tx => Transaction.fromAny(tx)),
                plain.prunedAccounts.map(pa => PrunedAccount.fromAny(pa))
        return new Block(header, interlink, body);

    toString() {
        return `Block{height=${this.height},prev=${this.prevHash}}`;

    toPlain() {
        const plain = {
            version: this.version,
            hash: this.hash().toPlain(),
            prevHash: this.prevHash.toPlain(),
            interlinkHash: this.interlinkHash.toPlain(),
            bodyHash: this.bodyHash.toPlain(),
            accountsHash: this.accountsHash.toPlain(),
            nBits: this.nBits,
            difficulty: this.difficulty.toString(),
            height: this.height,
            timestamp: this.timestamp,
            nonce: this.nonce,
            interlink: this.interlink.hashes.map(h => h.toPlain()),
        if (this.isFull()) {
            plain.minerAddr = this.minerAddr.toPlain();
            plain.transactions = this.transactions.map(tx => tx.toPlain());
            plain.extraData = BufferUtils.toHex(this.extraData);
            plain.prunedAccounts = this.prunedAccounts.map(pa => pa.toPlain());
        return plain;

Block.TIMESTAMP_DRIFT_MAX = 600 /* seconds */; // 10 minutes