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 * This class represents a combined transaction across object stores.
 * @implements {ICommittable}
class CombinedTransaction {
     * @param {...Transaction} transactions The transactions to build the combined transaction from.
    constructor(...transactions) {
        if (!this.isConsistent(transactions)) {
            throw new Error('Given set of transactions violates rules for combined transactions');
        this._transactions = transactions;
        /** @type {Map.<Transaction,function()>} */
        this._flushable = new Map();
        /** @type {Map.<Transaction,function()>} */
        this._preprocessing = [];

        // Update members.
        this._dependency = this;

    /** @type {JungleDB} */
    get backend() {
        return this._jdb;

    /** @type {Array.<Transaction>} */
    get transactions() {
        return this._transactions;

     * Verifies the two most important consistency rules for combined transactions:
     * 1. only transactions from different object stores
     * 2. only open transactions
     * 3. only transactions from the same JungleDB instance
     * 4. only non-nested transactions
     * @param {Array.<Transaction>} transactions
     * @returns {boolean} Whether the given set of transactions is suitable for a combined transaction.
    isConsistent(transactions) {
        const objectStores = new Set();
        this._jdb = null;
        for (const tx of transactions) {
            // Rule 2 is violated:
            if (tx.state !== Transaction.STATE.OPEN) {
                return false;
            // Rule 4 is violated:
            if (tx.nested) {
                return false;
            // Rule 1 is violated:
            if (objectStores.has(tx._objectStore)) {
                return false;
            // Rule 3 is violated:
            if (this._jdb === null) {
                this._jdb = tx._objectStore.jungleDB;
            } else if (this._jdb !== tx._objectStore.jungleDB && tx._objectStore.jungleDB !== null) { // null = InMemory
                return false;
        return true;

     * To be called when a transaction is flushable to the persistent state.
     * Triggers combined flush as soon as all transactions are ready.
     * @param {Transaction} tx Transaction to be reported flushable.
     * @param {function()} [callback] A callback to be called after the transaction is flushed.
     * @param {function():Promise} [preprocessing] A callback to be called right before the transaction is flushed.
     * @returns {Promise.<boolean>} Whether the flushing has been triggered.
    async onFlushable(tx, callback=null, preprocessing=null) {
        // Save as flushable and prepare and flush only if all are flushable.
        // Afterwards call the callbacks to cleanup the ObjectStores' transaction stacks.
        this._flushable.set(tx, callback);
        if (preprocessing !== null) {

        // All are flushable, so go ahead.
        if (this._transactions.every(tx => this._flushable.has(tx))) {
            // Allow to prepare final flush.
            const preprocessings = [];
            for (const f of this._preprocessing) {
            await Promise.all(preprocessings);

            await JungleDB.commitCombined(this);
            for (const value of this._flushable.values()) {
            return true;
        return false;

     * Is used to commit the state of an open transaction.
     * A user only needs to call this method on Transactions without arguments.
     * The optional tx argument is only used internally, in order to commit a transaction to the underlying store.
     * If the commit was successful, the method returns true, and false otherwise.
     * @returns {Promise.<boolean>} A promise of the success outcome.
    async commit() {
        if (this._isCommittable()) {
            await this._checkConstraints();

            await this._commitBackend();
            return true;
        await this.abort();
        return false;

     * Is used to abort an open transaction.
     * A user only needs to call this method on Transactions without arguments.
     * The optional tx argument is only used internally, in order to abort a transaction on the underlying store.
     * @returns {Promise} The promise resolves after successful abortion of the transaction.
    abort() {
        return this._abortBackend();

     * Aborts a transaction on the backend.
     * @returns {Promise.<boolean>} A promise of the success outcome.
     * @override
    async _abortBackend() {
        return (await Promise.all(this._transactions.map(tx => tx._abortBackend()))).every(r => r);

     * Creates a new transaction, ensuring read isolation
     * on the most recently successfully committed state.
     * @param {boolean} [enableWatchdog]
     * @returns {Transaction} The transaction object.
    transaction(enableWatchdog) {
        throw new Error('Unsupported operation');

     * Creates an in-memory snapshot of the current state.
     * This snapshot only maintains the differences between the state at the time of the snapshot
     * and the current state.
     * To stop maintaining the snapshot, it has to be aborted.
     * @returns {Snapshot}
    snapshot() {
        throw new Error('Unsupported operation');

     * Is used to probe whether a transaction can be committed.
     * This, for example, includes a check whether another transaction has already been committed.
     * @protected
     * @returns {boolean} Whether a commit will be successful.
    _isCommittable() {
        return this._transactions.every(tx => tx._isCommittable());

     * Is used to check constraints before committing.
     * If a constraint is not satisfied, the commitable is aborted and an exception is thrown.
     * @returns {Promise.<boolean>}
     * @throws
     * @protected
    async _checkConstraints() {
        try {
            await Promise.all(this._transactions.map(tx => tx._checkConstraints()));
        } catch (e) {
            await this.abort();
            throw e;

     * Is used to commit the transaction.
     * @protected
     * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves upon successful application of the transaction.
    async _commitBackend() {
        return (await Promise.all(this._transactions.map(tx => tx._commitBackend()))).every(r => r);

     * Unsupported operation for snapshots.
     * @protected
     * @param {Transaction} tx The transaction to be applied.
     * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves upon successful application of the transaction.
    async _commitInternal(tx) {
        throw new Error('Cannot commit transactions to a combined transaction');

     * Allows to change the backend of a Transaction when the state has been flushed.
     * @param parent
     * @protected
    _setParent(parent) {
        throw new Error('Unsupported operation');

     * Sets a new CombinedTransaction as dependency.
     * @param {CombinedTransaction} dependency
     * @protected
    set _dependency(dependency) {
        for (const tx of this._transactions) {
            tx._dependency = dependency;

     * @type {CombinedTransaction} If existent, a combined transaction encompassing this object.
    get dependency() {
        return this;

     * Returns the object store this transaction belongs to.
     * @type {ObjectStore}
    get objectStore() {
        throw new Error('Unsupported operation');

    toString() {
        return `CombinedTransaction{size=${this._transactions.length}, states=[${this._transactions.map(tx => tx.state)}]}`;