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IReadableObjectStoreIObjectStoreISynchronousWritableObjectStore → ISynchronousObjectStore

Indirect Implements:

This interface represents a synchronous object store. It allows to preload key-value-pairs and store them in a cache.

WARNING: If not all required key-value-pairs are preloaded, the results of any call on a synchronous transaction might be wrong. Only use synchronous variants, if unavoidable.

Method Summary

Public Methods
public abstract

getSync(key: string, options: SyncRetrievalConfig): *

Returns the object stored under the given primary key.


isCached(key: string): boolean

A check whether a certain key is cached.

Inherited Summary

From class IReadableObjectStore
public get

connected: boolean

public get abstract

indices: Map<string, IIndex>

A map of index names to indices.

public abstract

async close(): Promise

Closes the object store and potential connections.

public abstract

async count(query: KeyRange): Promise<number>

Returns the count of entries in the given range.

public abstract

decode(value: *, key: string): *

Method called to decode a single value.

public abstract

encode(value: *): *

Method called to encode a single value.

public abstract

async get(key: string, options: RetrievalConfig): Promise<*>

Returns a promise of the object stored under the given primary key.

public abstract

index(indexName: string): IIndex

Returns the index of the given name.

public abstract

isSynchronous(): boolean

Checks whether an object store implements the ISynchronousObjectStore interface.

public abstract

keyStream(callback: function(key: string): boolean, ascending: boolean, query: KeyRange): Promise

Iterates over the keys in a given range and direction.

public abstract

async keys(query: Query | KeyRange, limit: number): Promise<Set<string>>

Returns a promise of a set of keys fulfilling the given query.

public abstract

async maxKey(query: KeyRange): Promise<string>

Returns a promise of the key being maximal for the given range.

public abstract

async maxValue(query: KeyRange): Promise<*>

Returns a promise of the object whose primary key is maximal for the given range.

public abstract

async minKey(query: KeyRange): Promise<string>

Returns a promise of the key being minimal for the given range.

public abstract

async minValue(query: KeyRange): Promise<*>

Returns a promise of the object whose primary key is minimal for the given range.

public abstract

async truncate(): Promise

Empties the object store.

public abstract

valueStream(callback: function(value: *, key: string): boolean, ascending: boolean, query: KeyRange): Promise

Iterates over the keys and values in a given range and direction.

public abstract

async values(query: Query | KeyRange, limit: number): Promise<Array<*>>

Returns a promise of an array of objects whose primary keys fulfill the given query.

protected abstract

async _apply(tx: Transaction): Promise

Internally applies a transaction to the store's state. This needs to be done in batch (as a db level transaction), i.e., either the full state is updated or no changes are applied.

From class IObjectStore
public abstract

async put(key: string, value: *): Promise

Inserts or replaces a key-value pair.

public abstract

async remove(key: string): Promise

Removes the key-value pair of the given key from the object store.

public abstract

Creates a new synchronous transaction, ensuring read isolation on the most recently successfully committed state.

public abstract

transaction(enableWatchdog: boolean): Transaction

Creates a new transaction, ensuring read isolation on the most recently successfully committed state.

From class ISynchronousWritableObjectStore
public abstract

putSync(key: string, value: *)

Inserts or replaces a key-value pair.

public abstract

removeSync(key: string)

Removes the key-value pair of the given key from the object store.

public abstract

Empties the object store.

Public Methods

public abstract getSync(key: string, options: SyncRetrievalConfig): * source

Returns the object stored under the given primary key. Resolves to undefined if the key is not present in the object store.


key string

The primary key to look for.

options SyncRetrievalConfig
  • optional

Advanced retrieval options.



The object stored under the given key, or undefined if not present.

public isCached(key: string): boolean source

A check whether a certain key is cached.


key string

The key to check.



A boolean indicating whether the key is already in the cache.