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class ChainProof {
     * @param {BlockChain} prefix
     * @param {HeaderChain} suffix
    constructor(prefix, suffix) {
        if (!(prefix instanceof BlockChain) || !prefix.length) throw new Error('Malformed prefix');
        if (!(suffix instanceof HeaderChain)) throw new Error('Malformed suffix');

        /** @type {BlockChain} */
        this._prefix = prefix;
        /** @type {HeaderChain} */
        this._suffix = suffix;

    static unserialize(buf) {
        const prefix = BlockChain.unserialize(buf);
        const suffix = HeaderChain.unserialize(buf);
        return new ChainProof(prefix, suffix);

    serialize(buf) {
        buf = buf || new SerialBuffer(this.serializedSize);
        return buf;

    get serializedSize() {
        return this._prefix.serializedSize
            + this._suffix.serializedSize;

     * @returns {Promise.<boolean>}
    async verify() {
        // Check that the prefix chain is anchored.
        if (!this._prefix.isAnchored()) {
            return false;

        // Check that both prefix and suffix are valid chains.
        if (!(await this._prefix.verify()) || !(await this._suffix.verify())) {
            return false;

        // Check that the suffix connects to the prefix.
        if (this._suffix.length > 0 && !this._suffix.tail.isImmediateSuccessorOf(this._prefix.head.header)) {
            return false;

        // Verify the block targets where possible.
        if (!this._verifyDifficulty()) {
            return false;

        // Everything checks out.
        return true;

     * @returns {boolean}
     * @private
    _verifyDifficulty() {
        // Extract the dense suffix of the prefix.
        /** Array.<BlockHeader> */
        const denseSuffix = this.prefix.denseSuffix().map(block => block.header);
        /** Array.<BlockHeader> */
        const denseChain = denseSuffix.concat(this.suffix.headers);

        // Compute totalDifficulty for each block of the dense chain.
        let totalDifficulty = 0;
        const totalDifficulties = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < denseChain.length; i++) {
            totalDifficulty += denseChain[i].difficulty;
            totalDifficulties[i] = totalDifficulty;

        let headIndex = denseChain.length - 2;
        let tailIndex = headIndex - Policy.DIFFICULTY_BLOCK_WINDOW;
        while (tailIndex >= 0 && headIndex >= 0) {
            const headBlock = denseChain[headIndex];
            const tailBlock = denseChain[tailIndex];
            const deltaTotalDifficulty = totalDifficulties[headIndex] - totalDifficulties[tailIndex];
            const target = BlockUtils.getNextTarget(headBlock, tailBlock, deltaTotalDifficulty);
            const nBits = BlockUtils.targetToCompact(target);

            /** @type {BlockHeader} */
            const checkBlock = denseChain[headIndex + 1];
            if (checkBlock.nBits !== nBits) {
                Log.w(ChainProof, `Block target mismatch: expected=${nBits}, got=${checkBlock.nBits}`);
                return false;

            if (tailIndex !== 0 || tailBlock.height !== 1) {

        return true;

     * @returns {string}
    toString() {
        return `ChainProof{prefix=${this._prefix.length}, suffix=${this._suffix.length}, height=${this.head.height}}`;

    /** @type {BlockChain} */
    get prefix() {
        return this._prefix;

    /** @type {HeaderChain} */
    get suffix() {
        return this._suffix;

    /** @type {BlockHeader} */
    get head() {
        return this._suffix.length > 0 ? this._suffix.head : this._prefix.head.header;