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class Policy {
     * Convert Nimiq decimal to Number of Satoshis.
     * @param {number} coins Nimiq count in decimal
     * @return {number} Number of Satoshis
    static coinsToSatoshis(coins) {
        return Math.round(coins * Policy.SATOSHIS_PER_COIN);

     * Convert Number of Satoshis to Nimiq decimal.
     * @param {number} satoshis Number of Satoshis.
     * @return {number} Nimiq count in decimal.
    static satoshisToCoins(satoshis) {
        return satoshis / Policy.SATOSHIS_PER_COIN;

     * Circulating supply after block.
     * @param {number} blockHeight
     * @return {number}
    static supplyAfter(blockHeight) {
        // Calculate last entry in supply cache that is below blockHeight.
        let startHeight = Math.floor(blockHeight / Policy._supplyCacheInterval) * Policy._supplyCacheInterval;
        startHeight = Math.max(0, Math.min(startHeight, Policy._supplyCacheMax));

        // Calculate respective block for the last entry of the cache and the targeted height.
        const startI = startHeight / Policy._supplyCacheInterval;
        const endI = Math.floor(blockHeight / Policy._supplyCacheInterval);

        // The starting supply is the initial supply at the beginning and a cached value afterwards.
        let supply = startHeight === 0 ? Policy.INITIAL_SUPPLY : Policy._supplyCache.get(startHeight);
        // Use and update cache.
        for (let i = startI; i < endI; ++i) {
            startHeight = i * Policy._supplyCacheInterval;
            // Since the cache stores the supply *before* a certain block, subtract one.
            const endHeight = (i + 1) * Policy._supplyCacheInterval - 1;
            supply = Policy._supplyAfter(supply, endHeight, startHeight);
            // Don't forget to add one again.
            Policy._supplyCache.set(endHeight + 1, supply);
            Policy._supplyCacheMax = endHeight + 1;

        // Calculate remaining supply (this also adds the block reward for endI*interval).
        return Policy._supplyAfter(supply, blockHeight, endI * Policy._supplyCacheInterval);

     * Circulating supply after block.
     * @param {number} initialSupply
     * @param {number} blockHeight
     * @param {number} [startHeight]
     * @return {number}
    static _supplyAfter(initialSupply, blockHeight, startHeight=0) {
        let supply = initialSupply;
        for (let i = startHeight; i <= blockHeight; ++i) {
            supply += Policy._blockRewardAt(supply, i);
        return supply;

     * Miner reward per block.
     * @param {number} blockHeight
     * @return {number}
    static blockRewardAt(blockHeight) {
        const currentSupply = Policy.supplyAfter(blockHeight - 1);
        return Policy._blockRewardAt(currentSupply, blockHeight);

     * Miner reward per block.
     * @param {number} currentSupply
     * @param {number} blockHeight
     * @return {number}
    static _blockRewardAt(currentSupply, blockHeight) {
        if (blockHeight <= 0) return 0;
        const remaining = Policy.TOTAL_SUPPLY - currentSupply;
        if (blockHeight >= Policy.EMISSION_TAIL_START && remaining >= Policy.EMISSION_TAIL_REWARD) {
            return Policy.EMISSION_TAIL_REWARD;
        const remainder = remaining % Policy.EMISSION_SPEED;
        return (remaining - remainder) / Policy.EMISSION_SPEED;

 * Targeted block time in seconds.
 * @type {number}
 * @constant
Policy.BLOCK_TIME = 60;

 * Maximum block size in bytes.
 * @type {number}
 * @constant
Policy.BLOCK_SIZE_MAX = 1e5; // 100 kb

 * The highest (easiest) block PoW target.
 * @type {number}
 * @constant
Policy.BLOCK_TARGET_MAX = Math.pow(2, 240);

 * Number of blocks we take into account to calculate next difficulty.
 * @type {number}
 * @constant

 * Limits the rate at which the difficulty is adjusted min/max.
 * @type {number}
 * @constant

 * Number of blocks a transaction is valid.
 * @type {number}
 * @constant

/* Supply & Emission Parameters */

 * Number of Satoshis per Nimiq.
 * @type {number}
 * @constant

 * Targeted total supply in satoshis.
 * @type {number}
 * @constant
Policy.TOTAL_SUPPLY = 21e14;

 * Initial supply before genesis block in satoshis.
 * FIXME: Change for main net.
 * @type {number}
 * @constant
Policy.INITIAL_SUPPLY = 252000000000000;

 * Emission speed.
 * @type {number}
 * @constant
Policy.EMISSION_SPEED = Math.pow(2, 22);

 * First block using constant tail emission until total supply is reached.
 * @type {number}
 * @constant
Policy.EMISSION_TAIL_START = 48692960;

 * Constant tail emission in satoshis until total supply is reached.
 * @type {number}
 * @constant

/* Security parameters */

 * NIPoPoW Security parameter M
 * FIXME naming
 * @type {number}
 * @constant
Policy.M = 240;

 * NIPoPoW Security parameter K
 * FIXME naming
 * @type {number}
 * @constant
Policy.K = 120;

 * NIPoPoW Security parameter DELTA
 * FIXME naming
 * @type {number}
 * @constant
Policy.DELTA = 0.1;

 * Number of blocks the light client downloads to verify the AccountsTree construction.
 * FIXME naming
 * @type {number}
 * @constant

/* Snapshot Parameters */

 * Maximum number of snapshots.
 * @type {number}
 * @constant

 * Stores the circulating supply before the given block.
 * @type {Map.<number, number>}
 * @private
Policy._supplyCache = new Map();
Policy._supplyCacheMax = 0; // blocks
Policy._supplyCacheInterval = 5000; // blocks