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Manual » Installation


The library consists of 3 files:

  • bgapi.bundle.js (The bundled JavaScript library)
  • signaling.php (PHP file to establish the connections between peers, needs PHP 5.4)
  • messages.db (SQLite, needs to be writable by the PHP SQLite extension)


The library can be downloaded in different ways.

From the website

Please find the latest version on http://netzhuffle.github.io/p2pboardgameapi. The download archive contains all three files.

Through npm

You can install the library with npm (Node Package Manager):

$ npm install --save p2pboardgameapi

Build bundle from Git

You can build the bundle yourself from Git:

$ git checkout https://github.com/netzhuffle/P2PboardgameAPI.git
$ cd P2PboardgameAPI
$ npm install
$ npm run prepublish

You will find bgapi.bundle.js in the folder /build/ and signaling.php together with messages.db in the folder /src/.


The library uses the UMD (Universal Module Definition) pattern, which gives you various ways to include the library in your project.


<script src="bgapi.bundle.js"></script>
    const game = window.p2pboardgameapi('path/to/signaling.php');
    /* ... */

CommonJS modules

E.g. node, webpack or browserify:

const p2pboardgameapi = require('./bgapi.bundle.js').p2pboardgameapi;
const game = p2pboardgameapi('path/to/signaling.php');
/* ... */

AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) modules

E.g. RequireJS:

define(['./bgapi.bundle.js'], function (bgapi) {
    const game = bgapi.p2pboardgameapi('path/to/signaling.php');
    /* ... */

ECMAScript 2015 modules

If you are able to use ES2015 modules, e.g. because you are using Babel to compile to CommonJS, AMD, or UMD:

import { p2pboardgameapi } from './bgapi.bundle.js';
const game = p2pboardgameapi('path/to/signaling.php');
/* ... */