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 * A P2P communication channel
 * @protected
export default class Channel {
   * Instantiates a new Channel object
   * @protected
   * @param {DataChannel} dataChannel - The DataChannel to operate on
   * @param {SignalFactory} signalFactory - Instance factory for event signals
  constructor(dataChannel, signalFactory) {
     * The DataChannel to operate on
     * @private
     * @type {DataChannel}
    this.dataChannel = dataChannel;
     * Event container
     * @type {Object<string, Signal>}
     * @property {Signal} userJoin - Signal for userJoin event
     * @property {Signal} userLeave - Signal for userLeave event
     * @property {Signal} message - Signal for message event
    this.on = {
      userJoin: signalFactory.instance(),
      userLeave: signalFactory.instance(),
      message: signalFactory.instance(),

   * Gets the channel ID
   * @protected
   * @return {string} The channel ID
  getID() {
    return this.dataChannel.channel;

   * Gets the user’s unique ID
   * @protected
   * @return {string} The user’s ID
  getUserID() {
    return this.dataChannel.userid;

   * Gets the number of currently connected users
   * @protected
   * @return {Promise<number>} Currently connected users including the active user
  getNumberOfUsers() {
    // needs to be done asynchronous because DataChannel updates number only after the listeners
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        resolve(1 + Object.keys(this.dataChannel.channels).length);
      }, 1);

   * Gets the other users’ unique IDs
   * @protected
   * @return {Promise<Array<string>>} The other users’ IDs
  getOtherUserIDs() {
    // needs to be done asynchronous because DataChannel updates number only after the listeners
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
      }, 1);

   * Registers events on the DataChannel
   * @private
   * @emits {userJoin} when a new user joined the channel
   * @emits {userLeave} when a user left the channel
   * @emits {message} when a message was received over  the channel
  registerDataChannelEvents() {
    this.dataChannel.onopen = (userID) => this.on.userJoin.dispatch(userID);
    this.dataChannel.onleave = (userID) => this.on.userLeave.dispatch(userID);
    this.dataChannel.onclose = () => {};
    this.dataChannel.onmessage = (message, userID) => this.on.message.dispatch(message, userID);

   * Sends data over the DataChannel
   * @protected
   * @param {Object|string} data - The data
  send(data) {

   * Sends data over the DataChannel to a specific user only
   * @protected
   * @param {string} userID - The receiver’s user ID
   * @param {Object|string} data - The data
  sendPrivately(userID, data) {