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 * Provides a construct to attach generic lifecycle events to, such as creation and destruction.
 * @module context

 * @external Logger http://example.com

 * Provides a simple control structure to allow for composition of destruction operation.  The primary intent is to ease
 * the burden of deferrable clean up routines.
 * For example: when creating a temporary directory this may register to cleanup said directory
class Context {
	 * Creates a new context with the given name and logger.
	 * @param name the name of the context
	 * @param logger a logger ot use
	constructor(name, logger){
		 * The name of the context
		 * @type {string}
		this.name = name;
		 * Logger for the specific context.
		 * @type {String}
		this.logger = logger;
		 * Callbacks for clean up
		 * @private
		 * @type {Array}
		this.toCleanup = [];

	 * Creates a subcontext with the given name.
	 * @param name {String} the name of the subcontext
	 * @returns {Context} a subcontext registered to be cleaned up in order of registration
	subcontext( name ){
		const subname = this.name + "/"+ name;
		const newLogger = this.logger.child({subcontext: subname});
		const subcontext = new Context(subname, newLogger);
		this.onCleanup( async function() {
			await subcontext.cleanup();
		return subcontext;

	 * Registers the given callback to be run when cleaning up this context.
	 * @param f {Function} a callback to be invoked when cleaning up this module.
	onCleanup( f ){

	 * In reverse order sequentially notifies each callback to cleanup the associated resources.
	 * @returns {Promise<void>} completes when cleanup is completed
	async cleanup(){
		for( const f of this.toCleanup ){
			try {
				await f(this);
			}catch( e ){
				this.logger.error("Failed to cleanup", e);

module.exports = {